----- ---~ the u.[hap.totheHebr. -----·~'--·-·--··r res forfaking Goci; :tnd n11111ing to the Dcuil!. Indccdc, the vfc of hwfullmc:\ncs is nor to be dilcommcndcd fin:ply 1 buc this prcpoHerous courfc ts bbmc-wonhy, and dcpriuts many of Gods blclfing in the m<::mes, That they fC:ckc hclpc of Phyilckc, before ~hey hauc fOught to the Lord , in this holy praCbfc of tlith. ~eft. But how can the parcms faith bene ... fit the chlldc? AN[. It c:mnot procure vnro it ctcrnall litC::for cucry one muH be llucd by his . 1 ~ o•A:nc faith inChrill. And, yet the childc rccciucs m:wy agood bldTing :Jt Gods hand, by mc'ancs ofrhc Parents faith; as n:~.mcly,.rhc be– nefit of the 'C?ucnant of g~o.cc in the fcales thereof; befides the ffu ition of many tempo... ,rail blct1lngs, as life it fclfC 1'n this pl::.cc. The conGder:nion hereof 1 muH moouc a!l parents, abouc all things to labour for true faith: for, by the practiCe hereof, they il>all be able to bring the gre:uc!l blcffing vpon th€– felues and their children, ond vpon the lowfull mcancs which they fhal vfe for their good.-Say the Lord illalliay his hond vpon <hildrcn ond fCru:mts in afamily,what muH Parents and ma– ficrs doe? Surely, the bdhvay fot belpc, is the praCt:ife·offaich, in true humiliation tOr tinnC', and praycrtoGod formercie, and forablcf– {ing vpon the meanes which they fhall vfe. In a.ll £0cicties this is true, that by the faith ofthe goucrnours, m:my curfes arc rcmooued, and many blellingsprocured. God fends his iudg.e• mcms among vs daily,and we know not when other moe !hall befall vs : but; !orremooucall and prcueming of them, wee mull· giue our [clues to true humiliation and prayer; and fo fl1all wee finde the Lords mc:rde towards vs,as thcfc two women did. And thus much of this tcnthfrulte of faith, and ofthem oll feuerally. Now, from them all ioymly together ,oll• feruc this fpcciall point; That faith iofoch a grace of God, a1 dotb bri11g downe from heaum vpon euerie bclceuer, ""Gods hieJ!ingt that arc nmufu/1 for him. Who i> hce that defires not tobe made pattaker of Godshldlings needc– tull for him, both in foule and bodiei W cll;the oncly way and mcanes hereeo, is to' get a true and a liucly faith, and to put the fame in pt3• ctife, in all fuch duties as God !hall require at our llands. The worrhic men before named, obtained all the former moft wondcrfull blcf– fings, by mcanes of their faith : BJ itrhry e{ca– pedth• edgo( tht[word ,theyquenched the vio– lence ofthefire, waxedmightie in battell, &c. as we hauc heard. · A and grace in the V\'orld?·.tou!d \o\'C hauc l1o tth •. and thength? n:~y, the tluour of \iod,which is all in all? rhen, lookc ro get rrue faich; for , In £he praCl i!C thcrcot~thou Dlalr 1 obtaJnc ofGod, all needfull blcffings, both temporal! and !pi.: / ritual!. Many toy le ~hC'mfclucs o:cccding~y ,by 1 worldly mc::anes to get tcmporall b!t:llngs, as health 1 we:dth, honom, £-:c. and yet neucr :tt"' taine thereto, becaufc they fcckc thcrtrilO'r by faith. 1 confcffc, n:umall men get many ~ood ' things: bm to them they arc no blclfings; be~ 1 caufc they want (aith, both in gc.tting, & kcc..:.: ping of them; fort hey Jay all religion afidc 1 1 and toyle thcmfclucs wholy in worldiy I11C.:Jns. This courfe the child of Go'd mull bc\\'arc of', Say that 3 Priucc bids one ofbis (cruants go ta , B hisTrcafurie, a1~d there inrich him!C!fc with Icwclstwith gold, and lilucr ,.and V\'ith '' hat.l ! iOcucr he lackcth:.,,,h:tt \Nill this man do?Sure- 1 ly, firft he will call forthe keyes , ;\•hereby het ! may vnlockc the doorcs and chcfis; for clfe he! can get nothing. B-ehold, in the Minifictie ·of his word, God ihcwcs vs his fi:ll rrcafi.Hic, V\' herein we may enrich our fclars , with all his 1 blcffings: Now, ·we mull not with the ~o.olc; l 1 1·~nne without the key,but Iabonr fir{t,for true faith; which is that key, \\'hc:rcby Gods hrt:– ucnly treafures arc opened, vmo vs :and, w~e mull be furc that we hauc a found kev; tha'r iJ, a true and found faith,which may flro.ngly turn 1 ! ::tbou~thc locks ofGods trcafi.ttie. For, rhis is– moll cenainc,he that doth vnfainedly bclccur; I C lhall ncuer ;-"'ant any thit_1g, either in bodie or I foule, thatls good for h1mto haue. Euery one will fay, he bclc:cucs;bur the tr,uth is, that true fanh is rare : for mens hearts are 110:: purified, 1 nor their Hues changed ;· bt1t rhcy rcma1ne ai I finncf~1ll as cncr they '":ere 1 which c:tuferh: Gods llldgemcncs to be t1fc among vs. \VhcrJ i forc,as we ddirc our Ownc goodboth in foulc j a!id !Jodie; {o let vs labour for true faith, and ihewc forth the po,.vcr of it in our liuC'-' And rhus much ofthefe Iudges and Proplicts, and ofthe fruits of their faith. · Beleeuers vnder the Maccahees. VERSE. 35· Now if faith bee fuch • notahle grace of God, then abouc all things in this \vorld,lct ys labourforit. We mu(h>otcOntentour (dues Others alfo were rac!.ed, \~•ith lip-f:oith,and fo prdi1mc vpon Gods mer- · 'J L b .1 ~ • C!CS ;.but we 11lUft J3bour for a true an·d a liucly and would n~& ee de1iuered)' : fanh inChriil, which may purific anr heam, th"t thC'" m·zi!7ht recez'ue "'better !,. and bnng fonh fruitc in our liucs. Here arc ~ ':./ 0 H £lrong lllOliUes-topc:rf\>\":ldC VS hereunto: for, refitrreflion. ~ whatdo~c? riches, honour,-or fauour,. :J f'l -----------~-----R.!_..:_ __________IJ':l_\ - - ---- -- - 135 '!