vi Cofmnentarie<tpon · \!(~ 1; 1.:,.. \ ' I ---- i {)-y-f-a,-,h-,-t-0 b-rh~i-~hc ;ccompcn~c of rc~xar.d;-r: 1 . A performed inhiS'manhoo'"{) was the 0 bcd!cncc : ---- ' \ ·,hat,is, the !late of gloric in hcaucn prepared ~fhit.nt~lat was.-<?od ?nd rttan ,,cl!en from tht"' j for Gods children. Thus did the ChrifHan He1n6nttc c;xq~ll~n,u:.· of the pc:r_fon,whott: it is, it 1 hrC\~''Cs ::1 the Pri1vi~iuc Church, H<:b. J o. j 7• 1 1 bcc9mesmc:ritorious.Jn his m~nhood IH.."o15ci.. ] 1 71Jq f0fered with toy tlJc _{pOJ•Iingofthci.,.goods: cd the I.awc, and t~ffcrcd fOr our finnes: but : . (a vcric h;uJ thing, bm ycc moH true, for it is ti\C Jigniric thcrcot came frvm ~he Godh~;:ad: :. ! ;he word ofGod.) 1\nd the r(:iliOn is r<.:udrcd, for,hc that did thcfc \Vorke}t~( vs, v\·as bod\ : Thq lzr-(IV( in thar_,fc!Hes lnw rJ:at shry IJ,,d ~J'J God and man. [ hetmen tt bcrrrr ;md more cnd#r,iug fitbf!~!ila., Now ,.it: Cht·il't confidcr·cd as tnan onely \ And om Sauiour Ch~:i.fl cm~JJrcd_thc Croj{c, and G':umot lllt."nt: then much kffe can :my other t drfp:.(Cd the.flNur.c, for dfJt i~· t!Mr W4f [cr6eforaman merit at C ods hands. And therefore /J10'_ l him, H"b. J 2.1 . thac iS,m con!idcr:u:.Ou of tb;:tt fu, though be ""ere awonhy man,yet becault \ ioy i~l gloric, whcr~to hce f110uld be advancc-9 ll1c \Vas but :tman 7 3nd a tinndull man alfo, he~ himlcltC, ~nd brtng aB hts mcmbc.:s-s. This \o\'c: could not by any work dcknte hfc cucrh:di:ing \ muft make \'1(· of: for jf we \'Villliuc godly in :uGod:, hands. ' Chrifi lcfils, \\'Cl\1UH flJffcr affhc1ion.This a en) . :Eut}htg is caJ.Icd a rCW'Jrd in the ~ 2nd blood ""ill not ycc~d vmo :.and thcrd0rc 7 · :B Scripture, bccaufe it is ;he fi·ce gift of Gad; I to pcrCwadc vs to fufft·r ·with ioy,wc mull with , promifed byGod toLl,;, children in Chrill; fet M cJu hawe rrfpefi to the recompenceof •·cward. this cndc, to allu~c and drawc them o.n in olic~ I \~·c mull [;;!y thus eo our tOu,lcs, The d:\y will dience. AnQ.h.tntiH not.fccmc!hange that wee come w~cr_cin we fhlll haue cucrlafling liiC in fay a reward is aftug;fc ~ for fo it m:\/be,as we i thc.Kingdomc ofhcauen, !fwe now fcruc an~ firall fee by comparing two pkl£es ofScriptme ! fe::~.rc him: Shall we not: then tOr his fake bee together; to wit, Man·h.5 -44· wi'th Luk. 6. ~ ~. ! comenr to Cuffcr a t'hort afthClion, fCcing the: for, whereas- M:u.thcwc fa~th, if;oJe/oue them. I grc.atcHof thcrl'l not wonhy of the gloric thAt fq:Jc;oss, wbar rewm~dh.uu;ou: Saint ~kt: that !1>all be reuealcd? Rom.8,t8. repeating the lam< ahing,faith, what rh.m~ \ 0!_;jl, But why doth the holyGhotl call cIMH'J"" , (or as the woul- ligni!i<3) ,.,!,,r f.