I~~- __ e..!l [omm_entarie vpon j I ou~r:nlmcl~;thlt. they \'1. hi eh hauc their hearts I A F11rther, where itis f.tiC )thejir/!'bvrne.; wee j \ fprmklcd \o\ n_h h1s bloo~, l11all bee prcferucd mufl vndcribnd i1; ofthe firfl borne a:. 11011 g tiH' 1 . irorn Ct:crb(hn.g ~arnn:mon; at~d no. t oncly fo..i Egypti~ns, bOlh ofman and bcafl.And wbcr<:'..o l but hereby thry hlall hauc ·dchu€r:lnce j trom 2shc faah, fhottld touch thrm; hce mc:tDI!:tll the I all tcn1porall wdgcments in this-hfc, iO farre ifraelitcs; who \\'Cl'C not touched in 5 his de~ 1 fonh as thcy-~.rc curfc:;,andhunfuUvmo them. Hrutli.on. 1 _,. J ~-~ • 1 So \'I'C m~.)~ rc:idc• before the ddlruCbon G!mt Hcn.~o wc.I:aJ:nt'tW·o ,Points fimhcr. r. The . 1 to the CHJl' of r.hc I_c:vcs, th~ a11gel_of Goe:l firfi bornc,of Egypt arc oeltroycd,bl!lthofm::m Ezcch.:)..;. \\'Cnt thorougl: rhc cmc with~ W1·ircrs tt-1/z..horn~, and ~t·<J.~ts. Thi~ isma-rkc.,ablc; for .the,Egyp~i~ to- fot A m:rrt:.g vpon rhJfo rh~rdutmournc .md ate ans Ill hnmer ume9 deHr,>yed rhc Ifr?.·clites Pral.JZIJ• \fort heirjimra. And Drnnd f;1ith, thc1·ightcqru children, :md clpeci:lll)' their fidl: borne; fOr ma,,Jitmdethvptma rocl;,s ,fo aJ the-flnods ofmany tNcy Oc\..,,a ;.11 the m:lles, )€aH rb('y fuould inw.Jtt:rs (htl!i~not cofrJ,~necrc hi~J, This is a point ncafc in thciF land: andnow it t:omes u> p~nc, of gtc:!t v~c : :J.nd th_t.· con!Jdrr:nion hcrcqf, that their childrcn,cHCn the principall ofthem., fhou!d mooucal\ perfons that hane Bern caretheir firfl bon1c arc flai~1 for the lt'r.adites fake; leffe in rcli ~ion, !'lOW to become c:uefUll and and when they are prelfmed. VVbcre we may ddirous tb ha\le their ILcansv.:af11ed in theblood . B obfcruc a m~fi righcc.eus, and yet 3n ,.fa2-f1 \ of CJJ"rifl: ar:d tho(c :!l(o ~-\-.b:lh ha_uc any c~re, kinde of iudgc.:m~nt with God. He der'h ofi:cl!l ~nutl hauc rl~u_blc ~~re here~f;..tor th(y haue v.uniih tl~c~,\·~cked in thei~ kind,with their o\·\'1-l 1 frecdome an<i !cClllltiC~ botb 111 temporal\, 3nd bnncs: 1 htS IS. uuc cucn Jn the beH,fo f'.lr fonD cten·.'ll\1 tudgrmcnrs. as they are finnc(u~J. The Jame iniur.ic \'\'h:cb 0/;icfl. Bm n.1any of Gods dcare children Dauiddid toVrif!h., W~'3 done Yli!t0 hirn ,by his src,t;~ken away in com1-llOll iudgcracnts. Anfw, own fonne>ellenhy hiSf9t1nc AbfP.(tm, '2.S:trilr. TrueA)ut yet tbcy)ue ncuer hurt thereby; but Io•. to, Itt. a:nd t6.·zz. A1id thi:s <>ur Sauiom the iucigen1cnt ::md affliCU.on_ is f~nCtificd vmo ChriH tcachct-h vs, f:1ying, (M~mh.7. 1 .) Judge them, heca_u(e they hauc their hcarcs JPrinkJed not; thlltyubrrnot z11dgcd, Y.lc fi.nde dfis rruc Jfitb·ebe blood. of Chr){f. And as fOr thofc whom JikeY\'ife by e)E:pcrience~that they that giuc thC...:. G£~dknowcth it good for,th:yarc ddjuercd in felucs tobackc-biting, r_::~yling,and H.ansJering, gcncrall iudgmet!tS;·and prelcn!cd for his globy the iufi iudgc:rncm of Cod, haHe~ {Or the rit,.;'lnd vfe of the Chur(h. 11JOfi part the !lmc ~one vmo tbemfch:cs by o..:. But how did the A11._'{~l defiroy the fidl thers; iO that tncn :ll'G often punifl1ed in their borne i1'1 Egypt, both of man :1nd bc:~fl:s? An{ C ownc finncs. For, God h:1rh his Horchoufc full By taking from them their teruporallliucs , by of itw::lgemcntg, a11d hee can punHh Blcn what ddhoying or kilHng their bodies. That is the -..vay he will~:Bm he oft obfcrucrh ~his order, to (cn(ejlnd pla1ne meaning ofthe holyGho!l: &: punif11 men by thr\rOY\'ne finnrs, and t.O catch to rh'ls·lignificat\on a!l(wcrcch_ the \.