Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1 I 154 1 ; · vi [ommentarie vpon : '·'•'"'"'"· 1 --- I , l m:::rit of the Lord by Mofa, thar the Ki;tgt) A & no,ne beput bat;kci bccaufcall ofthem .wne !.._____ , l ,jlwnld ltmt~ the /t()V writtrn; that hu ?1M}' le6YJJ~ J ! to clc:ap_f' tl•_c temporal! punHhmCt, .,,hich God j I \ to feare ht& God, a11d k$qcnll the wordsof t-hw · W3S to tnfltCt vpon the Egypti~ns. But :.ftcr~ : j J4~e wntten, t.odoc them; Now, how flnll _the·• ward rhe Lord mnde aIav\'.,thac 1 f an~· .,.Ye re bur \ ·t ( "Kmp Joc all the wor<.s of the la\\'C? (cftOg legall] vncleane ~he might not c;:nc chc..Paffcthcrc be ma_ny con~m.audcm .. cnts, ,th_ar d?~ ~ot oucr, but 1m~H 'by- t1ll the ncit·mc<>ntth, and ,conccrnc.hm1, ~1or_hts pbcc :•bur lus fuot:.ct-s,,and oncly thc.deanc n:uft cat thcr1 ~n~.orhcr p3rt!,ular t1:1Cll ! "'o~ ?~h~t· ca!Jtng$. o~: fo that the Lord himfelfc did inhihlt fomc . 1 ~ , _Sl.Jrdy thus: He mut_t d~e- t~lc;ric:Hil hts ~wn p:rfrom t\_1:-tt S.~cr::tmcm: ,·vbe:cby it is pl~in~,.th:t.t . 1 fon,t\Yat hun tn hu pl-ace,~tHt then ice the cclcbr:.mon of the Pnt1co\ 1cr is fo farr from i .-tha~. ~.islUbict1s~-:t~·d fcr~~Plts doe>l1\.:~~-ifclu~h to this t:oufu.Lio~l, ami catcldfc i -duo ..s,both toH~uds G~d and manta:; cot.lcc._n ~dJmtong afall to the commumon that .rather 'I ~-them in thcir1 pl~c::-cs. Th.i~ is a.fpeci:tll ·point lt prooucth that there muH, bc a'dir.inftiN' concerning all MagiOr~te"' ;Jnd Supcriqurs t made,an.d a iCparation of the Vll\\ orthie fron 1 . 'f.slurfoc~~tr;3~ld thcr;fQre Pau.Lf.~ith,Rom. ,J 3.· J the Lords Table. ThoJ~ which.arcfitly prep 2- 'l . 4··Th( .t•1.tgiftnt!e o'r:.rctl1 m t: th~ SlJ'ordfor \ red arc to be reccmcd, but notorious ofl.cnf \~o;.-ghr, b~-: for. J~hr.·'!,"e~/rb of.Gp1s, p(opl~: l~ilt B dcr::i,\'\'ho arc morally :md fpiritu:clly vnCieant, 1JS, forth~tr gcp(..;nottn bo~tQ!·~'l).dy,bu.t pnn· ' :uc to b~ put ba~kc, till by repentance th<'}' l .ttpalJy,tor tllc good of..,thc1r fqHies.And th~-rchauc tdhficd thctr wonhit1dfe. 1 fore cucrygoucrnmu,cithcr Qf~w\'\·ne Q.r~hlg3· LCt ,vs confider the fionificatiOn of the ! Jomc,.and-cucry mafkr•ofa f~tDi):y, withinth:e , Paffo-osur. For the Prrfchatl~mh~ W:l!:.'a fiene ·cornpaffc of his ca.Hing, Js tQ J~~ that thQf<.! of Chrifi the true Lan1bc of God, fhadO\"fn., which arc vnder·hil"!"l k(epc-Qpds {.Qm,na,Q_dcout diuers things worthie our obf~ruation: a~ ·mcnts: cfpccially thofe whicb c6t)€cplc G,ods fidl the L~rnbc, for the P:~.ffe-ouer \\':lS'1:o be a \\'odhip. Whco'<it~{h.all' doe this, Lamb ofa yeare old,without 1jmr or blemifh: then the praifc and honour1of the ,.:hole i.5 which fignificd vnto vs, that Chrift"·a.s rhitt giucn to him; ::ts here the kiHing_ofthc Palfe- + immacul;rtc L11m6t of God and \".'ithout lj,.ot,as oueris afcribcdto .li~EQ[eJ, bccaul_c.hcfawrhar . P~ter C:l!!cth him, r. Pct. 1. 19, Secondly, the people did it. So on th,c conrrarie,ifthe the P11fchnl Lambe when be W:lS killed and eaMagHhate be negligent in hjs-Outie, h.ce he·- ten, had no bon.cof it broken: fo Y\'aS it corncomes th~ greateft finncr ,qf all :rfor then the ri1:mded, Exod. 11.46. andNumb. 6. 