------ --- q.S \ rU1 Commentarie 'Vpon 1" ·''" '•;;,_ \ - -- ·\ - - - - - --- 1_ _ _ 1 . . Bur !Omc wHltJy; For a man to come into A ming thereof. And thc ·fidl> is ·nut:dfcCtuaH -~ ' another tll:ms Kingdomc,:l!"'d ro c:uic away his without_ tbc iCcond;_As.hc.rc we fee, Mofc~ SubicEts .,.,•ithourthc Kings cunfcm,is afad of firH ca!lmg was not cttc:ctu::ll~ ""itn hml{t 1 Jl :hctcbcl!ion and Jt clition; and therefore \\"Orthie fee: one! c:_m:c.And JOGods f. oH gr;lCCis no~ et:.. \ no commcnd::nion, but rather !hame and punifclh~all nll_rhe fccand corrx·;by \\ hich. rhc for:- . fhmcm: Ami this did Mo1Cs, hcc comes from mlTH c.onhrmed, Hrc:ngrht"'l)'Cd;and cnoreufud. l\1idi~t1, al'Jd c:tric:s away lhc Jco.,,·cs which l1aJ I And thc'lf:ccnd iscon.t:nncd by chnhirit: :1thL i be,:ne a long time PhaYao};s fi1bieCh; and for fo.\o\'(: muH.goc on ti-orri grace rogracC,:' i_f t-·ee l v•hofc !Cn:ice he m1ght pk:1dpoftt-ilion,and a wdl be_bold and couragious in any dutie, ~.:1~ longpre!nilltion: thcrcfoi'C it fccmes robe no' thcr of our gcncrall or p:u~icuktr cal!ing. Th 1 s faCt of fJith: Jlnf. lndccdc if Mofcs had done mutt be well confidcrcd; f<.'r' that anv J11:m 'this on his ownc hcad,hc might \Yorthi!y hauc J!ands in gr:1cc,or cncreaf{'th th"ct"ci.n;eit!lct rcbccnc thus ccnfured. llm when he came toE1pct.tin&1l.is pa~ti,ular ca!Iing, or his <i:hrUlian I {;ypt,.hc h·ad.a c3!iing immcdiar!y from God conucrbtlOnJ lt con1~s from this rhat.God ' to·do '3S' he did; & fOr the confirmation hereof: . addcs a ff:cond grace vmo the firH. 'And there! 1 j\c had Gods prnmifc of affiitance in workmg B fore whofoeucr is en:J:bJed for' any-dmie~ h:uh i Hrange miracles: :md 'A hen hccarrJcd the: peo.- \ great caufe to praife God: for, \\lhCrhcr \\'C ! pie·out of Eg)'pr, he did it by commandcmenr cominudn grace, or encreafe therein,ir comes 'i l.from a King:-th:a was higher then PhRraoh: from the goodndfe ofGod,who addcrh;gracc \ -N~ithcr yet Jid Mofcs Colrie them away as a ~0 gracc:whicb ifhe {hould not doe,wefh()uld 1 I :priua(Cman: fur hcc "'':J:S 2 p.ublikc per[on, an fall away, and not be able to go fon-..ard in rhc 1 high MagiHr<Jtc, and no Jlr::mger, but one of fearcot God, and the rluties ofout c:al~ling;for 1 rhem[ducs:ye·J., he was aKing,as·may appearc thcfirtl grace would not fuffice to 'flrcngthen ! inGods '1.\'ord': for Dcut._~ ~·5 he is plainly calvs againHcemptation, And thercfore.h.ov\'foelcd '3 Kh~g: and Gtn. 36.) 1. it is faid€, Thert uer God h:uh lhcngthcncd vs for t·h"e· time weY..efo many Kings in Edam, hefore there ratg~ pafi,yct~fiill we mufi pray to God to dci-iuCn\s ·nedanyKing ortef the chilarcn of Ifrae!. Now, fromcuill: \<\hich plainely impons', tharour the laH of thofc Kings raigncd :J:t th.:lt rime Handing is from hi:;; daily fupplic ofnew gr:1ce. 1 when Mof:::s went with the Ifraclires out of.E... 2. Point. VVhcn wc·nrMofcs out ofE£ypt? .-gyp\: fo that Mores was rhcir King, & had the The time is dirc~1ly fct downc, Exod. 1 2. 