then. Chap. td the llebt. ------~--------~----------- --------~------~~. ' [ Chri_ll, "''" muHb_c ofthis minde to be alwaics A that tl1cy h~uc no-thing in them bLit !~ndt:tilcc;. , rc:tdtc to Jcaw: thiS world, and be p-repared_ to , · tC:curidc:, and prc:fumptton iri finllC'. Nu\\' (nd! : goc when :md whichcr·God !hall cail vs. \\'cc i .mt·n :m: dccciltcrs of their ownc foulcs Jfor ot:I ' I muH not hauc our hearts glcwcd to earthly ' I ter tl11s tf>rinklingfollo\vcch-f:idifi,atiOo , an.d ; l thtngs,but alwaics n:ady [ 0 rccciuc gods eom- '. r iling from dead workcs td t~c:w'encne of life : r· ! m:tund,:md eo goc at l1is c:11l. Thefc be the fig~ I i .tO tha.t _they th:H_littC in li~nc, ln:~ Yl't. ~:ty thc~· - 1 nifiotions ofthe P:tfl\:oucr;\\•hiCh \\'(' muH re- .f I hauc t:uth; dccc!Uc thcnilclucs. For, 1t :1 m:m~ . member to good vfCof in rhc: courfc ltcarr bee tj>ri nkkd with the bloo ...l ~f Chrill ofour liues, ,"r. nci dHlS mud1 ofthe fi rft brant.:h t_htough t':tich, it will (han£c his fife :lnd con,;; l ofthis :tft ofAdoji:.t faith, in ord.;t;:i;;g;hePdjjC:. kicncc ,.and make himancwc crc.Hl!r('; for , I mar. Chrilhblood is :1 dc5.6ng& pmifyittg b!oodJ The fccomi branch of this workf' is this; intOmt!Ch as where it is trudy fprinkkJ, it ccrL I A11 d tlu cjftt{roll of b!oud : that is, the fprinktait1dy cl<.:an!Cth: Heb.9. 1 4• And thus m1ich : ling ofrhc blood of the L:m:bc \·pon the pofts of this cc,rcmonic of .Fftrinkjm.,P;. of their houfcs, and vpon the doorc chcekcs; Now f'ollo w!:'th rhe end<.: ofborh thcfc aCH..:.: \ovhich was a token to the lt'i-Jelircs, that the Oil:;, in thek \\'ords: L~~ifl her tiMr dcflroJcdrfu dcllroying Angel fl10ulci not llnkc the firfl: 1 B fi'fl borne j!Jcml.d rouch rlum. Let \'5 eXanline' borne of the l{rMiitu either man or bcaft. In j the wcrds in ordr .. : Firlt; by rhc def/ro;cr, iS m:ms re:tfon,this may feeme to' be a vvcake and I meant tht' Angel ofGod (:ts we rilay fee in the fimplc mt'ancs;yec God ord:tincs lt to prcfcruc Storic, Exod. 12. 19.) who at midnight fi110tC' all the firft: bomc among the Ifi:o.cliccs. And I all the firfl bomc of F.grpt b"oth of man ancf thus the Lord vfcth to deale, that his people, bca(l, Whereby the way \\'C lit ay take aviC'\\'C: I through the wcakencffc ofthe mcancs, migl~t ofthe wondcrfuJI power nttd fhcngth ofGods be brought eo acktlowkdgc God to·be thc1r . Angels, anrl alfo of their adtilir:tblc fwiftndfe 1 . protector and defender. \•Vhen the lfotclitu I ~nd rcadindfc: in doing the will ofC)od;that i1~ were llung with the fCrpcnts, a man would one night cucn at midnight,one ofthem coi1ld haue thought it had been the bcii way for their pMfe through the Land of Egypt, ai1<l kill all curing, to hauc giuetl them cunning Sugcons; ~he firH borne of man and beaH, in ~ucry pbcc but the Lord ordaincs-oncly adead fcrpent qf ofthe Egyptians. The like \\'CCm::y fee rn th~' bralfc, which they mull Iooke vp vmo, and be dclhuCl:ionpfSenacharill.f ltoH, by one :\ngd curt'd. A ""~:1ke mc:mes it w~s, and yet the in one night. Lord vfr:th