\'ord in the the wicked in their ~wne dcufics~ , orioinlll. N<Y\\' fome doe abu!e this place, and This mull be amo~iue to-make vs to looHa fuch like, for rhc oucnhro·\o\'ing of the \\ncient VJ1to our fclucs, ~nO· to hauc care againfi::~H cen!iu·c of the Church in excomm:micatitm:for finncs of the fccond table : for lookc ·wherein (fay rhcy) the praCli fc of S. P11rd, r. Cor.5. i:t thou takefl: thy plc:afi1re eo Gods J.iG)onour, the princip~ll ground of cxcm1:muni.cation: "therein t\1011 Jlta~t feclc :md fee Gf)Gs-i-udgcwherc Paul biddes t:hat t.hc inccfluons man be mcms·vpon thee, to thy correCtion an<! confu.. .fliuen• to S«tan'for the dejln:Eii~" of the jlcfh. lion, Pfal. 109 .. I 7, As ke loud c!.'rfng,fofh••/1 Now [hey that deny ncommun!ation,would it come vntohim: and M he loHetl nor b11fi11J.,fo haue that place ro be intcrprc~cd by this, beJb~tlit befarre from him. This, Adonibez.eft fcl~ caufe the fame word is there vkd:.~nd thcrfore and confdfed,\\htn his thumbes wc(e Cut Oft, (fay they) Ptutl! words mu!l be vnd~rHood,of Iudg.t. 6,7. As I hnHedone,fo God barh·r~war... dcHroying the i11cdluous m~nsb0dic, and ra.. D ,Ud me.. kiAg a-v·:ay nis.tcmporal! life. This incerprctad... Latlly 1 in that the deftroyer k.i_lleth the ftrfi on doth quire oucrth~ow cxc0mnltmicari6:for,. 6(Jrne oj Egfpr•. marke a flr~ng~ ka:d of Gods. ffnothing clfe be there vndcr!lood.• but oncly iudgemcms. Kmg Pharaoh& h1s pcop!c ftn nc, the torm~ming oftl.e body ,then cxcOm~nicabccaufc .thc'ywill not le.t t~c lfrac~ites_goc;but tion is-not thence proucd. But the truth J,:;,that: the pundhmcnt of tht!lt finne, IS Iatdcvpon the ccnfure which the Apotll c vrgeth there~ their children and cattdl. The rikc we rea? ef, cannot be vndcdlood ofthe puni01memofthe z. Sam, t 2. I~· \>\·hen Dmdd had cmnmmcd bodit: which J prooue thus. In that placeS.. thoJC gri.cu~us fin~1es ofad\1lrerie and rnurtht~, P 111 t! oppofeth the fl4h multhefpirit. Now vfua pan of h1s pumil1ment \yas the death of /;u I ally,whcn he makcth ,his oppofition,Fiq7J Ggc.hi!d.VVhcnhe numbred the pcoplc,rhcplague nifieth the corruption of the ''"hole ri1an: and l1ght on them, 2. Sam. 24. Now we mut1 not the rp;r;r fin·nifieth the." gr:rcc of God in the toO curiou!ly pric i~to the rc~fon 0~ God!: m:.1n : f0thno~:l1ispbi nc meaning is rhi.s, Let him iHdgcmcllt~: fo.r he JS not b.ouqd ro gtue :tc- j 6edeliueYed ra Satrmfor tll~d~flm£lion ofthejlepJ; coullt of h1~ ~Cl10ns) and)tCt m reafon 'i\'C may I i that is, for the deHrudion of his naturaU cor.. fee the cqumc therco~. ~or, we n~uft: confider - i I I I · j I I l f ruptiort, and ofthe bodic of finne. ofkin&domcs~md fomet!c:t,.and ~:~tc\'r'nCs a~d I 1 - ----- • fatm1_._____j_________~------ ------ - ---·~