Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

j UofC~ (.aith. 1--· --~·-·•/ theu.[hap.t()theHebt; ! i49 1 ------~-------- - 1•• tionof a!! Gods li!dliriss. . --.. JA1 domcoffinnc. This we fl~aH doe,whcnwdft ~--- 3. PoiNt. In ""hat mannet dOth Mofos ~cmc_an~s to cHabhfh rh~ K1~gdome of ~hnH / pirt.?The text faith, HCwent out~ notfearmg Ictus ll1 our hcarcs,and aoc forfake the workcs , rh~ Klngscomma,demmt: fo that h1s dc~artu~c ~ffi.nnc and.dark~cffc: For) lc;iok~ whcr~ rbete was with courage. Whence we lcarne Jundne IS no (!cpanmg from lmne, there IS no faah: ~ in{hutlions. FirH, here is a nOtable prcfidem therefore let vs fhcwC our fclncs to hauc true forr.he t[an1iiF" of ou1·liucs, which muH bee a faith, by dep:irting more and more boldly:tnd ·rule vnco vs. 0 Wce .mull walke diligently itf ioyfully out ofthe Kingdome offinne & Satan; our callings, as Mo[e.t did; and thou~h aoll~s. that fi> it may appear:, w~ l?ue the lis he; and mccte vs fo that Ph4r~toiJ fall out wul1 vs, If hate darkcndfc.And mch1s Journey, lcrvs not Kings be~omcourcncmie~:yet w.e mufi not l:'ly 1 fca~e any contrar!.C_ ~onlmandcmcnt '·nor ~he' , a!idc chc duties of our calhngs; but after Mofo.t fimous "''rath of lpmtua.ll Ph11raoh the dclui·J, I example, goe on therein with courage. Mofcs no:all the gates of hell; for Chrifi Iefus is our ! without fearin~the Kmgs wrath, went and!fad f;Uid.c. . ,. . ' ' -allth,peopf, a~ray. And !o mufl euery one ofvs Bccaufc a man might thinke •ethe firfl, thoc do; although dangers c~rnc, we mu!l not fear~, B it was a rafh and dcfpcrate.p:~.r~ in Mofcs, th~ts but (landfall: in our profdTion, and goe on tn boldly to take away the Hraclncs: not regat.: the duties ofour callings 1 Ecclc( 10.4. Ifthe ding Phttrdohs cbmmandemcm; thcr:cfore in {pirit ofhim th<it m/CJI,yifo vp~gai>if/thu, ltauo the latter part of the vc&, the holyGho!He[c uot th; place, . tct~ dbwn·e areafon,that moou.ed Mofcs w .dd Secondly, hence we may lc:unc, that Magtfo, 111 thefe words: For heendxred; or w& co/Jfl:raccs which arc to gouerne the pcople,ought · ragiom, that is he tooke hcatcto himfeltC.Why to be men ofcourage,in performing the duties fo? Bec.mfo he{ttWe God rhmU invifi6!e.Tbat is; ofthcircalling.When too heauie a burthenlay hcc ea(! the eie _of faith vpt>tlGod; who had ~rtMofls,ln iudging all the congrcgauon h1mprom1fcd the e01dcnce.of h1~powar and prcfclfc; lethrohls father inlawc biddcs hini pro· fence, in their deliuerance. So.·thatjt was th'c uidc AmMg alltheptoplemen of~ourage ,fearing worl<e of Mofcs f.1ich;.Jaying hOld on the prOGod, to 6cRH/m, Exod. 18. t ~. >1.Now their mifc ofGods prefencc and prdrection from the courage mull not be a proud hautincffe, or an rage of Phllraoh, thatmadehirh thus confidtnt' lndifcreet crucltie, but a godly boldncs,which and bold. .,, . may inablc them to the duties of their calling, c Hence wee lcarne', that the true valour and withouc fearc ofman. To this ende, the Lord manhood that \'l.':lS in Mofcs.~'anttis in ~11 Gods put offhis fpirit vpou theftuentie, which were children, like vnto llim, iS'a"g.ift bf grace. A-· to rule with Mofes,•l:1. Now the fpimong many gifts of the fpirit, powred vpon rit of God, is notthe fpiritoffe>re, but ofpuwour Sauiour Chrifi, th, Jfiirit offtrength, orcoH" er, Andofloue, ttndof '11fosmdminde, 2. Tirn. I.. ragc,is one,Ifay I I .2.. And lethrou coun{ell to 7• Whichfl>cwes,thatinaMagifiracemufibe Mofes is notable this way; hee biddes him \ courage to call, and (ifn~cdc Oe) to compel oprouiJe fOr goucn1ours~ m'en ofcourage Jcari~ thers to the duties of thtlr caJhngs, how great God, Exod. I 8.11. Infinuating, that true coufocuer they bee~ And it is a matter of great rage is alwaies ioyned with the fCarc bf God, waightand moment in Gods Church: for the and is a fruitcofgracc. ButfomCwill fay,tl}at Miniftcr may teach and fpeakc <'S much as hcc many heathen men who neuer kncwc the true will, or COlD; yet vnleffe "'·ith the fword of the God,norwhat the gifts ofthe fpiricmeant,had fpirit, there bee iOyned the temporal! fword of that courage. An[. True it is, they had courage the Magitlratc; to rcformemens liues, and to indccdc:but it was nothing but a carnall boldkecpc them from open linnc againfl the law of ndfc (nor worthy the name courage; bccing God, and to vrge them to thC duties whi£h the D onc!y a fl1adowe oft-rue fortitudc)arifinafrom . ~jnitlcr tcachcth: furcJy, their teaching and ambition, pride, and other fldhly hu~1ors ; preoching will be to final! effect. whereas Mofcs his courage f)>r,ang from the Laflly, Mofeswcntwtth tourage out ofEgraccoffaith,in the merciful! promifes ofGod gypt. This dcpar.turc of hi5, was a figne ofour made vmo him concerning his dcliueranec and (pirituall departing out of the Kingdomc of (afctie.Andindecdc, howfoeuer wicked men d:rkcne!fe: for, foPaul applyeth it, I. hauc a notable !hew of diuers veftues, yet in And therefort after Mofes example. wee rnufl: the triall they prooue but lhaddowcs; for,true with courage come cuery day more and more valour, and other venues doe al\\'ai'cs accomouc ofrh:e kingdonic ofdarkncs, ma-rching forpany regeneration. war~d with cour:'lgious faith & heaucnly bold- .Ashe 1htttfontehimthat UinvifiM~. nefic towards our hldfed Canaan,the glory of Here is the caufc that made Mofcs thus cou·. hcaucn: wee mufi n~t leauc this to the lafl ragious: and this will make any man l>old,ifhc breath, and then thinkc to hauc hcaueh gates can be perfwadcd in his confcicncc of Gods rcadie open for vs:·but w~mufl: eni:cr u).to gods fpcciall prcfencc with him,and prouidence and K~ngd?me, in this life. Looke as Moles by his protcCHon oucr him. fa~th d1d depart holdly out of Egypt, fo muft Here then obfcrue a fingular fruite of faith: ·wee in heart by fa·ith clcp"'rt otiC of the Kingit makes God who i5 i'ndcede inuifiblc, to bee 0 o ~ ofc:i: