Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

- ----- --~-- -~. ·- - ~ ~d,-;-;;:(h;;p-;otbe Hebt. · _ - ~~~~ / k~\:~~hat ~~~evV:1.rd is giuca ro anym:ln, till A j more mull rhcy lhnd vpon chc1r "'' adu:s ro· De ,--~- ,. the workc be doac .._;,·hidl he is fee about;- hcc JUll!fird thert"by, but J:~bcur for (m·h f~1ch as ! lmuO: cOJ.UC workc: in tbc Vineyard {Qmc p:ut of Mo(cs h:lci. Now , this faith of Mo!(:s is a true : the day th:lt \\"Ould hauc: his pcnnie _at l~ight:lS f:lUing f:iith, founded on thd~ two prem:i"rs of 1 I' tOr rhoCc. th:tt neither Hirrc.hand nor foorc to God:I. On this grc:lt ~nd m~-l!1Cpn:miit- nude! doe th<; wmkc; what re\\'ard CJil they lookc to Abrt!h>tm, I ;rillle t/~1 God v:~td1he Ci()d"f rh_1 for? And yet this is th.c !lace..of earnall Jiuers, ford~: :. Ou .:wochcr r::.nicular prcrmk rifing tht·y adj:lic1: thC(clues.\_yholly td ea.rrhly ching5:_. from the gcn.:·rall, mJrJc vnro him\\ h<:u h~ Butifwcc lookcfor·:i'~lY reward at thcd:11 or wn-; c:llled to fetch the Ifi·ae!ircs out of dc:tth, \NC mull la.bnur i_n the \Vorkcs of gonli~ boad:Ygc; \\"bich w:ls this; lwi/1 bet- with the~ ndfe :1JI chc d:tyes ofourlift:;for therefore \\'ere m:d l_:ti~c rhu. And in this place MofCs is taid E.1foa 3 ii: \\"e rcde'cmcd, Luk. r ·74·7i. - I to h:tuc bith, not on('ly bccaufc hec beluuCd i In the ..,,·holc.bookcof God, wcdl.ndc: but 1h~rt Godl:vouldbchis God, as he was chc God of! one man that liu'cd ''ickedly, :md repented at all i\brah::uns fccdc ; but bccaufC hee 6c/ceued ; his endc: that is, thc:.thcifc vpon the Crolfc. particul.:r!y th:a G()d would bee hM God, andde.;. : VVhic.h {hewcs that it is·a tJ'Iofi: r:lrc thing for a fmd ,Pzd be with him iiJ the deliurra!Jce tfrhe ifman to hauc the reward oflifc cuerlaHing after ' B ,-,u/ifo(J out ofEgypt. . . . . this fife, that labours not in the \\"Orkes of'' godTo come panicubrly to this fa&. Rj f:zirh· lindfe ill this life. A!,f.s f"foolzy Eg;pr. Mofor deponed from Thirdly , the confic.lcration of ~his rc\''ard, Egypt t•t\'ife:FirH,..,,.hcri he h2d f1ain the Egyp:- rnufl fiirrc vp all Gods children vnco,3ll dilitian,:md ficddc from Pharaoh nnoMidi an,~ ge11c~ in the duties ofgodliaetfe,and tbacwith. 1hcrc le!hr(}!J !l"l.ecpc. Secondly, tOnn)' chccrefuloeffc, through the wholc.~ourfc of yrorcs nttcr when he ledde the people of!Crad their liucs. \Vhen we 01all die, we "'w\'iJl lookc out ofEgypt imo the l:and ofCanaan:and heret I earndtly fOr this rcw<'rd; anG therefore while fomc m:~kc it a qudhon, whether of thcfc dc.- weliuc,wcmu!l:diligcmlydoethcw.or.k.sthat parturcs is meant in this pi~Cc. An{W. It is God commaundeth : and then when de.ath z.noH like, that this place is w be vndCrtlood ol comes, we may dfure our (dues, that G·od will his fecond dcp:trturc, rather then of the firft~ I giue vs this reward;not b.ccau(c we did dcfc:ruc And the rcafon is taken out ofExodus, eh. 14. it by our workcs, but bccaule hce hath promi1 5. where :vcfindc th~t thefirft time, h~fodr{l fed it in Chrifi,vpon our ·Cndcauour in obcdiforfont: for, fo foone as hec •}\card chat his encc :md true repentance. And thus much for ih.ughtcr ofthe Egyptian was known to Phiz..; the reafon ofMofes choice, C , rAoiJ, he fled de in fuch feare, as th"' he durfi l Mofcsf.lith. l ,--- VERSE 27. not returne againe offoutty yearcs. Now 'B .1: • hh,.