rU1 Commentarit· 'VPon 1 ;;:,~~;·::;.~; · -----------':__~--.,.--------- l ~ ning, without fraud ::~nd deceit?And in the mi- A1good lmiltierJ 1 confiJcr ofthe co(l before t.hcv j nitkric: (betide many :~buCcs)whcrc is that care I lay the !oundation;and,likcg••d,:m.,.;m,.-011~ , which Oltght to be for the building of Gods lider ot thc1r !hcngth, before ~bey goc out in- \ Church? And for thcbodic ofour pcopk(beto the field, k~tl! they le:wc ott,;~.nd t.,urnc b:1cl, ! fide ~roffc i~norancc,and fupcrflinon) what Jikc fooles and CO\\':Uds., Luk. '4· 28. &c. We \ fcaretull bl:liphetnit, whorcdomc, f~;vc:aing, by Gods mcn:ie Jocnow'profd\C the true reand Sabbath-·brcaking, doth eucry \'\'here aligionot Chri!l, with hope Co be faHct1 th('te- 1 bound? brfidc fearcfull Athcifine, which is a by: therefore, we muJl call wiih our felues, motltcr ofJbhommations: whether we rdpecl: what oUr rclig•on m:t)' coH vs, and fee before.. natural I Athcilinc:, vvhcrcby ma.ny denie God hand, wh:n is the worlt thing that m~.y befall by their works; or, learned Athcitinc in fame, vs, for our prbfcffi.on ofChriit and his Gofpcl. v.·ho di~lutc againll the truth OfGoll,rcuca.Icd If we hauc not done this in the beginningof in his \\'orJ. All thcfc, and many orber tins a~ our prOftffion, WC mnn 110\\' doe it: fer, better i mong vs,cric loud for Gods iudgcmcms vpon late, t~cnucucr: leaf~ goi·ng oo fccurC>ly,with- J ! vs; eucn for thu fC'arcfull iudgcmcnr, the reout th1s :tccount makmg;wc fl1amfullj· fotfJke i 1 mpoucJ!l of Gods king:domc in the Gofperof C hrifi v\·hen niall comes. .-.; :~.. , puce. · B In fonnertimes, the· confia~t profc·ffi~n ofj Secondly, confider what manner ofperfons Chnll, hath cull: men lbffc of trcinds, loffc of ofpb.c;:, :md note, both in Church and Comgoods,and libcrtie;ycn,t·h~ lo!fe ?fthtir hearts mon ..,·cal~h, God takes from vs bydeath, cuen blood,: ill1d the fainc eafc·may bchll vs.\V~crcin their bcH time:arc theynot fuch as excelled fore, wefnuft cafi with our fclues,and fee whc.. among vs, for gre<~t :~,.vifedomc and·Jc:uning,& thcr we f>c: willing t~fuffcr i'he loffc ofg<:>ods, fer true pictie :md good confcicncc?now,how and frcinds; yea, thc·loffe ofour liucs,i'ht the forucr this may fceme but 2 f'mali thing in the defence of Chrill:s uue rcl}~ion. ' eyes of 1i1any,.yec vnJoubtcdly,it is a forem·nAgalnc, 3S this dhtC of the •G:lmich mufi. · ncr of G ods iudgcmcnt): for rherighteo:upemooue vs t·o make this aceomit, for rc.>fd!utioil ri/h,aitd 110 mtfn cor.Jidcrcthit itz hMrt; andmtr• in fuffcring; fu it IDufl Vs to labour for cift~l!mln lfretttk!11aw,ry, andnam:~n vnd~rjlwtthofe fauioggr:~ccs of Gods tpirit, which may d~brlulf thenghteoHt iJ tak$n alPA]from the eui/1 inable vs toHa!ld f3H !n all t'"rhptatiotis, trou- ! tO come-, lfa. S7· I. bles, and perfccurions.