-~ 1{2. I e.l1 [ommentarie vpon '! "''" '":.. ! t---,. flMilk.fepctb~fcaffo{ t.mleaucncdbrcad: for that A _thcoutw!frd [tg'Je l~prcf~nt.ed to tl~c: outward ---1 (amc d.fJ wt!i 1brmg ;o:~r .Armcs ollt of the 1 1 I fenfcs, 3t the very fame tunc the thtAg jigJJijicd I ~andof E:g)'pr.A.nd toucl1111g the fcco1:d, that : i1 t~lercby,a~ by cc:rtai~c vifiblc words,prc:fcnlt v\'JS:l !Jgne of a more hcaucnly dchucrancc tcd to the m1nde.And mdccd lookc "''hat con~ I froin the boncl:tgc of finne and S:ltan,Paul tel-:- iuntlion is lktwccnc words,& the thino.s fpo· lerh vs pbi_m·ly,.wh.::n as hcc f:u~h, Chrift o:1r ken of, in. the ~11ind ofthe \'tHlcrff:mdin~S hc:.- J.Coq.;r. Paj{e-ou~r z.s facrificetl for vs : gmmg vs to vnrcr; the lame ISbctwccne facramcntall-hgncs dcrtland; that the P~l(halll:!mbc'"in the oldc and the things fignificd,in the minde of adif~ I Tdbmcnt, \Nas vndoubttdly a true !igne of cerning recciuen. But when words of1Cnfc arc the tru.c P:~il:hall I.~mbc Chrifl lcfus:ro whic~1 I I fpokcn to t~le care, the vndcrfianding .mi.nde purpote Iohn Baptdl fatth: Behold rhe Lamlu dorh thcnmh appreh.and the thing fpokcn of. t;{ God rh.rt r.rk!tb tt'W4J theJimi(J of tbe world: And cue fo,the mind ofthe difccrninv rccdurr !oh. 1. 29. Where he e>llcrh Chriflthe Lambc 1 doth inw3rdly apprehend rhc thing fi~Hified,ll< of God, making_t,hcre an oppolnion ~etwe~nc ! I apply it to hisfoule,whcn the flcr~me~r~ll fign hm1and tb.: Pakn<!ll Lambc of Mo{cJ, wluch l is prcfcmcd to the outward fcnfc. And thH mly be c:':lled rhc Paf:.:hall Lambe ofmen; for l I coniunCI:ion arifeth not from the nature either ~crcin :~.\(o they ditfcr.Thc Pafchalllamb ~\·:~.s . 1 B ofthe fignc,orthc thing fignificd;but from the I icpararcd by men, though byG ods appo1ntinfiitution of the Lord. The meaning rhen of mt:nt; but Chri!l thetruc I.ambc of God,was the holy GhoH·hcrc is this, That Mofu by fero·part before all worhls by God the Father. faith did ordaineond appoint the killing and An~ rhus we fee briefly what this Pajfc-ouer is. eating of the Pafchall Lamb~, which \ovas the It followetll, lignc of the palling ouer ofthe Lords Angel!, Ordai11ed the Pttjfc-oun-. The \ovord trani'lawhen the firfl: borne in Egypt were fiaint. ted, ord.tined, fignificth, }jumad(, or,did et!(- It foUoweth : And effujion ofblood; that is, 6r<rt<' for the better vndcr!landing whereof, the fpril1kling of the blood of 'he Pafchall we mufl: hauc rccourfe to the Euallgclifts.MatLambe; which was 3. notable rite and ccrc:mo.. thew fctteth downc Chri{\s fpcach to his Difny vfcd in this fir it Patfe-ouer, after this .manCiplcs about the Paffc-oucr, which hee kept ner; The blood ofeucry Lambe was put'into a with them olirt!e before his paffion, thus: M; bafon, and fprinklcd with obunch of Hyfopc MattiM~·18· ttme Ucomt, I JVi/!ma/:.5 my Paf[c-ouer at thine vpon the doore pofls of cucry mans houfc Ahottfo. Now, S. Lu~c repeating the f~mc Story, mong the I~wes. Now this rite did not contir.uk.:.:.7.J1. mcmioncch,fir!l: thek.jlling,and then the eating C nue