. ----· -----'-----'----'-·-- ---·--- · 1 ,..,r,_,,;,•- their. Chap."!() the Hehr. I i9'j i '----! · . , . • . I-- --·-/ 1 1 I cdtbr:uu tfu Pa_.qc~ati& , thQro:tgh' f airh , and A·. rhci~r hwnc falu::ition in the bi?od ~f ~hriH: &! I 1 cnjoyncschc ]f~·aclites .fOw doe-; thcr~forc ac..: thclt ~re tobtc oommcn?~d in rc.:lpcd ?fth~ / . corrlingly muft ,~Ct' bY. ~fai;:lt,·clcbrar: an~ reforn~cr. BUt lrh~ii~ t.hcy b.Jlc: rh:t comm1n~ t~ I . ! I ceiuc the J..ords iuppcr\'nd.er the 6oipd.C1mt rcCtJUc, they bnng no~"' (t~l the a J1uely ~omh . 1 [ facriflcC' W$ frmth:t\C ..to .him, and .odious ~d . f<Jr, it is not onc:ly rc~q.mrcd '!1 a tom_rnun.Jcanr~· ! I i God~ bccaut~hc otfcrcd not r'nfaitiJ; and no that he prbfcfft>.thc fa~th ofChnfl angln: but a 1 l ' !cffC ~·ere all mhcrfaithldlC iilcrifi<;c,: cucn f~ Worthy rccducr mufi loOkc to his o-., n_ hcJrtt 1cucry SJCTllllCllt &fpiricuall facdfic:c rtcciued . that hi:){a.irh therein, he a: iiUlng faith·, h~ch as I I orotfcrcd in time oft he Gofpcl, is Vnprofi.cl- I · V'.'of1~crh by louC,' :\lld fhcw~:s it t'clfC by obcdi; blc to mo.n and vnaccept:tblc vmo God, if it cncc. Nov•l ;,herein , mlny .tb3t hauc goOd I be not rcc~iued in f:t~th.ln tucry Sa·cr:m_lCnt we kno~,·ledgc do~ gric.uoufly oft""c~~! T_h;;u: ho\\·~ i recciue fomc thing tromGod, as in eucry fafocucr tiH:y m:1kcra ihC'-\'C offa!tll , 111 a!1 or~ : crificc wee giuc !Onicrhing to God. In the derly ~nd religions carri:1gc of.ti~~mf~lucs. on 1 Lords fuppcr, as theMuliHcr siucs the ~read I thl· C6munioll day:yet wh~n thlt tunc 15 a l!:Ie ' and wine into the h3nd.ofthe rc:cciucr, to the: pall, tl!r:y rcturnc to their tormcr finnes agamt Lord Gad-giucs his fonnevmo 1hcirhcans~ neucreBChaun1g~myctre ( na)r ,not fo_m~t:~\ ·Now if ~aith bee \~~mi_ng, Chrill Crucified is : \ as making any 01cw) ~f_bym~ ~way t:hetr hns~? not rcccJUcd: for,f:mh IS rhehand of[he foulc:, B , flue onc:ly at thC rccetumgot tn·c Lords {qpwithoutwhich,rhcre isno rcceiuingofChrifl, ,. pC'r. And thus docwo many ofd1ofe, \'\hd and hls.bendits; but ctHHr:lriv.-ife, a. hca'uie :md 1 1 -make a'faireprdfctTion. Thcfc mcn hring faith, fcarefull finne, hcapmg vp Gods ...vrath :again1\ ·tnprofciTion, but yet theirfafth is dead; for, i~ vs. Herch.y 'NC lc:unc, how fundry forts of i'c \ovcrc a liucly fa1th ; i't. would pu~iflc: thdr people finne moll gricuouily agail~·fiGod :for h<!ai"ts,-and caufc'a chzng~ in them from euil~ many come to rccciuc the Lords {upper, who- ~to good, and•from·good tobcu:cr, eucry day arc~lcogcthcr ·ignoraOt in the: nat\tr.c and vfe more :lnd mo!e· But b~effcd be God, b)·_whofC' thereof, not knowing what thC' SacramC'n"t mcrcic it comes to pafie, chat there arc{omc: id" meo.ncth;aud yet brcau""tC it i5a cufiomc in the -his Ch~fch, vVho comewith fuch a faitl;, and~ Church, they will receiuc :tt lcafi once a yeare, "thereby comhmtiicarc aacptably to God ,_antf though rhey knowe nothing therein as they frqltti.llly to rhemfeluqs: Yet \'\'C muH confdfc\ ough~. Now fuch pc1fons muft kno\ve , they --rhcy ate buctewC in comparifon. But ~Sfor :1li ought_ to conu infaith; which they ~annot doe rh<: other three fcn'lU"ofpeople,:hcy finne grie-. I becaufe they want knov..