Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

------ ·-=~- . -- , ':r=/ the n;(hap.totheHehr. /.2~! __ ) in our mindcs, as he hath rcucalcd himfdfcin A r oattcd flom lu 11, & ( acco.<hng to Gods t:Oin- 1 I' Scripmre: that is, by hts workcs and by his I ;nandcmcml affcmblcs the fldc.:ts ot Jhael toproperties: t\'C mull thinkc in our mindcs of gcthcr, and caufcth them to k1ll<:ucJy ~nan.a an etcrn:d! cffi:nce, moil holy, wife, &c. who Jambe ofa yca;;-c oldc,and w care 1t, tollc vvnh / 1 madulilrln'ngs, andgot-temesthemby his mightic fire; and to t:\kc the blood,an.d ipnnhlc1n i'on ' power. For, cuery image ro rcfemble God by, the doore chcc.:kes, and vpon rhc poHs '>frhcit' I either r'i) the minck,or eo rhccyc,is a plaine lie; houfcs: f{)r a: fi£nCvnwthem~ rhar the Angc~ .:.! making him vi(iblc, who is inuifiblc: as faith I ofthe L·ord, ( kcin£: the blood fprin!dcd vptll1 1 the I?.rophct, H:1b, z. t 8. ':rhe:ima._e:e, whatprotheir doores) l110uld paffe oucr them, ai1d jit(.thit;(drit Ua tenc:hcr~f Ius? \Nhich flatly tou€h none oftlJcir firft borne,ncithcr man nor oucrdirOwc~h the"opinion :md pratlifc of the bcait. This is the fum:ne :1nd mc:llling of that Rvmilh Church, who rcfcmblc the tr-ue God, hifloric. Now let vs come to ::he conf!dcration cuen God the Father, and the holy Trinitic, in ofthis f3Cl: more particulaf 1 y. : and fir!l, tO the im:1g~: ,_.,,h:u elfe doe the')' herein, but make meanwg of the words of· vcr!Cj bccallfc a lit: of God.> there 1slome difficultic in them. But the P:!pifls (ty, 'They deuifc no image to Tbrough fitithhc ot·Mined tbe Paf{e(lucr. rcfcmbleGodin,butonc!yfuchwhereby.bee B ThePaJI(-oiU"t" here n~med, mzy bee thus hath fhc ..\'eJ. bimfclfe;:~s the Scripture tdtifics: defcnbcd; lr 1~ oneoflheSttJ;ramimtsof 1hto!de as theF.:lther, like anolde man;the Sbnne, as he Tt'ftammr, feruir.g for a figne to rbe pc~;ple (Jf was in6roatc; and th.e holy Gho!l, lik_ta doue, Ifrac/, borh of their tempora!l dc!iuimmcc from Mat,th. l• I 6, A nfw. We muf\ not.wnceiuc of the bonda,~e of Egypt, and from the flaught~1 thoic formes, b£an old-e man, or ofadoue, to oftheftrftborne; and a!fo of tluir fpintua/1delihnuc beene eucr any im:tgcofthe Father, or of Herance from flted:tjhng dfalh, 6; the [4cri.. ·the holy Ghof\: bm oncly figncs and pltdgcs fice of Chrift Iejm the immaCII!at< Lambe of for a time, whereby thofe perfom did then God. ' 1 . manitCflthcir pr~fcncc. Nowe, there beting ·Touching this dd<."ript-ion: fidl, I call it orn·· an cxprdfc commandement againtl all repreof theSacraments of theola'eTeflamcnt~bec~\lfc fcntation of (Jod by images, not excepting they h:1d bcfidc .this, Circrtmc~fion, another or.. thofc very lhapcs, whereby it pleafe.d God tOr dinaric Sacrament. Ncx·t I fly, It ferued foht a time to fignifie his prcfcncc; it mufi needs be figne w tbe people oflfracl,to 01c'"" th:H it \'vas idolatrous pr<'fumption to make any image of proprr!y a Sacrament vnto them. For, it 1S of God, or ofthe Trinitie. And indeedc God beI the nawrc of afacrament, to fignific :1nd fealc ing inuifiblc ( aschc t"ext laich) it is impo!liblc C I vp fomc blc!ling of God to hr~ people: now tomake any true image or relt:mblanc~ ofhim. that the Paffcouer did fo, is p1ain"C, ·where the Ver[e :8. :Byfaith, hee ordainedthe Paffiouer, and the effu(ton of blood: leajl hee that deflroyed the jirjl borne, Jhould touch them. I N the. formcrvcrfcs, the author ofrhis Epi– file hath /hewed vnro vs, the notable faith Mofcs by two wonhy aCts: I. His rcjit(ing to be called thefcnr.eof Pharaohsdaughter. i. His departi11gout of Now, here in thisvcrfe, he commend~his faith vnto vs by a third aCti– on; which is, the ordination,or cclcbratina of the Paffcoucr. This vcrfe is the fumrne of~he I:. Chap. ofExodus:cheeffccl whereof is this: After that God had Cent nine fcucrall plagues vpon the land ofEgypt, whit:h \W~e occalions to harden PharaohJ heart: at lafi he fends•Mo– fu to cenific Pharaoh, that vnlcffc he would let the people goe, hcc ""ould fend a ccnth ·plague, which fhould bcenJorc·gricuous eo them, then all the former : cucn the jl:wghtcr ofall the f 'fl bomc in E,gpt, b.rk ofman & "beajl. Yet Phara~JhJ hean was not foftnccl neither did he let the people. goe,Therefotc Mo{e.f deLord calls it a fi.gne or token of dclirFcnmcc Vntothem.Bllt fome wiil13:y, this PaflC-ouer was a facriftce: for fo it is cJIIed, Thid tithe ~ [acriftce of the Lordt PajJe-oHcr. And 7hol!. E!ii:o .zi.:1. /bait noe offer the blood of~J facr~ficc ~:ith lea: I Exod.:j.J!I. uened bread, &c. A nf. It IS called a iacrifi re bccaufc it \>Yas killed, alfo the blood thereof was fprinkled, and forr:c- -part ofit, as the fat, 1.tJ!it.H~ with the two kidneicswcre burnt in facrificC to the Lord. For, when Iojia& ktpt that fat~10uS Paffc-oucr with all the people, the Prid1s that flew the Paifc-ouer, and fprin kkd the blood thereof, Oid Jirft tnk,_e away that which WtU to 2 • cnr.n. 1 ,·, D be confomcd~rithfire,and rhm <.r:aue to the Peo– ple accordmg to the deuifions of their familict, a~ Mofes appoinft>d. Now, in regard ofthcfe pro– penics ofa f:~crifirc V\•hich '"'ere- m thePafiC– ouer, it is truly callcJ :1 facrifice. Andyet lllore properly ir was'a Sacrament,.becaufe ir "''':l:i a viiiblc figne of fpcciali bldlings from the Lord. But what did this Sacrament "of the P~.ffeoucr fignific; A ;; d1d fignifie a double deliuerancc:onc tcmporall,:~.s "'·ell from the dc!hoi .... i"ng Angell,~salfo from rhc bondage ofEgypr:- Thc other Spiritual/: from the curfe of the • la~, anci from the wr:'lth of God, The fi 1 flis piline, "here the Lord f.1lth The 6/ood 6ccing fprinbjedvpon the doorc p~/1-s, }hat!bee a tok§nfor I l!xod.u.J ~· youthar./willpaJJCoucryou, Andvcrfc ':7, rce