Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

e/1. [omm~ntarie vpon ---~-::::· M Ofcs (aswchauehca-rd) refi'~fodthcho- ' A forfol(ph_hou[u~ orbreth:nt,orftfra- 1 , 07 fatEn,_:l ~.l .. u: 1 .•:> ::;. nour lnrl wealth of Egypt, and chvfo to or.mothe1 , or wife, or cht!drm·, rrr!Jr'nds, fer/' my' hu~: rn afflldion with Gods people. Now, beuamu[P.~ j jlJa!/ ruetf!e 1 w hut:drc-dfold more, . , cautC tliis.tMght fccmc to bee a llr:mg€ choice, mJ_djh,tf~m~urrf.eterwall!tfe. AmcVl_..,, on!Jy_prO.:ll & a n~ttUrall tll:J.Il woultl f\>onc condemne hun n_ufc,a!lunn~ vs that n? man Iooleth by Juffe·· 1 of tOllic for hisb.bou·r :thercforc'hcre theholv rrng for Chr1H~ f~c; tor he fl•ail be re..vardt>d 'I Ghofllaies down a r'cittOn that mooued Mo[c"s. an hfidred fold ouer.IHHead ofearthly friCnl!s;· rhus·td do::: to wir, ·MOICs ehoiC rather t0-illfand worldly comforts , he fh3ll'liaite the INJe• ' fci: .Jfftfc1ion "' trh Gods pCork, then to Cnioy' :1nd fauour of GO'd fl1cd :Wf-t>a(i'in his heart ·I the pleaCures and ho11<.)llrS of Egypt:bccaufc he (v\'bic~ wiHbtc :m oucr·Aov\·itl'i fotrntainc _r/f v.'as pcrfwadcd, that rcp,·oachfor Chri.ft hi& fak..f, comfort for feu le and bodic for Cl!~r, far more w,u grc,uer richeJ.·>tl1en all the '17etdtb- inEgypr~ \North thcti rhe wc<rlth and trcafi.1rcs of all the So tb-:u,hce rcfuf(·d not abfolutely riches, l1o- ~ingd~mes in ,the world. A fin:-tll fpriniing noUr; and other corriforts·~ but cho(c the belt fountamc (we know) i:, better to an houfc thC riches :md h~mour, a-nd left the wort'cr, vpon a ahundred GiHcrns filii; becal1fe of cOnti~uan foun·d iu.JgcnK'nt bet\\'ecne things that difli•pply fi:om the fpringmg fcunrain(', ~"·hen the t fer. B Cillerns will be fpmt. Behold the loue ofGod Hereby wee may obfi:rue i-n gencra·ll, how ~-n Chrifl, ~"ith other fpirituall graces, lhall'be . 1 ncc9fult' a thing ir i~ for cucry Chrifl:ian, to ~n :1ll rha! Juffcr for the na;.mc ofChrifl,as liuing hauc (onnd know!cdgc and vnderfh111di~)g in fl_rcames flowingvmo life cten1all;\\ hen as the the wordof God, Fer 1 'her that woul-d walkc ctflerns of all wcrldly pleafures and treafurcs> vpright!y, and :~r?rooucd ef God ;_t·nuft be afl~al~ be fpcma~d dried vp, 1. By f 11 ffering afbie eo iu\lge bct-..,·een things that difld:t-iot onfhCbon for ChnHs f.', wee-are niadc confer.. ly brt\\CCn good ::mdcui I, bur bcrv;·eenc-good mab!cvnto him in his humilitie; that :fo 'wee and good, \\ hid~ is the better: and fo of cuilS, may bee m:1dc like vmo him after this life in \\hieh is the v·.rorfCr.Wh_ich no man can do,but gloric. Sn P11ttl faith, Our /,ght affltUioncllU~ he that h:uh a folid ~nd right iudgcmrntin tbe fotb vntOVJ an eterna!lwei[ht ofglorie, 2 .Cor.4. word of God: forthercin is attained d1c fpirit f 7· And againc it is a true ily.tng, If wu bu ofdifccrning.M:my there be that by the courfc dMdwith Chrift, rrecfh,dlll/fo li~tewitb him: If of their liucs choofe hell, and rcfufc hcaucn: Weefufferrnjha/1alforn'l,''~OPith hi,;, 2. Tim:2.. "'•hich , vndoubtcdly, comes from their ignol r. I 2. This alfurancc can no ·worldly richesranee in the word. Bur ignerancc will excufc C giuc: _and therefore "''C may_bol~y fay, rbat the · no·ne. He that will come toheaucn, mull be afuffcnng ofrcproch for Ch;.