Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

A1~rrh.;. '1J.:!.J.:__ The third part of Chrilh!JcrThehwin g~ncr:lll. Ctremor~~~l. Sermon in the ~ount. · I H ! the f.. 1 me endc of the Minifierie :1dmonif11erh I' A 1 ordcr~,to be performed in the \\'Od}~ip?fC~_d·: ~---1 all hearers foro recld thcmlducs obedient to J thi~ bw is laiddownc in th<: hookc$ ot /11(Jjes, I the MiniHrric of" the word, th:!t it mayr:.1kc i c!jlcci.d!yin.Le-:/};zcm.Thcft:d,·ci..:!l /.n~,iscls<'.t !::J'd.tll. place in thc:r J_ 1 cans, to ~umc them \'lHO G~d, I p;rr ofGods "·crd,,~ hieh ~>rd"cr!bcd ordlllo~: 1 I chat afrcr then· conucrhon they may g!onfic ccs f1)f th~ g~ncr_nt~;-m o_f ~he ln\<:S wnm;o .•- , God. Thi:> the pt.:oplc ought the rather to I wcalth:and m::: CJI!ul pt!nJ{ht"'lcJ!t ofolfcrwcrs. ycdd vnro,bcc:l.U[C iris t~cmainc comfort rh~t I The Ct'rem_o;:f,_dllrtV.J _co_nccn~ed t~lc ~c-...';cs o11e.-.. the Minitl-cr l)f all ills- ~<:.bours, to fee .h.Js . 1!:.rhc I:drcurillrrw_ dJd md~c~ r_~wnp•~~l~-~~~-l I I hearers 1.'0nuertc:d, fo mablcd w glonfic . cC! !lC them; but yet ~o fan c forJ; as lt tc:''''"~h 1 God \ nd to moouc t·hemhercumo, they arc tO rh~ dhblifhingot t:H: Merr;!] w.-....\·~haun>g 111 '! further to knowc,th~t ifthey heal:c, and be not ir common eq!J.iti<.', it ccncernctb all pcQrlc,in thereby conucrrcd, that fo ~hey may prqift,3n.d aB t_imcs at~d plac,cs. vvt~at lh~/1.-~orrd~~-m; is, I Mcr~!l. glotiiic Cod, by thetr OBedienCe; thcu this I wdl dcfcnbc m rmce polnt_s: !·~ru, It IS t.J:-:t MiniHericwill be a bill of_Inditcmcm :-~gainlt part of Gpds wotd, co:1cernmg 1 J£_h.tcot!C~Jdk them,for their deeper cofidcmnltion :tnhe bfi and godlincffe-, which was written in ..Adam.r daic.Sce MarthC'"- , 1 r .2 r. :24. ~ B minde by the gi.ft ofcreation;and th: remnan_rs ,r;, 17· a-hinklenot that J of it be ii1 euery man by the hghr ot nawtc; 1h VCfj e • ·1. J x; rerrard ...,..,,hereof, 1t b1ndcs all men. Secondly,~t am come to Jenioie the Law co~rim,ndeth perfect obedience, boxh in_w..-d, }" > :J in thought and affe£Hon; t$l, our-..\'a!"d,in ipcach or The prophets:I am not come and :tction. Thirdly,it bindcth to the curie and d ,fl · h b , .r; /fi/J punifbmem, cuery onr th:tt failcth in rhc lea!t . to C;•YOtet em~ Ut tO; Ut, duric thcrcd: though but once, and that in h thought ondy: Ga!at. l· 1 o. Curfed ;, mery t em. OJJt thatCOI1tir.uethnotinaf/thingsthat llYtWritJ. In this vcrfe, and the teft which follow, to r-m i"n tbe /a":'l', rodoe rhem. The fumrnc of the the ende of this Chapter; is corm~incd the Me,;'ralllaw is propounded in the Dccaloguc or Tbi1·dparr of lbrijhSermon; wherein ~c goes unCom.mandcmcnt.r, v.hich many can rep~arJ about to rc1torc the Moral! law to l11s uue but few doe vnder!hnd. fenfc arid meaningJwhich vvas much conupt.ed· That we tT!ay further conceiu~ atight the ~i~:~~;~ct~u: by the IewiJh tcotchers. And to the ende the Morallaw,\'\'e muf!: make a difference ben"ccn I L:~w :"lud 1hc fame might berhc better accepted, bee