Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-- ---------------·· . theu.[http.totbe--ilebr. to wit, before we vtC the ordioaric: mcanes of A in the forehead, :wd Oew i1:m. Rcri1 d:cf.":' fof.s ---·-'4"-· Phyficke, we mufl (according to thisexample) were the fruits oflhdr fa1th, \\'hi< h made £!tc:;-' firil- p1tt our faith in praCtife; by humbling our bold tocncOumcc With thefc n1ighuc C!~C:1::ts. [clues for our finncs paft,confdling them truly ln .this effeCt ofdH:-ir tlirhJ !11 tt, \\ t m~yob.;. vnco God, :md prayin'g for pJrdOn,. fi·orn :t re:. fcruc, thdt uuc: fonituCc ~nd m::nhood, ri.ght (olutc purpo!C ofhcart, to Jt·ad a ne"'' l!fe: and valm:t and 1 f'Ouragr, comes fron1 trtoe faitl1. J~ 1 alfo,by intreating hc:1lth ofGod, and ~1is good mull be gr:l!lntcU, that !1J:tny hc:nhcn men h3d bkllin~; vpotl the me:1ncs which wee !hall vfe grc::.r Hrcngth and eour~gc; but indccdc it v. as fOr our recoueric. Thus hat~c other of Gods ~ut a fl1:1clow of true valour; for right valott'!' J fcrulntS done, b~fidc iie~cffJ.M•. VVhet~ Da~id ~~m:~ti' bclecuingh~an. And, therefore t I was gricuouily hckc; the .pnn.ctpall th!~g b~c lt IS J~ud, that thcfcJudgcs & Prin~cs oflfi·:lcl, did, \\'35 thispraCl:ife of f:mh; m humb'ltni hts I rv.1.wdjhw:g tub.lttcl! 6_;'fi!itb. i foulc bdOrcGod for his finnesJ and imrc:nh1g Sccondly,Doth crl.Jc t:lith .makC' mtn \·:J!lant j carndUy the pardot1 of them, as wee: may [cc, in battcll? .. Then l11auld the prea-ching of ~he 1 Ipfa.lm.6. and ;8. This is the principal!, I word, be kt vp;an.dnlainraincd, as well ;n the l ,•hich in thole Pfalmc~ is propounded of DaCatnpc, :111d Garifon, and among Sou!dtcrs on id. And tO the Apo!Ue counfc:lls, lam. ~. B the Seas; as in Cities and Townes of pcacc:.For 4 , 1 ~. !J ::rq man fief:.! among you? let him thepreaching ofthe word is the mcanes ofthis ~ atrforrheElderJ of th.e ChHrch .. and what mun flith which giues valour in bane!l,.to them I hey doe? furcly·, firft ptay ior him; and then fight in ogood caufc. , as thecufiomcwas in rhofe-d2yc• )anoint htm H~ncc 1t V\'as 1 tll3.t the t'ord cnioyned by ithoyle,in thenameofthe Lord. And tht p~ayA-tofu, that "''hen the people uflfrael went out r of faithjballfo~te the Jich, and theLord]ball to b.lttcll, thePricfhjbo:t!d a;me fort h, and m.:. Dcuc.tS;:, 3 , j ratfobim vp againe if h~e haue committed cot~~·age the p:vplc, that rhetr he.n-t.r might not alf} fmu, itJba/1 b.cjorg1uenhttn. And here we f.lint,Jtorfe.'lre, nBrdrc..~dtheir e11cmieJ; 6ccaufo I muflbeadmoni!hed,lobcworeofthcbadproof rh• porrmfH/1 pr<foncc of God figbting for llifcs ofthe world 'in rhiscofc: the moll p1c1t rhcm. T~1e Papifts obiect this (by way of rein their GckendlC, firfi: (cckc to the.Phyfitiaus; · proachJ againfl ZttinglitU, "d10 was one of the and ifthacfailethcm, they fend for the Minil rcfiorers of rhe Gofi,ci : That hce ~icd in th~ I ficr. Thiswas King .Af~t his praelife,forwhich I field among Soldicrs:But this indcedc is no re: he is bi:~nded to ;ll pofi:eritic, that becingdifproach, but rather a matter of grent commrn1 el'tfedinhUfeete 1 heefought vmo Ph;JititmJ, (UJd C d:uion vnrohip1 : in rha:: , for the .inc:rea(c of notvntothc.LtJrd, z. Chron. t6. 