14:;-· -r many atr.ong vs cdm'e.to ~car~ Gce~'wdrd,ycf I A I foi h~ is the:r panncr,:t:ld'fC~!O\.v ii.Jf!'C~~r.)'f~j~· ---- ~; there be m:my alfo, that tcofic ~md mock at remay teeme ftr-angc, but :r Is moH tt uc: Chnfl ~~~~::.~:~~e~~~;~,~~~~~~j~;~'.::~;t~~~~i~~;~d ~~~~~t.::d\~~~;, ;~~~~;~;~~~~,;;~~~' 0!~;;,~~~. : in profcffion,andm2.ny Uaunted,arid quire t!ri.: they \\'Crc !iis ownc; then Y..·l.li(h~ '-' har c:m bt:: I i uctl b.1ckc. But t·\'e mull: here !carne, no'r w lf(; mote comfortable? For, ~hough thou thy fclfi::! I dil"courag('J by rhde mocks. Indccdc ,.\·c mu!l cannot bc-:uc it, Y''t uui1 vn,,:oubrt:dly, thgt 1 take hccdc, wee giue them no iuft occafion to Chri{\ who bearcs w.lrh thee, . ,;,;IJ gi11c drcc ll I mockc vs;and tlwn 1f we bcf~."off<:d ar,v..·c f1nl lhcngth to vndtrgoc 1t vmo V!d.:Hlc,'· . 1 ncucr be hurrby it: nay (though that-be 6rn: Thirdly, if rhe :1ffi.iClion's of :1 Chr!i1f:1n, b~ ! 1 from their intent) }·~tin nlocking \'!; they doe ~he :t~iChons of Cl~ritt; ,th~f1 it is' afC'Jl'cfu_U ! vs gre:n honour. l~or the word of God that hnncior any man to mockc or r<""pro:tl"h h11 cannot lie, is this; that to fuffcr a~?Clion for brother, in regard ofhis profcffion and rcligi..: Chrifh f3kc, is greater hoQour and richcs,thcn on: for, mocl:,p~'{ ~~ perfoc:a;on, G al.4. 29. with 1 the trcafi1rcs of a Kingdom,c. And if,Mofcs· G cn.z:.9. AnJ rh:~r rept:oach 'vl.lich iscafl iudgcmcm be good,which God himfelfe doth vpon ~ ChriHi::m}iscaH vpon Ci~ri tl;:llld Cl1rl!f \ h!:re commend; the-n we arc h:1pp)"&.blc!Tcd,in takes it :ts tlonc vnto bimfcif~:: the J)er(c,cutor enduting thciCmocks :mrl fcoffcsfor Chrill. B wounds Chri!l Icfus through tf1e fid_Cs of a Second!y} we mull here lcarne inHruCHcn' poorc Chriftb.n; whjch is a fc:ndufl thing.For for the time to come: VVc hauc o. long tlme; fn ~o ddin'p he feu hirrifclfe :1g:~.intl the Lord through the great goodncs of God, enioycd Ictus, he k!ckcs ag:ainfi the prickes;and ffhe fO peace and wealth, with the Goipci of Chrift; conrinue,_h'e amft needes lookc· fur fOm~ fcarebut vndoulncdly 1 .rhcfe daics ofpeace will hauc full cndc : fo"r w_lioh.-alime"f 6~m~ ftacc r.gai''.ft 1 ! an endc,thcy cannor la!l alwaics, Gods people the Lord, anilh:.rh'profpered.? Job. 9· 4· Vv'hne 4 mufi p:1ffe tlwough the ficric fim1acc of:1ffiiCl:i... fore, if any ofvs be gl1iitic of any fin ne in this on. Well,when eh is is comcvpon vS, how !hall kind, let vs repent: for\'nldfc wtrurne, out' we be :Ible tO bearc it? Surely, we nmfl: now condemnation will be remcd!lefl(\ Jcarne to be of this opinion that Mofes wg,s·ot;' Againc, the aflhChons of the ltraclitcs, :ire ':'e mull iudgc ic to be t~1c gr~an:H honour ~rtd I' hc~c f:ti,d to be th~i~ 1Uff~i_ngs_f0r Chri_ft:,.vhcre t1chcs that can bc}to fuffcr affih~hon for Chnfis note-, nr~t though Chnfl Jus ccm:mng wcr~ fakc:and this "''jJ be the ground ofall conHanthen a farrc off, yet the Ifra"cEtes then kneW cic}coutagc, :nrd Chrrtlian boldncs in the day of Chrifi: for cHC thcv could 1lot fuffer fo·r of cria!I.For he that is of this