(; ..,.r;. /,~. £' thefewordsarenotto bevnderHoodoffurh '3' '.JJ att ,e) OY_j 000"-! c:,gypt, flight :for here itisf•id, He depamd ,n.rf.a· and le"red not the• h.erc·e·n·'e• IT.e of ring rhe Kings wrath orfiercme.f!t. . I' '" ; )" ')} • Here fornc wtll fay, This is no com\nend•• the K.jng. For, heWMCOUtagi.- tion: for, malefo&orsond rc\xb<loe !lie their h h h Councry?Anf.Thcy flie indeed,yet not in faith, OUJ, M beet atja.We im t at U but in fcore, Mofcr fled in faith : and hereb.y in'Vi fih/e• . his f.1ith is commcndcd, that he fled norfearing ('' . the King: bur malcfa& flie for -feare of l N this verfe the fpirit ofGod procccdeth to punifhment. Mofos departed with courage&: I ' .another example of Mofes faith: ond hercto boldnclfe, odd therefore fled not as a malefa- 1 2lfo in the ver!C following, hcc addeth athird. Ctor: for he feared not the King, :1s appc:Jrcth I Now h~e is thus l:trgc in the commendation of plaiucly in the HHtoric; for, though Phflr·aoh J his faith, for this ende; to pcrfwadc the He- D had laid vntohim,Exod,J o.z8 .. Get thecgont; 1 1 brcrves, to "''horn this Epifilc is iCnt, that they foe thou[u "9' face no m()re : for ).l'bc1:. tholf were not to lookc for any luftification by the commefl i11 my fight, rhoujbf!!t dir: yet MofCs 1 works of the law: and his reaiOn is; bccaulc if went once more, namely, [he tenth timc;and I any mon could beiu!tified by the works of the cold him of the tenth ph;<>ue, and f.,id ,- Th3t i J Law, it mufi be Mofes, who gaucthe lawe to Pharao}u fcruants fhoutl'comc:: downc vnro I' t the people from the Lord, and did cxccll in him, and fa/ld91'P11t' and pr~J him tog·et him ov.r 1 obedience to both Tables, and therefore is a wirbth~peopleandtluircarull. And when the ! renowned Prophctvmo all poHcririe in fiuci~ lfi::lelitcs murmured againfl him Olt the '! al!faHourwithG()d, Num. 12. 7,8. Bm Mofc$ fca, when PhtJrltob was at thci'r heelcs, and : I could not bee iuO:ificJ by the \\'orkes of the they had no v•ay to flic, M()[cs encour::~gcth ! ! L:\\-\'e; for here the holy Gboll prooucs, that the pe.oplc, i~ying, Feare not,..ffandjlill, ,,.,~{;~~, ; Mofcs was iuftified and faued by faith, The -ho!drh•faiuationoftbe Lord whicbhewi/{ pmv~ 1 1 thing that comrocnds Moles and 1113kcs him .JOitlhh· d,q:f()rthc E[yptim:s rvhome)'C"Iuwe foe;;: fiaaJ before god,1s not l11s works bm h1s fanh: rbis da)',Jl•tdlye r.mcr{et ~gait1e, t.::-~od. r4· 1 ~ .~; and thcrefotc thr. con<.:ltJli.on JS; that as Mofc:-o \>Vhcrehy, it nor:!bly appc:arcs~tl1:u J.loks dc-.1; 'i_~_ _;_"_'•_s_"_"_'_'"_l'_·•fi_e_d_b_y_h_"_'_"_o_rk_s_b_"_'_b_y_fo_"_h_,_'_l~-----~-·-·.~~~t':~~ithout fmc ofP~~r_o<>~:_ llut~' ·i . I