Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~z. I ellnExpojitionofChrifh \Mmb.s. 1--- ----------- V. I6. i dis;ncc 1 :.and our o?edien~e is f11cwc4Py doing A -~man l:iy \-Valking in good \Yorks cfc.:h~'v\'cS the \ good workcs. And th.crcforc the ApoHic Paul paths of v·:ickcdncfl'c, \\hcrc_in x .GodJ iudg~- .· ~ Rom. 3.16. exhorts vs, rogiP.~ vp 011t bodies, M hof; andacmcnrs lio·IJt : aAd holds the wales of. righrcouf- ·cept~blc fu.:rijicuvpto-God, Ron~.t 2. ~·Thirdncifc, ~ ...·hci-cin l.iods Q~dfin.~s ~re [,aucrcd, iy,,rh~cy1 1Crue ro make vs followers ofGod:\NC Prou.3. I 7,•·: . . arc~COIJ1lllaundcd to be boly,Mhe If holJ,, I, Pet. Thirdly> the ~ndc. o~g?~d '-':?rkcs,i!J.regr.rd. ~;~o:,~:b~c1. rs.~ r.nd to pm in praCl:ifc ;he.dmis-s of louc of .pu1 br~thrm _, 15 pnnc1p,tl•YtfllS j that by our 1 tl~·(~~ r Eph S·'•~· ~ enc tO~\Ia.r4s anothsr, r M rh~ L()rd lou~d11s.and ,example in well_ doing, ~\·etm~y v\ innc fymic therefore "'c mu!l: \Nalkc 111 the liuttcs of the vnro Qod, an_d kccpc 9~h}r.'l i!'1 the obedicnc~ ' MoraH law, that rhcrctn we may 1111.1ratc God: ofthe, ~nd prptc.qt Offence$, vvhcJ:cby. J L<?h·3·~·licwh:chh..,th rhu bopepll'igcth hrmru:llly arc dr:l ...vnc backc. ThF~Cont:~.gioq o£ a [cif•, ;u he"' prm. · • badde exa~1ple, £fpecially inp.en of!upcriour 1 C""'e,.. I Scco.ndty, the vfe of g_:>OU workcs in regard _place, is 1uctt, that i~ willqo~ oncly cail- their '(Jl~c:ar of our fclucS; , ;s fourdold cfpccially: brft, ovmc foulcs to hell, but .alro draw n!lflY w)th I I they .fcr ..uc to bee out":v~rd tc!bmonics of rhc them, 'A'hen le~·oboam the King finned, hecauu·ur,h 9f<?<lr faith & profc!l'ion;prouing that the fodlfrae/tqj1,1n~: x.Kin.I ~3 4· And therefOre I grac,c of our hdrr.s is not in hypo~rifi.c, but in 1 B v:•c mull carefUlly lo.okc.t~l.fl.ll-C?ur waic~-,.in rcr bm.;.zJ. truth and ftnccritic. And for this caufc/ A bragardofothcrs,and fo liuc according to Chriils ·ham U [aide to _h~;tc bc~ne iuftified 61 wod::,gs; commandment ~n this place,.that others fecing "becaulc his \o\'orkcs did tcfl:ifie that his faith our good-•,\orks, may bee.wqnnc to the tptth, was ~r~c attd\Yhcrc the fire: ofgrace ~ £0 glorific God \\'hichis.inltcaucn_.And thus is, thcrp it cai,\),OJ lm~ bumc; and where the- \ w.c fee the fJn9.~s of goo-d.wprks. water, 9f l~f(_ is, iq_ca1!l10t bm·fl.owc;: ~tfd fend Now col)l\<;ieri~lg good \)'orkcs bee of: fu~h out ~he fin;an1e~ rhcrcof, in goo·cl \vorks, excellent xf~,wc arc herebyadmonifhcd to ex- .Secondly, they fcruc .tobe 1igncs .and pled, cr:~fc c~Hlr fclucs therein, with all diligeJlce;for gcs ofour cle~ioa:,j!J{l:ific.:at_ion, fanClific~tion~ hereby we benefit our bre~hrcn, we hclpr our and qf,our future glo!ification: as ;vvec know• · fcl.ucs, and.\".;.Cglorific God; neither mull an.y ~ltn;~ to lil,lc, b~ ~h~e fmite an4 Q,~dde vvhich it . mans poucrt~.c hinder himfrou·, this dtjti~,: for. bringcth fott~; fo:. by keeping a <ontinuall not oncly almFS d~eds;and largegifi~ to Churcour(c i!l good "'-:or~cs, a1\a!l is_kporvnc tobe chcs1, :m .. J ~igh,v.•aics, f!ili.S5?0d worksjbut alif1 ,Chrift, and to haue true <ides to ·•11 his befo th,e fpt<ljll\d~<tie1 of,,~<;l'Y,111ans.Jawfu\lqlticfits; an<! ;hercf9t'e,wJ>cn .thF Apoftle willcth ling,do(l<·il'f"!t)',fo 'h~gl,o!ie ofGod, ·& t\W ~ ~.l'u.r.s.tS· met~,H? ttiH~ al~tfilige'!ce to ma/:! th.eirca/Npg & good of!n~nJ,;b~ -chc .coal!i9g.