·,(l h1s fakc,is grcabie to difccrnc goo_d fi:ofn cuill: &:1ccordingv tcr riches then the treafun.'s of a whole kingly, to chofe the good, and to rcfutC that whi~h dome. j.To fuffcr for Chriil his fak(',is a tckc•l is cuill; which, without diuine,and fi.1pcrnatuofGods fpccialllcuc: &: therefore S.Paulbids \· •:t-4 { II t I rall knowledge, no mancan do. And therefore the Philippians, Not tofet~re tkir aduerfarieJ: pjojlir.:tsJ. all ignorant perfons, and all fuch as arc blinded which is ll tok}nof {t.Liuationvnto th('m, a'nd that through the Jcceitfulndfc of finne, mufl !hake ofGod; bccaufc it iogium to ron ( f>ith hee )for offtheir iCcuritic, and get found k-nowle-dge in Chrtfl, rhatroltfh~:t!d not onrly belreue. but frifScripture, with a good confciertce; that when fer for his fak;. Wherefore if fuffering for things \.vhich doe d'ffcr :1:-e fer bcfcrc rhcm, Chrill: h~uc a promife ofbldfednctfe;ifir make. thcyt-naywidl Mofu choofc thcbew:r. vs conformable vmo Chtilt, and be a figneof Bm let vs come to Mofo; iudgemcnt more Gods fpecialllouc; then it is to be,dh·emcd apanicuiarly. !fer 'r.ji-eemedrhe rehuk_p ~1Chrift, bouc the riches and honours of the whole &c. dht rs, he was firmely rcfolucd, that reworld. preach and contempt for Cln_ifl- his fake, was D Are affii8ions for Chrirl to be cllcemed :lgrc3tcr riches vnto him , then the ueafurrs ofa bouc the trC"afurcs ofakingdom? then we mufi whole l<ingdcmc.' But fome \·~.:ill f:~y, This is all learn to reioycc in rhc uoubles and wrot~gs :1 veric Hron;c iudf!rment: can it pofiibly bee ·which we fuffcr for Chrifh fake. Sodid the Atrue ond good? Anf Yes vndoubtedly, it is poflks, Act. 5-4'· The; acpanrdf,•m the mofi found iudgcme"l, and worthy eternal reCom:cdl,rdoJCin .. ~ thnt rheJ )flerc cOJintedworrh; membraoccof;ucty one of vs; that to fuffer to fojfera.ffliEiionfor hiJ name. And S:1im PaH! ,.eprctt.chfor Chrifr IusJ;d:.,!, i!<~~--u~rriches J thi brags thereofgreatly ,13ying; 1hareinmyhoa/wor!d!yw.a!th. The truth heteofl~proued by die the of the Lord le{JU, Gal. 6. 17. m:1ny rcafons om of Godsv.ord. 1. God h::uh And looke, :ts thcfc feruants ofGod reioyced made apromifo of bl4{ed.~es to thoft· which fufin their fuffcrings for Chrifi: f.o likcwifc mufi fer for Chrifls [ake.l!lejfcdar.yo;t (faithChrift) we labour fort he fa me heart ond offeClions in whe1J men rmite you, and Jfo~ak.§ all manner the like cafe; for,v. ho \.vould not reiovce to be of euifl [lJI1~~,1 agr~inflJOH for my nume.r fok.J, made partaker and poffdfor ofthe tr~afim:s of. &c- And S. Peter faith,ffyehce ra)'i'dvpon for o kingdome? Well, the rebuke of Chrifl is my name; fd:.,f!, 6/t'Jfcd 1 tre1ee• And kall '3ny greater riches then the uea!Urcs ofa king- ' fh ould doubt how this can be, Chrift fhewcs dome. I 'I wherein this hlc~fcdneffc confills, faying; ]-lee \ This ldfon is of great l.fc: for howfo~uer ---..L-- ma11):._____