· V\:c mu~not content I Thinlly, God hath fcnt his fc:arefull iudgcour felucs '-''ith bluing lamp$, a.s the fiue foomc-ms:l~tong vs, about vs, warrc and [word lifhvirginsd1d: bur gee the: oyle ofgrac.cimo I in ourncighbournations;whichalf<;>hathbcen the velfels of our hearts. Knowledge-in the 6ft fhakcn at vs: alfo, famine :md pdlilencc C word, is 3 commendable thing: but not !i:ffici~ I throughout our owne Land, by intcrcourfe cnt to make vs !bnd in the d'Jy oftrial!. Wee and long ~ontinuancr, Lcuit. 26. Now this is therefore mu(llabourfor true fauinggraccs;c... i the truth of God,th:lt when GodfondJ hU ;udg~- fped:ally forrhis) to haue our hearts rooted & I m~r.tJ vpoit ap'Copl~; if thq dce not repent, one grounded in the lobe pf God, through faith: 1Ud(!mer.r Mb*t th.e forerHm:erif another mere \'\'hereby weare :~ffured, that God is o.ur f3.ther !gri~HOHm andterrtble thin th~formt.r. But, little in ChriH, and lcfus ChriH our Rcdec:her, ~nd Ior no repentance ::~ppcaH'S among vs; nay rh, the holy Ghofi our comforter ;~.nd fanC\:ifier. ! rlu.·r, we fall a\\':lYmore Jnd ~norc, an_d fo fiand This :.!furanca of faith will !bblifh our hearrs. flill in danger ofmore fcarcfull-iudgc:mcnrs. jn all clhtcs ~Come lift:, come'death, \\·e need Laflly, it isv!t1all with Cod, thus to deatc not feorc; for, nothing -/hall be able to fcparatc with his owne (nuants ~ as he ~loth fomctime vs from this loue of God in Chrill: Idits. r'cward their faith and obedience V:ith peace; .And thus much ofthe coherence ofthis \'Crfc {",othcrwhilcs he wil tric their f3irh by affiiCHwith the former. Now to the words. on. Thus he dealt with his fcruam /ob,though Othersa/fowfre racl:_rd, &c. Here the holy there were none for picric likehim in his time, Ghofi begins to propound rhc fruits of faith, through a!Lthc world.Now,God his fer~ D for which this lafi ranlee of belceucrs are corn. uants :unongvs;for the triall of \o\·hofc f.'lith,vJe mended vntovs. And they, arc not fuclt f3mous ma)' rcrf\,·adc our tClucs, fame uibulation fl1aJ exploits as the former, but nint feuerall kinds -come vp.en vs:FoY,JJI!tharwillliu~gcdf; inChrifl of fuffcrings;vmo :1ll which, we mufl remcm- /,fJ1J.fhallfi1fertr;611f,ui•n, 2. Tim. l· 12, her to apply this chufc bJ fc!;t!J, from the 33· ThiSbccing (o,that our peace !h.JI_be tur~cd verfc: as.thus, Thro~tgh[.1irh,rhq endHud racimo trouble (as by the former rcalons, \\ h1ch k.!_'ng,moc~g,and fo fOr all t~c rdl. <iir..elly falleu thcmfrlucs vpon our Ill Out of eh de effects in gcncrall, we may ·flare, may cnidemly appc:~.rr) let vs then here lcarnr t\o\'0 things:Fi.rfi,a fingljlar fruit offaith, lc:-Jrnc our dude. for whi'h it is h«c fo highly commcndcd jn Fir-fl, we mufl.caA: \.vith our fclues,,vhat may t11is lafl rankc ofc)l:amplcs:to wit,thr.c by it the be the worfl thac can befall vs, when rriall and c.:hlld of God is inablc~ to bcarc yvhatfoeuer · p<&cmlon fillll come. Thi's is the coun(cll of I the Lord ihall lay Vf10ll him. Th. c torments our Sauiour Chrifl to thofc that would fol10w ""herewith tnans bodic may be affiiCl:ed, are I l~~~!hmlya~ good'DifcfpJcs:theymufi,as many :md terrible; and .Y.:_:,_b_c_t_hey~u;; --- __;_~------~~__,_...-