~~eucr fo bafc; by e{eJlfo~t Jilrt,, he propoundc;;th ccr!~i'nc vc:rtuc~, C the doing whereof, in faith an_dobc4ic~G., Qe wh-cr.cin they9ug~t t~ }Valkc:; as -becing th<; may get futc~t.cfi:imonie Qf,his clcC1i6. This ~x-· ~£! cpidc~lt t.ohcos ofc;:lcC}ion, ~hat we hauc hortation is ~pofi nccdfult,fgr fo foone ;~~.s men i_n.thisJif~., ... 1 ,~. • • ·' ) .• hauc occaflqn.tQ coim;n,it.any.ftnnc, t_~cq-thcy , :Thirdly.,they.(cruGto make ys anfwerab!e to !hake offthe.yoakc of ~lLobedicncc, as.rhere our holy ca.lling: fot cuerY. on.s. J.h~t profc!feth were no way,ofg.Qp1d.wo~kcs to be walked i,n. the Gofpcl, is called tp be a of Chrifl, The P>pifls indeed make the merit <;>f\qllifjp- <lll,d)l.t~evvc_crca~l.Jr:c; whof'c du.tic is to bring tion~& life,cticrlafiing,~hc; cnd ofgood \:·or~S:; fo\th,good workes, Eplief.4· I' >:walks worrhy but that 4•\h bin fuffincitly cofi),cd here.tpfqr~. if t&f vocation whcrev;ttOj(JU arc call_ed, lVtth a/( Hir.h~r~9;'f"II.C1haucrpoRc.n.of the firfi point hutnbfencjfe ~fmitrd~,"!rc/zyncj[e, (>~c. and Ephef, in this ~Q~lu-J;o,touching cb~tnancr.of.tearhing. z. ro.-;Y;'e ttr; tJ~e •"fl'Pr:k.!maiJP;fp ~f G..o9, creqteJ , T9~ ~cwn9 pOint, hct~~;~1 contained , .is the ~~~i~1~~ftcain.Cht:~fl:Jcfiu; pn~O'gP.Ot[work£-s, whi<;h Godhath ende of.aH tcaching;n::~mcly,to turn<: men Vf\to ordainedtbl'ft weJbouldH';t/k,c. in-_,tluP.J 1 Now this God , '::1-u.fl t~crcby tq them to glorific if' a 11\e(l' o:eellciR,.t_hjng ';;rfer a Bla.Jl to be:: anGod. 7,'haf·11l01 111f1J fle.J/{"rgood workts ., ~nd f.Y?:~raQ~c: GQ·h!,s .,calllllg: ' V·h .. en,:D.,au.;d was a glorifteyoHr Fmi:Je;· whi, that ts, 0)~pheard J he k"P~hJ? fathers .01e,~pc, and li1... D fo teach th:it men may fee yo~rgood.workcs-, U_~:d as a0lcphc~r9..;· 1 but whc·lb·li~ ·)'\·as called and be w~pJlC thereby to, and fo1gloupr.t. 7 s. 7 , to b'e aKing, hefth"u~d!rirnfc!fo(rlt.t,a King,~ ir. 1 ., .rific Qo_!i,.,Opr Sauiour Chrifi in his ~ommifgouerning GodJ p.coflle; .and f<>.AM<ry Chnft>afl ' fion giucn to \>,is Difcipl~s~.efore his ofcel)fio, ough~ ~9 qoc; hr,~,jnga nc~vpr;,aturcj, he ntuft bid' thcm,~v Goemak$. tlJlnationi my D·ifciplcs: YMat.lS·'9· \);;IJ,~c as Gods chi14r and tdl:iflc; his·vocation and Paul fait~ , that -z he heca·mme all /bings ,ro . ".t: by f!lc,vin.g forth the-venues o(him tl1at h.ath al/mcn 1 th~~.'u allmMr._c~ !Je rnigbt 110t onp.Jy inGalJed}lim, t:Pct...,1,9, ~ - ·r ft.ruCt,/mrf'~/otl!-e. · · ·,. ,Fourth{y, good workCS fpu.~t.o P~ a;wa~,in , .Hereby r}\~n all.MiniHcrs, and all thofc that .whidt~·c ar.c t9.}'·alJ<s, that-fow~·mayrccc!uc , fct thclp(C)ues apartfor this calling,mufi Iqm thf mGtQiai ofG\Q..d, pron;~ifcd to \lis_childr,cn·, I : -to propound t_his dut~c Y:fl\0 thcmfclucs,as:$'pc :w;c) ~fs:,.ap.~.~hciu.cJge~l;lents · th~·Catcncd ·again. it i 1 .mainc .cr)da:~f all their ftu.d.ics and; finnC~s;for gods~vyord is f~l of lpQ{t fwc;rt pr~- [ ,11 pamcly, t_o \tu·pc men vnt<rGod , rha:t btcing mifc;;, t:hcpOOdi.cnt, ~l<>,f.i:CW,iiPle thrta[r 1 conucrtcd~t·ll~Y m:-Ly glot:ifie Gqd~ .Aglli'nc, n~~~;i:lgainfi ,:J;fQ<!Won and iniqui,tie. New l f!hc fam~.eAdc-;9f rhc .Minificrie :tdmonif.hcrh all 4