alwaics,but was peculiar3.Ild prope~to this of it: by which two words hcc cxplaneth whot firlt Patfe,ouer kept tn Egyptotthe inilitution Chrift meant bymaking(which here is rran!lathereof beeing then pra6\ifed (but not after) red ord.tining) the Paffe-outlr; to wir, firfi, the in regard of that fpedall dcliuerance then at killin(, and preparing of the Pafchall Lambej hand, whereof, it was an affitrance:for it figniand then the eating of it asrh e Lords Sacro. fied vnto them, thot the Angel! of the Lord, ment. Butthis is a ftrangc kindc offpeach(will comming ro dcitroy thcfirlt borne of Egypt, (ome fay) how can the Patfc-ouet· be killed or &fecing-thlt blood fo fprinklcd, tbould paffc et~.rcn?fcingproperly the Paffe...ouer isnothing ouerthcir houfcs,and touch n4:lne ofthcirfirR dlc, but the a~of the Angel! paffing ouer the borne, of man nor bcafl. This cnde of the houfcs of the Jfrae!i tcs, when hee finore the fprinkling .of this blood, is here likcwife fer firl1 borne in eucry houfc of the Egyptians. downe in thcfe words; Ltafthethat deffro;ed .Anf. The phrafc is improper: yet it n\ult not the firft borne,p,ou!d touch thm1.Hu, that is the fcemc Hraogc, becau(C it i'i vfuall in Scr)pturc, Angdl of the Lord, who was (cm to dcllroy entreating of the facraments,fomcrime to giuc rhe firll b<:>rnc throughout all Egypt both of the name ofrht: figne to the thing fignificd: as man and beall, faue oncly of.thofc who had 1. Cor.~. 7.Chri!l iscallcd our p,tfeouer;&on D thcirdaorcpotls fprink!cd With blood. And the othcrfidc,to giue ~he n~nte ofthe thin~ fig ) thu~ much for the meaning of the words•. •ificd to the figne: as 111 th1s pbce, he ordamed F1r!t, obfrrue '.\·hat th.c: _holyGhofl f:~.ab of the P.-:Jf~ortett; that is,thc Pafchal Lamb, \\•hich this faCt ofMofos,m orda1mng the P:~.fTc-oucr: ~·as :t figne of the Angcllsp:dTing oucr their namely,that budidit byfoitiJ.Hcncc we !came, lioufcs. So, Thisi1my6()dic, that is, :digncof that the Sacramen~s o~ the new T_dhment Mmh.l~.:B. my bodic. Thcrock_w.u Chrifl. The rea~on ~f mull be celebrated m f:uth: for, hcrcm we arc 1 .cor.Jo.+- thele figuratiuc fpccchcs,whercby one t~ung IS to feek to be accep~ablc: te>;C,od a!' Mofos was. , put: for another, is the Sacramcmall vnton of The Lordsfuppermth~ ne\\ Tefiamcnt fuc- ·thc figne with the thi:lg hgni!icd: vvhich yet is cecdeth the Paffc-ouer m the oldc: fo~, that not natura/1 ~ccording to pl:Jce, either by was a figncto the lewes, th3t lefus Chnfhhe change ofthe figne into the thing fignified, or· immac~latc Jambe <;'f God, fhould -~~crward by including the thing fignificd in the figne,or be facnficcd !or the1rfinne~; :md tins JS to vs 3. fallning it vpon it; but refp(ffil'leand an3logifigne of Clm.fiaiready facr_lllced. Now look as ca!l,by reafoa of thar agreement & proportion that was o_rdamed a.n~ recc1uedvnd~r the law, which is bctvvccnc :he figncand the thing figfo muft this be ad.m1mfired and rccemed vntlcr nificd: which !lands i:> t1•i•, thot lookc when the Gofpd. But m the olde Tcilamcnr 34oft, - ule-