12. '{jo_ Cinncs that arc coaJmittcd .. tliroc.gJ1 bisA~ faq)t, nifying, rhat Chrilt when he W'\5 .crJ.Jcified~ arc afc~ibed tO him. !V'"t:hcmiah reproouing the e lhould not hauc a bone ofhim broken;~I.S Saint Rltlm,rclls thm• thattheyb>·~ks.tflc_LqrdJS•bl•hn 3pplicth the fotmctTcxts, Ioh.·19.;6. haorhs, Nehcm.q. i 5. wh'cn as notoneJy.they-, Thirdly,the Pafch.,LL~tm6~ mufi be ~~te~l with but the people ol[q br3kc them: yet there he fowre hcarbs, Exo<l. 12. 8. fignifying that no chargeth the linnc of the people vpon them, man can fcclc any fweetnc{fc in the blood of becaufc it came through their ;negligence~ Chr;n, till he hauc hishc::~rt full ofbitterndfe As, if any finne be committed ih a familie, for hisdlnncs: and, with Hannt!, be fcirt 11t.wJ through the defeCt of the gow;rqo_ur of the aml trouhltd in mh1de,[oM he can p()yreout hU familic ;.,it isnot 0"11ely rhc finne ofthe panjcu.. 1 {o11le 6(fqre the Lord, 1. Sarn. t. 15. The '"':1Llt · lar panic, but the finn~. And fo,' Ji of this is the caufe why fo many doe.. ll4':1re when lny man f1nne.sinbreaking the Sahboth, Gods word, and rccciue the SacramcDt~, and I it is not oncly the !itltlc ofthat p:u:_ticular m<tn, \ yet rcape no benefit bythem, Fourthly, before but of thegoucrnours towhotne!le is fubicC1:. , the Pafchal LttmP( was eaten , all icauc.1.1 mull And therefore ~ouernours mufl fee th<tt Gods I be remooued out of their boufcs, This had 3 chmsndcmcnts~bc kept of thole that be vn_dcr not:~hie fignifi.cation t which we neede not c~ I their gouernmcnt. But here feme may ob1cCl: ghdfc at, fcemg the holy Ghoft hath fet 1t (as indccdc fomc 3bufc the pl:tcc to this ende) ' D , downc ; namely, that ~·e m.ufi rcmooue.~ll -old. that it fccmcs no man.may be barred from the · let:~t~en of corrupt doflrt~J~ ( Matth. 16. ll•) out Lords Supper : for the like rcJfon is in the 1 of our hearts; and t~e ~~~~::m ~fji''t'~ a'!dn'ic'- ,,cor·5·?- l Lords Supper, th3t was in the P affcourr: but f.!dneffc, out of our lm!s, tf we profdlc comMofll kept the Pa!fcouct him~clfC, and com.. muni?n with Chrifi. This is 3 point worthour manded oil the people of!ii·3cllo to doe:ther~ m3rkwg: for, vnldfe we doe fo, we lhall,haue fore no man is to be put from Gods table. An[. no benefit b~ the facnfi<e ~fClmil: for 1f we ][is nue-indcedc, th~t in Ecrypt ~t the cclebra.. w1l hue mthJs oldJcauen,we muft ncuer lpoke cion of the lirfi p~lfeoucr,"Mofes kept it himto recci!lc Chrifi imo our beans. L:1,0ly, eucry fdfc,and commanded euery 111:1fl('r ofa familie pcrfon rcceiucd the P:tffcouer in Juz.fl, ~itiJjhoes 3mm1o- the Ifra,clites to doe tht fnmc: nnd the on th(ir [rete , -,•ith .flmtn in their har;d~ , llr.d rca[oJ~hcrcofw:~s brcauJe ot the lirfl inflituti- · 1h(ir cloti!Jes girt vp, Exod. 1z.1t. yet this .wee on,thc·Paffcouc:r ~':JS both~ figne anrl :c ~c-ans lmuH vndcrfl~n~ on.cly,of r_he ~r~ ~2~eoucr i.n of atemporall dcliuerancc, bdides the fpJrttUErypt: f~r Chtl~ d1d ~~te Jt.jtt_tmg. Now_ LL!k.n.l-t· aU: and therefore there w3s great rcafon then, fcrcmome vfcd _:n thefirftpaflcouer, tignilicd I ,,.hyall t,hc Jft·:1clites fhould cat the P3ifcoucr, thui mu~l!ha~ 1f ~~~~-~=--~~~~~ei~elit by Chd ! ·---~...::---=--