itj becaufc he v.'ould hauc them to C Th~ fiY.fl borne: that is, both of men ~nd' giue all the glorie vmo him·, 3nd riotto af-· bealls.Soiti5inthcStorie,Exod. 12.29. llui cri be th'C fame: either to thcmfclucs or to the beeing fo, it may not vnfitly bee dcmaundcd, mc:mcs. How· this P.zffi-osser could be a SJcramen.r, Further, thisJPrinkfingof the bloodvpon the whc os euell the be>llsof the Ifraelitcs had·bcdoore checks a11d the polls oftheit houfcs,had ncfit by it; forthey were fporcd by rca!bn !or' a notable tignificatioll ' namely, of the jprif,k_- . this f}rin!;fing of theblo•dofthe P.ifi:h,tH Lamb; lingofthebloodofChriflvpon the doorcs ofour An f. That hi!ldrcth not why it,llwuld n·<>t be a· hearts, to whi~Pc:cr alh1dcth, t. Peter r.:. Sacrament. For wee mufi: confider this Pa./fcThroughth~.ob~dhmaandfpriakfing of tl1e hlo'od' Ollcr t\\'0 waycs : Flrft, as a1l1eancs oftenlpora1 of lcfus Chrifl. And D auid, when bee faith , deliucrance,and fo the bcaflshad bcncflt by ll. Sprinkjemcc with I-lyfope , and I}hall 6e clenne' Secondly, as afigne a11d feaic of our fp irirualf b 11uidknewwcl tllatthc blooci ofbcaflscould dcliuerancc f,om hell by t he fa·crificc of the not take away !inne, and therefOre no doubt Lambe of God Iefns Chrifl,whiCh is- thething by his-fhui·ng faith, he hall an·eye to the blood ilgnificd ; and fo it is a Sacr:..:ncnr for mans fal- l of the Meflias vnd'cr legall teanne5,. \~·hence, D uation:and thus the bc:Jfh had no benefit by it, . wearc taught this ld\On: that a~ the Ifrae/iru The water that Bowed fr6m the rock~ in the !I v ..·ith their bodily h::mds did ~1rinkle the blood wilderndl"e , \\':IS a Sacrament, and the bc!lfis:". ofthePaFhalt Lrrmhvpon their doore checks, dr.ankc ofthe water, but yet they did not par- I 2nd the pofis oftheir n·ouiCs:foby the hand of take ofthe Lords SacrartJenr: for \\C mufl: con.: I faith, Ct1ery one ofvs mufi fprinklcthc blood of fidcr rhat \\'atcnwo wa}·ej ; firH :t5 a meanes Chriff vpon ou~ ownc he-arts: which wee fh:;.ll" to guench thirtl, and con!cqucn~ly as an out- j. then doe, when wee doe not oncly in {;Cner:tll I ward 1bcnefit to prcfcrue the li'tc'of the crc:.- 15deeucchatChriA:isaS:l.uionr & Redeemer, turc, and fo the bcaHs h:1d a. benefit by it: but particuklrly th::tr he is ;1. Rcdecmcrvnto vs; but co,1fider it as ~ figne and fe~lt of the !and thatthcmeritsofhisdcath,aod the bene- \\';aer of life and fo their be3tl~ had no fit of his blood arc ours. hcne6t by it, 'but oncly the bcleruingpeoObieff.. ·But fome will fay, Ifthis be fo,thcn plc.. :1ll is well, for I doe bclceue this. An{.1-krein It followeth; Sho:tld toHch tl·tm. Here is· v·erymany decciue themfducs, thinking that - the veryvie &end of both the fanner aC1:-ionst they h:1uc f:1ith,when indcedc theyhauc none. 71:at th~ At~f_ell might nor hurt them, but p:dfe For, lookc vmo their waycs, and fee into their I by the l fraelitcs houfc:s, Hnc confideta not1- -- hearts by their liucs; and it will ca!ily appcarc, blc point, co11cerning C~rifl. the true ~:~~~;· I ........,._._l