•- ucrlaHing life, a rc\vard? .An{. It i.s ea}- 'bour, CJr frugift haut-you? SCE:()ndly, then~ led'bccau(c MofoJ did procure it, 'JilCi dcferuc ~aybe :rnothcr caufc rcndred,. why life cucr}a. it at Gods)lO:nd by the dignitic of his \\'Oikcs fiing is c:xlled 'Jrc\-Vard; towit,.l19t in regard cf j i!l fi1lfring:for iitr<: no man co.n mcrit~my thing the workc done, but in regardof the worKer l •u Gods hands. The c~iC Ss plainc: for, Chriil con!idcred in Chrifl: for Chrifls mrrit makts 2s he is man ( con!ider his manhood a~part frO lit( cuerlalling to bee a reward. Now, cucw: his/Y,odhead) couhi 11ot mer;t ;any thing at C uue bclccuer that cndea,uours tQ doe the wi·ll Gods hands : for he that vwuld merit of God of God, is in Chrin: :md fo Chrill~ rtghtcouf1 }!,y any workc, muf1 doe three things : 1. Hce neffc with the merit thrrcof, is his , fc !3tfonh rpuct doe the worke of himfelfc, and by himas fcrucs tomake his pcrfot.ucceptable to god. fclfc; for, if he do it by :mother, the other meVVhcrupon)hchath a promifc ofreward rn.. 1:dc . ritcth, and mufi h:wc the reward and }'ll'Jifc of vnto him vpon hisobedience: i yet not fnr his the workc. Scco11dly, he muHdoe it of mecre workc,but fOr the workc ofChriHs obedfcnce good \\·ill, and not ofdutic: for tb:~t \·\'hich is in whom hcc is: Andfo rnufi thcfe vvords he:re ofdutic, cannot mcr{.t bec:~ufe :\ 010:11 is bound be vn,krHood. to do !t. · 3. The 'sorl.:e done to merit, muH be 1. The confideration of this reward of life J · .oftlqt price :uH1 dignity,that it may be proporcternall giucn, through ChriH, to thofc that ti6til:tble to life cucrbfling 7 v ..·hich is (he: refuffcr for b)s fake, m3y makevs ioyfull and pawa.rd. Now, thotlgh Chrifl as he is maq, be :ttietit in our. affiiClions for righteoufilcffi:.. fake. . houc:~Jlmenandall Angclsin gracc :~nd digAnatur:tll man ·will entlurc much fora good nitie: ycc confider his rnanhood 3part from his rccompcnfc in the endc. Now Ch1·ifi faith, . (!odhc:~.9, :md he could not doe a worke with Great i?J,Oin"rcwnrd. And therefore let vs reMmh.1.1~. thefc three propcnics.For firfl:,thc works done D ioycc in fuffcring for ChriH; ~old~ngfaft o11r ci-;s. ofthe manhood wcfc not doneof it (clfc; , but ftdenu, lPhitiJ ~tuh fo grrat·rcc()penceofr~watd. J from tha·cfulndlC of the fpirit wherewith hcc Secondly, is life eueri~tlling a ruomprn~~, / I was endued. Secondly, Chriflas man is a crcathat is,a giuingof:treward?- Then here is CO';'!- ~ turC': and fo confidcred, his workes -arc ofduty demncd the ddpt'ratc praCtilC of many a on~,. 1 to the Crc:uor, :~nd fo c:mnot merit. Thirdly, who fpcnd their whole life in 'J grccdic purfuit I j Chrilh workes as rnan fimply co:liidcrctl arc 'JftCr the profit~s ~nd plca~ures of the w.orl~ : j 1. finite, and fo could not merit infinite gloric. as it \Vcrc runmng themfea1c-sout of brc:uh m r Q;:;.ft. How then didChriHmeritO:tGods the "vaycohdl., \\'ithout all regard of their ! j han~:~? An[; Partly by mc0:ncs ofGo,lspromi~ fo11lC!s, till de:i~h come; th1nking, that if at I j fes m:ule in the Law which was this; ·Do tiJis the Jafl gafpe they can crie God mercic 1 1 1wd thos!f/J4/t liH~: b~c properly 3n<j/Chicftly, and commend their foulcs tE:l God, all is I becnufc hce was not a meere m'Jn onely, but well. Buc all fu.d1 pcrfons tOr the mofl part drR 1 (withall) true :lnd very God: for, bec0:ufc his cciue their ownc foulcs, not conlldering tha~ t I I ~.bcdicncc b_?.t~ in his life and death (though life Ncrl:1!hng is giucn as 'J rc\V;trd. ~w~_:::,c \ 1 1__ _ k~_t_o w_:: !____;