Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\1\lof.:sf.'lith. the 11. Chap. to theHc6ro ~~ fcienc~:&lct vs begin with thisfli Chrift f~irh, A Firft foelz! GodJ KiNgdom~ and hU righteouf– nrjfi, Mar. 6. 33. Let vs hereby fcekc ro hauc our hearts acceptable vnto God; and then allby cli"fplcalcd God ? Now,look how thcfc fcruantS of God 1.t·cu: afft·Clo:d, fo mull cuery one ofvs, that profcifi the t3.irh and religion of Chrift, labour to be oatfcClcd towards fin ne; V\'c muH iudgc it thC grcatcH mifCric and tonnent in the:: \\·orld 1 td doe any thing that fhal,....ditpleaf~ God.Bur nlu come to our daycs, and the cale-is farrc pthC;r.L ..,,.j[e; for; to moHmen, mearc and drinkc vnw them to commit Jjnnc : fo f:nrc are thcf from coummg itamJfcric. Yea ifa rn;1n be or.:. dinarily addicted to fomc ,fpcciall fi1~nc,- you then may as foone take away his l1fc,as bcr~atic , hln1of his finne: he will aducnturc the loffc of hcauen for cucr, fo1· tht pleafure Of finne_for a time. But all fuch, arc farrc vnli~c thefc holy frruams of God; for they coumed it the grea.:. tell croffe and mifcric. that could be, to doe :l.– ny thing that difplealcd God, and did cpecke and break the peace of l good "ouiCicucc.A.nd tf we look to cnioy the hkc pc:lce and comfOrt wuh them: we mull !hit.,tc againH our ownc corrupt difpofition,au.d labour eo·find finne to· be our gr..tdl forrow. Worldly m1fcri<5m3v affeCt vs: but, in refpeCl ofiOrrow for finilc,afl worldly griefc lhould be lightvnro V<.lnde~d; wr; are othcrwifc minded llatur;rily:buc herein 1 We mull: !hcwc the power and truth of gracc,– that todifplea!e God by any finnc,is our grea.– tell griefc. I ' I r , _ things fh::tll be clcane vnto vs. ThirdlyJarc riches and honour,.bcin_g feuc– rcd from true religion, bur the plcaiurcs of fin ne? rhen vndo1ibrcdly all recreations, all fplt)rrs,and patlimcs, fcucrcd from rCliP.ion and a good conft:iScc, :uc much more the ~leafurcs of finnc. This Sa/ollJOtJ knpv well: tor,fpca... king of fuch mirth, hc·c::tlls hughtCr mttdtteffi; 'and ro ioy ( heefoitb) wh.'!trJ irthat thoudoeff! Ecd . 2.2. Oh then hov·: manifoldbe the (inncs ofal forts ofmco?for who almofi dorh not ncg Ict.t religious duties for matters of fport and plcafurc? WherefOre if we defire ioy indeed in any worldly things,lct vs firlllay the foundati- B on in ourownc hCll'tSj by getting and keeping true faith and a g:o0d con(cicnl..'c, Secondly, whcrca.s Mofot rcfufcth digniti<; and honour oncly for this, Becaufc they would be vnte him the pleafuruofjinne; here we arc taUght in what manner and ord€r\\'Cought to ~nioywmldly riches and honour. Mofot pr2.. CHfc here, rnu!l: be our direCtion; we mufi en.. ioy them and vfc them \Nith thankfulncffc to God,(o f2rrc fonh as they will further vs in th~ courfc ofreligion and crue godlin~s.But tfthe cafe (land rhus, That we £::tn:10t cnioy them both to('fcthcr, then we mufi followMofu ex.. ample; choofcrcligion and a good confcience, and let honour and prefermenc-goe. This is MofolpraC!i[e: and we may rofolue our fclucs, that if he might haue inioyed them together, C hewould baue refufed neither; but becaufe he could not haue them borh,rhercfore he prefer– reth the religion ofChrill with a good confci• ' cnce, before tile honour and wealth of E. gypt. Thirdly-,note this,MofoJ doth not onely rc– fufc the riches and plealurcs of Egypt,- when they would l>ecomevnto him the plcafures of finnc; but rather then he will enioy them, he is content to fuftCr great miferic and aducrGtic with Gods people. Where, behold a fingular vertuc in MofoJ: He iudgeth it to be the grca– tdl: miferic, NJ liue in {innc; and thcrefort he D choofcth rather to fuftcr any aducrlitic and re.. proach in this "''odd, then liue and lie in fin ne: bccaufc thereby, he lhou!d difplca[e God, hi, nio!llouing father in .Chrill. A moll notable venue in r\tis feruam ofGod: & the like minde bearc all thofc,that hauc the f.1me graces offa– uing faitb,and true rcpcm:mcc that Mofcs had. S.Pauidlcemed the Temptations vnto ilnnc, which Satan fuggc!lcd ~mohis mindc, to be as heatin~'{,' and bujfetti11g, and as prick.!andthomet ;.hi< ftefh,> 7· And DauMiaith,Pial. t I 9· t 36. JJU eyet guf!J oflt riflers of waters, , bccnufo men brtaf...!God.r commandemmi!.\Vas The fccond reafon, that mooucd M'ofcs to· rcfufe the honours· and plcafurcs of Pharaohs Court, was, becaufe hee lbould haue enioyed thembmfor a time : for the time ofhis natUral life,was the looge!l tha,t po!libly he <ould hautf enioycd the. And the famc.reafdn mull meoue euery qne ofvs,to vfe this wor1d,-and al-thl~g•· herein ( euen all temporal! benefitS) os though we vfed them not: beeing a!wales will,fng and readie ro leauethe whcnfocucr God lha!! call.– This fame rcafon cloth Paul render when hee pcrfwades the Corinthians to the (amc dUty, r! Cor. 7· 3'· Vfothuworld (foithhe),u though youvfod tfnot; fortbe fafhion of thti world g•– ethaw~y. As ifhe lhould fay, All things in the world !all but for a time; and ifa mau would• neuer fo fainc, he could bur enioy rhem to the ende ofhis life:& thereforo,vfe them as though you vfcd them not. But piny it i:no ft'c, how f<Jrre men arc from the pratljfe of this du'tie; for,thcy fer tl1eir whole heart vpon the world: and to getriches istheird.clight, & theirgod. This ought not [o to be, God hath not laid downe thcfe precepts and examples in va}"ne ; vndoubtc<lly, if they draw vs not rothclike praClife,thcy {ball rife vpin iudgemcni again!\ vs, atthcla!l day. And thus IOtlUch ofAfofoJ choyfc,and rcfufall. VERSE 26, Dat:id .thus gricued for othermens finnes?Oh! Ej}eemingt!Jerelmk! qf Chrift .~ruurrichcs, then V\• bat a gricfc did he fnffcr, \"-'hen he him... then thttrenfieret of; for hu !Jndrt'JPtt[! f() · fclfc brake Gods comm:mdcments, and tbe.r:..c::_-_L_L_::'I.:.:"_:_'".::":.:•c.m.P!!!.:!:!f,-'re-w_•_rd~.------- . ----Nofo' I ____.)