mindc, ""-'illneucr him. . ., . . fearc Zllitl.ion, nor reproach for Chrifts (akc~ This co"nfUtcth thofc \\"hkh hol(l,that Cuer)' nay ,he will be fo t3:rrefrom fearing it, that he C man may be faued by his owncrcligfon,what:- will reioycc and tritnnph therein. !Oc.uer it be, if bee line ciuilly :1nd vprightly Further, whctT2S it is: faid, Efteemingtheretherein. Their reafOn is taken f.ro.m the Icv·:es, buk.;of Chrift; here marke,the rebuke ofGods ,.,ho(they f.,y)had only tbe knowledge ofout-· Church & people is called thertbukg of Cbrift. ward ccrcm6nies;andfo \·.-ere (aucd. But that 1 The people of Cod liiEgypt were laden with op'tnton ishcrc"di(prooucd:for'the Jcwcsl<ncw reproaches and rcl>ukcs:and behold;Chrifl acChritl, and profcffed bj·m, or cl(e they would. com~ts it his rcbukc,and the holy Gboft fo cal:s neucr fuffcr fot him: and therefore they "''ere !t. Whc.;:c karnc this, That C:hrift cjlecrnetbthe fa.ucd by hiril, arfcl not by their obcdtc·ncc .tCi rep"roachanda.JlliEli"on of his Church, tU his ownt Outward ceremonies. And thus much of ili'e 11.ffliftion.Whcn Saul went to pcrfccutc the bl"c.i tcafoti, "vhich mooucd Mofos to triake fuch ~- thrcn at Damafcus, At\.9. 2.4.Chrifl Jclirs eals cho\(e :b he did. ---·------·------. thi~r.[hap:tothe H~br; ~-.....C. I to him frorh hcaucn/aying; Sl!lti:Saul, lvhyperNo"v in the ende of the'vcrl"'C is tdded a rcifocu~eft. th~u mu?" ~aul w~nt to pe~fcctltc th_c D . fo'n,·:'"hy Mofu was ofthis tlrangc iudgcment', 1 I Chr1!l1ans,and yet our SaU!onr Chnft takerh lt to thmkc the reproach of Chrifi ,'(rt:uer richet i vmo htmfclfe.And after his conuertionhc faith then the treafuruof EJ]pt: namely, 6~cartfth~c 1 :2.. Cor. 4· 10. Etle1'J wa7 Ne /Jear-tahom hJ ottr htrd refpeEf to theruompence of r~lvard, Th2.t is-;· 1 bodies,the d;ing ofthe Lvrd lrfru. And againc, he often fct his eye to behold} and his hean to Let no manputmceto6ufine;J'e : .~r I bcaremriiJ conhdcr, how God h:!.d made :l prornifC of IitC 'I hodrether'!arkp t;ftheLord lcft-U, G"al.6. 17. . cucrlafling:tftcrthishfe, vnto:1llthofetb~to- 'Fhis is-a point of fpcciall vfr. beicd him,and truficd in him after this life: fot 1 . Fidl,hencc \..VC lcarnc,thar Chrifl hath afpe... the enioying \.\'hereof, he prcfc~rcd d'lat db.t.c I ~1all careof his Church and childrtn,i-11 that he wherein he might liuc in the t·care of God, , mdgcth their affiiel'ions to be his ownc.alfli~ithough it were a (b.tc of I'cprO~_ch·, beforeall J ons; and therefore he .can n:o more forget, or other wh:ufaeuer.Whcrc we fce,what it is "'·it 1 l~au:_ ~If to hdpe tht:lll iA difhc!fe, then ,itnie' bring a man to ellecnl'c ~fAi~io!"l,v\•,ith rhc fc:1rC l lnmkiifc, of God, better then we trCa(ures and p~c::t-J Sccond!y, here i5 a t""nccbll comfort for {ures of an earthly kingd6:ne: namely 3S we t I G?·dschi\drc:-1that be in affi.idion: their affl.ifee the bodii;i' cy·c ro behold the :lffi{ttion ; l j. Cl:!Ons·3te not their ovvnc·alonc;but Chrifh al... fo wee t:n_u!l lift vp the eye of the t11indc -~~-----~----'---~~-'--.__--""·-· 0 o· r ·--~'7_,_~ __ I