41. auchoritic & goucrnmcnt of a King oucr them Esten thefolfe[dnu dlf_J .when the promifeof God from thcLord::md therefore it was no faCt of C wa4 expired: for whm rJu f oHre hrmd1ed mid rcbelliorl in hun, bm J. vvorkc that did greatly thirtie yMres were e:t:pired, th(y w.ent 1 d/ 1 /re commend hi! fairh, be9ing grounded vpon hoafto[the Lordout of Egjpt, neither before, Gt·ds ccimmandemcnt ahd pron:iiC. flOC after, bur the very fame day.ln~eFd·.Mofes \ '"fhus wefee ho.w \\'C mufi concciuc of Mow:.ts chofcn to be thc1r captaine 40. ycarcs be- (cs f:J.ct.Now ~·~eom to fome panicularpoims fore, and fent vnto dicn1 by God:and S. SuJUn -to be ~ontickrcd therein. faj~h, Heethoughrrhrywouldhnue vnd'erftuod fo H Ow came it to paffc, that Mofcs now h3d much. But then they would not t'ake ltito for this courage; to.de-pan fron1 Pharloh not fcatheir guide. Yet now _40. ycarcf ::~ft~r, wh~n f rfng his commandcmem: whereas 4Q· yearcs Gods determinate time of 430. yea_fes ~·asex- ?cforc, bec:ing c:allcd to foew himfo!fe vnto the pired,he comes againe vnto them,Ao'car,y thet}'l ' 1brcthren, tU one wbgme thry wa-e to rtfpeEf. tU out ofEgypt;& then they acknowltdgc,h'fm,& ' th-eir deliHcre'/' A a. 7. 2 '.2 5.he fled immcdiat.. follow him out, according to Gods c6million. ly our of Egypt vpon the notice of one tact of Hence we lcarne, fir!t, that no cre3ulre can ·defence in bchalfc of the Ifraclitcs?why did he alter the rule of Gods prouidence. Founie not OH~"" :1s mu<..h courage when hee !lc:w the ycares beforc,Mofes wouJd haue dcliuercd the Egyptian, as at his fccond departure? Anfw. D people; but hce mull fiay till the time of the The cwfc ofhis courage at this Jatter ti1nc was Lords promife was accomplifhed, an·d then he this:God nO\\' rcnucd his commiffion,and concarieli them away.Sccondly,this mufi t€ach v·s, firmed his fermer c:tlling. for when hee was not oncly to beleeuc, that God both can and firfi called, he did his dutic and rruengcJ their wlll keepc his prQmifcs; but alfo by faith to wrongs: but yet bccing in dangcr,:md hiscalwaitefor the time, wherein he will accOmplHh ling bccing as yer but a fccrn infiinCt, he was the fame vnto vs. Mores is faine to waitc 46, fearefi 1 IJ, and !led. But now when God called yearcs for the fulfilling of Gods pr01mfc.VVhC ·him che fCcond time, and confirmed the fame Daniel vnderHood how long the Ifraelitcs DAil·~· calling both hy promife and commandemcm, mufi be in c01ptiuitic,he would not pray for the and powtr to worke miracles, then fcarefull fll'ortning ofthat time: but when he knew that Mofes beComes cour:wious and bold. the time oftheir returnc drevve neere, then he Hew then obfcruc, ~1J:J:t there is a difference pr:ticd ''llfO the I.cn·d moll c:;<rndlly, waiting ·of Gods gr:J:cl.!s; there is :t firll grace, ~nd 3 [!.'- for the accomplifhment of Gods promife io concl gr;1cc. The fi rH, is that which God giues~ their d~lillcrann:. AndDnuid thus wa'ited on . Hal 4 :.u.. to any man for any c31ling: the fCcond is that God for dcliuerance in oil his troubles·. And ! r --~ ---w-b~ic_n_c_;_od a<i_:!;_s _ro~~r!l, for the confirtheir examples fllllfl WC follow ,for rh~~L__ 1-