12. though ofaith·andknowledge, in them that were._ weakt j therwifc ,he had good things in him, z.King. ChriGiansp.bout him,hewas cOntent to hazard 1 I 5· I4• And 1rtony docfarte worfe, who fecke his ownc life. And thus much of thccighufto Wttchcs -and Inchantt;rs, when they, or fcC't. theirs arc in di!tre!fe;butrhjs isto forfake god, The ninth effect of faith /or which thcfc ·, and to fCckc: hclpe ofthe De!lillj like to .Ahawonhy men arc commendet!, is this; They t~- --.;ah, who Cent to Baal>:.f;ub rhc Godof EJ<,:;o~t, "'d to jlig11t the Armies •f '"' A/i.mts. This tok,_naweof,hUreeoutrk, When htrwa~ jir:k,g vp011 mayb~cvnderftood of the mofiof chc Judges. a fall,>. King. I. >. This !hould be farrc from ond ot the good Kil;~t of Iudah and I(raci.But all Gods children: for,as Ahat..i4ht .tickcne!fc I will moke choifc, cfj>ccially of two, Gcdm;, bec011,. deodly, through his fending to_Bnalondlchofaphat: for Gcdcon,onc of the Judges, ,.,,bub; fo vndQubrcdly, many difcafes become w,ir/; thr;c lmnd"'dSouldim ( Iudg. 6. 7) all,oincurable,by the bad and prepo!lerous dealin;; gcthcr vnw.eaponcd, onely with ligbr pirchc~t of the Pauent, wbo either vfcrh vnlawfull i?tl;eirhandt,puttofughta might)'_hugc Armeancs,orlawful! meano diforderly,or trutlqh mic of theMidianift!. And J,hofaphat a godly therein. Wee therefore, in this cafe, muH re:- D Kin~,being affa.ulred with amightyand gr~<lt member our dutie in the praClifc of faith, as Arnuc of Moabltcs, Ammonites and nien Hez..ekjahdid. ., .rnoupr Scir, knewc that by force 'o,f.arm·e~.h.~c Thecightfruitolfaitl~sthis; w4.wdvalicou.ld nocwithfhnd them; and antinbittUii. This effeCt. P'l~Y \\'e11.bce vndtr- .faith makes a wonhie. pray~z: vnco tbe Lord, !lood ofall the ludgubefore n•med, and ofall and the Lord heard him, and fer his enemies the good.Kings in Iuda and Ifracl. But yet oncagainfi.anothcr, and fo did he put them td therebe two efpeci:1lly,to whomwe·may more flight, which he couid ncuei hai1c done by a,ny' peculiarly rcfcrrc: it:to wir, S4mflm, an~ Dauid. (hcngth of his o\ync. · ForSamfon, he bymeancs of faith, nmc to be . Here we may lcarnc, how Ki:ngdomcs fo mightic {ludg.I 5·15 .) chat with the iaWhone people may b~comeable tO Hllt to flight ! ~f tm,J{[c he(/ewe a thou[a,JPhiliflimt. And for enemies. The bcfi "vvay is, to put in ! Dauid~ he likcwifc was !0 incomagedby fJith, their f.,ith i~ Ged; by humbling rne·n111e1ue" 1 / tl~at ~· •nh the fame fling, wherewithhcekept ,trudy for their finnes pafi:, \'\'ith.vnfaincd con,.~ 1h1s fathers 01ccpc ( w)1kh was but a !lender •fctlion of them vnto God ,• prayino- withall i-"\'C:tpon forvll<~rrc) he cncountred with GI'J/ia/J earndtly forthe pardon ofthem;.anlf()[ Gods; I t~~at hnl=c Philiflim.~ndllit him with ..:..a...:fi.:_o_:nc:.:...'---'-';..'i=-d_e:__, a!TiHaucC, ·:md proteCtion a.g2.infi thci~ ·- Rr t ---tnc-'