•lcdgc: & therefore in u~·nflY.•;bccaufe they bring not the ha\d of a rccciuing it fo, th~·y commit a gricuous finne, liucly f.itth, to rccciuc thofe things whic.:h their~ and fo.indangcr rl'ic:'ir own foules,bccaufc they ! God offcrerh vmo them.\•Vce therefore in rhis· recciuc it vnworchily, And this is not the fault C example arc admonifhcd, tQcdebr:uc and reofyoul_lgones only;blft ofmany,whofc yearcs ceiuc: the Lords !Upper in fitc:Fl fort i as M oft! might 01amc them for tht1r ignorance, ifthey did: namely, in fai-th: a-nd that nor in an idle qr were not pafl alllecling offpirituall wants. A dead, out ii1 aliucly f>ith: which may both be• fecond iOrt there are, who recciuc d1c Lords fore and afi'e1· the rcceiuing of this f.1cramcnc,: fuppcr, 1 and fay theywill doe fO, bccan(e they bring forth gOod fruits,to the reforming ofOui hauc1faith. Hut thcfc arc like the former: fOr Hues, in continuall obedience, Of Gods g!o..: their faith is nothing but boncft dealmg among ry, an.d our ownc comfort and faluation in men.; thinking that iflrhey bring th'at to the ·Chrifr. . Lords fitpper, thougH they haue n_o 1.nore, yet 2 • Obferue further: Mofci orda:'rled ~nd Iall is~cll. Thcgreatdl tOrt are of this.minde, madcth8 PaFou8r. VVec may not thinkc:, th3t taking fidclitic for true faith: :md it i-sa plainc MP[es killed all the Lambes that were to bee:: point ofpopcrie,fo common,as almoH i1l eucry. Uainc at this Paffeouer:but in h_is ownc fami ly' place men do embrace it. But thefc: dcceiue D he killed hiso\"''nlarnbc,and inioyned rhc peothCfclues;.for an ot'hcr kind of faith is required plc: from God, to do the lil'e in rhcirs.Thc like' ofthofc that rccciuc thc Lords fuppcrworrhiphrafc is often vfedin the Scripture,Jofuah, 5. ly;namtly,fuehafitithwhcrebywedonoton!y >·'•fo,,{i isfaid to circlfmctfo thefonnu •f !f- 1 hclccuc thcremiiTion of Ci!~s in Chrifls blood; rael: \\ hich was almofi a thing impoffib,lc for 1 but alfo arc a!Iin·cd,that the bread and wine reone man todoe: But the meaning thereof? is 1 ceiucd worthily, arc figncs :lnd fealcs of the this:th:u Iofua inioyncdandprocured, t~at alf . fame bleffing exhibited ,·mo vs by Chri!l.Hcc 1 the people 01ould bee circumeifcd, and fa we that co.mes onely in·a good meaning, decdues it done. And fo wee: muf1 vnderftand this I . himfclfc, and rcceiucs to his Condemnation. / place. And yet alas, m~ny cucn of_ the auncicnt. forr, Nov.· in this , d~at MQfrs did in this mariner hauc n~othcrfaH\t, but then· good meanmg. 1 celebrate thisl'a(koucr, wee arc taught this A third fort there ~re, who yet goc further; l lcflOn ; that Go11ano1Jrs :md fi1pcriom·.t in their I andknowit~~~t~lc v_anitic _of thi.s opinion, that ·pbce, mufl procure, that thotCwhich bee vu-. a m:a_ns~dclme 111 h!s•dealmg \VHh men,fllOuld I ; derthcir gouerncmem, doe keepethc commabc}11S EH;h, to .com.mend h~r~ vnc.o God; they \ dcmenu o~God; and ~fpcci~lly tho(c, ,_,,hieh · ho.d and KOO'-' C, th'lt uu::: b.ah, 1s [0 bclccuc , coneerneC1ods "''or011p. lt IS the e0tJ.11113ndc- ---·--· -----·-vnkf~t