makes C it and thcGofpcl: for the Go!pel ls that part Gofp<i. way thereto by a notable Prcface,vcrfe I 7.18, of the wmd which promifcoh righteoufncife· 19;20, Wherein hee fcekcs,as well to preuenr and life cuer!::tilingt~ al tliat br!eeue in Chrifl~ and to rcmoouc the falfe opinion which thediffcrenceberwcenothcm!lands cfpccrally thclcwdhadconcciucdofhimJ in refpeCtof infiucthings. ' chc Law; as alfo to procure all reuerencC" and Firft, the La-..v is'natura.U, and \Yas in mans loyaltie to be /hewed thereunto : For the Jlature bcforerhe fall; but the Gofpcl is fpirilewifh tCachers fceing o:nSauiour ChtHlcontuall 1 reuealcd afi:er the fall, in the coucnaut of dcmnc & ncgleC1:thc traditions of the Elders,, gr:1ce. and not fo much to refpcCl: the ceremonies of Secondly, the la\11," fee~ forth Gods iufiicc,:n z the Law, as they thought hce fh.ould.J did rigour, ·without mcrcic; but the Gotpel fets thereupon iudgc him to be a dcceiuer, and out iufticeand mercie, vnitcd in Chrift. one that went about to ouerrurne the vvhole Thtrdly,the Law req11ircth apcrfett rightelaw of Mofes. Tl1is opinion Chrilt confuteth o~fnclfc witbJVs; but the Gofpcl rcuealcth by three arguments: Fidl, from the cndc ofhis om acccpcanc-e with God, by i:mputed rightc:-~ cotnming, 111 this vcrfc: The fecond, from the ou£i1effc. naturcofthcl:lw,inthcr2.verfe; whereupon D Fomthly, the: Law threameth iudgement 4 he inf~rts two notable condufi.ous, tO procure without mercic_, and therefore is called athe I a :.cor.1. reuercnce thereunto. vcrfe ty. And thirdly, Minifterieof condamMt,ion, nndofdeatb; but 7 ' 9 • from the f'copc of the Minifl:erie, verfe 20. the Gofpcl fhcwc:s mercy to mans fi.nnc,in and For the firfl:: The Expofi.tion. Thin/zy not by Chri!t, ifwe repent and belecue. that I amcome,&c. J This commingofChtifi; Lafily, the law promifethlifcto the wormufibe vndedlood ofthe m::tnifcfi:1tion ofthe kcr and doer of it; h Doe rbi1, rvtd thot~ fba!t h,-. Godhead in our naturc:for other·wifc,hisGodfrtte: but the Gofpcl offereth faluation to him head bccing cuery where, cannot be fa.idc to thtt.t work.;thnot, clmtbc!eeHeth inhim rhariliflic R-om,.,.,.. I come plopctly: and as for hts m:::.nhood, tt l1:1d Jictb the vngodly: not ronfidering faith, as a not bcenctn he:mcn. Todeftrorerhe!Aw] The \\Cnkc, but as an infhumcnt apprehending L.:rw m general!, is that p:ut of Gods word, Chifl, bywhom vvc are mz.dr righteous. whtch conu~~md:> things JUft, honefl,and god. The Church of~ome in a r:,anner confoued ! ~:~~-r~~~;~ff. ly: and beemg thus conccmcd, tt ts threefold; the I.:.\\v, and rhc GofiJcl, faumg that theCoIlh.Ma!J.t:.. Ccr~monial_~, ludiciall, and M?rall. The Cere.. fpel, whi(h is the new Lav-:, rcue:tlct~ Chri!t I 1nomalllaw, ts that part of Goe1s \Nord, which more clcarcly then lf-lo[e.r Law did,V\'hiCh they prefcribed to the !ewes, ceremonicsJ rites and call the old Law. But this is a wicked opinion · - --·- '------- 0 ---;-------- \\hi(l~ -------------·-----