Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~ ~;:;;.~;;." 1 . . the u.Chap.totheBe6r. iB7_ ~ --- fo many , nor tO cctriblc, true f:lUing t'Jith \"ill A Heb. ·I o. 38o as,h~rc the}' ~ndi.ire t:itking;bur.:. I nukc the t.:hild ofGod. to bearc thc~e1 ;;.ll tOr the ning,hc:-..-.'ing .afi.u~per,&c,and aB by ffllth. honour of ChriH. Second!}' JOUt nf:!-11 thefe futfnillgs here ih:.., · The effeCts of faid! before fet do: ....,vvcrc' dured by faith; note rhc: mindS{ dHpofi~~on of m:my and fingt1br : but vndoubtcdly, this vngodly iflCO towards Gods Church and pco.:: t ftrength ofpatience, which it giucth vnde-nhe pie: chc:y ate mo[t bitterly and bloodily bent I greateR torments for Chn!ls fake, is one ofche ag:1inH them :_for, h~rc ti1cY: pllt· in cxcc_utio~· principal!, . vpon Go:ds children, whJ.tiocut:r crucluc th~; I This, Paid doth notlbly tdUfic i~ this pro" deulll cou!J fugge!! into th<ir heam, And this feffion, (Rom.S: j8, 39·) ,I t~mpe.rfwa,d~d ,that I h2th been their difpofition :md bth~t!iour ,not tuirher death, n6r life, nor A11gciJ, norprincipal/i.:. onely before Chrifts inc~rnation, bUt alfG CllC! ti:J,norpow~rs; n&rthings. pr~fo,Jt, nor rbings to fincc: as 1riay :ippCa~c by the m<tnifold fir;Jungc &ime ; nor he~r;ht , ,or drpth , nor~'!! Drh~-r t:O"nUres, dc:uifed ag:linfi Chrifii:tn,s in the Pricre.1tllre, Jba/l be a6/c to foparate v .r from the mitiuc Church; aUd·both then and fince infli~ loru ofG•d which u in Chrift h{HI oilr LIJ"fd. Cfcd .vpon them. Behold it in the Chm.-h uf Ohfingularpowcroffaith! \vhich fo firmcly B Rome, c:pedallj in their late Jnqui!l.tion : vnites the bclccucr vmo Chrifl, that no £orwhereby~ befide the Ciucll tackin-g of the COlla mentsin the world~ no not :~.11 the power offafcicnce by vniuflmquiries;they pUt theProtc:.. : ~an, and his angels , can fCparacc them afun.. !lams to moll cruell tonnCnti. der. · The cdp!ideration of thiS cruel! difpo6tio.n· £2.!!!ft. Howdoth f.1ith workc this indiffo• in the wicked ,againthhe godly, is .oflpo:'ciall Jublc power in cleauing vnto Chrifl?An[.Aftcr v(c. Firll_;it proolics vnto Ve,that the rdigion this manner : It is the -propertie of faith~ to whichby Gods mercie wcprofdfc, contained pcrfwadc th\! confcicncc,of God-sloue and fa.. in the bookcs of the ol.dcand newTetbmenr~ uour in Chrift; and vpon this pcr(wafion, the is nO pub1ique dcuiccof man i buc the facrcd hear.t beginnts toloue God againe. NOw, by ordinance of che cuerliuing god~For,!flc were this lou: faith workc, a.nd ma.kc aman a..o the inuention of min, it wouldfo fit their huble to bearc all conn.cmS.Chat can bee infliCted mou~,and accord with their n:~nure,tbat ~cue- ~ for religions fake: for, Louc fitjfn-:th aRthingJ, rally lt would be loued and embraced) and not r. Cor. 1 3· 7• cuen that lone wherewith one: , oncof:m hundred ..vould miOike it.Bur,wc fee·/• manloucth·anothcr;how much more then thal 1 C iris generally detc!lcd; Thit {:Ef U eturywherc 1 thts louc wherewith wee louc:God in Chri~, !fokfnagaiHft, ACf. 28.2z. naturall men rCicCt' j" make vs to fuffcr any thing for his names fake? it,.and perfccutc it, and the prOfefTours of it Cam.84 HencCit is,thatloue is faid tP 6:c.Jfrong a~death: l'nto the death. This they doe, becaufe true re..: j ttnd th:cealu th:reof .:rreficrie co~-dcs, ar.dav:.. ligion is comrarie to their nature, as light is to· he1mnt Jl4me: ye", much w4tcr cannot qHench darkcnc:ffc; and condc:mncs thofc waits and· loH:, neither can the floods dowr.e it; that is , courfes which they belt like of. This reafon: gricuous pcriCcutions and torments cannot -£hall iuftifie true: religion, to be Gods owne cxtingui{h the fame. Nay, fuch is the power of ordin5.ce,.cuen to the confcicilce of the world ...· God when it i.sfcruent, th:tt it makes .J.y AtheiA::his dc:uillifh maliccag::linfl i~,proUci aman fo zealous of Gods gloric, that if there Gods diuine truth to be in i"t. were no other way to glorifie God, then by Secondly,doo the wicked hafe· the godly, fufferings; the childe of God would rather becaufe of their religion and profeflion! tlwr 1 yceld hhnfelfe to endure the torments of the on the conrr~rie,we muH: lcarne to loue religidamncd, then fuffcr God tO loofc his giOrie. on, bccaufe it is religion ; and the profdfours This\".'Ce mayfeein Paul, Rom.9. 3.!-wou/d ofir,forthcirprofdlionsfake,. Thi's isChtiHS wijbmyft!Je (fairh he) to beftparate fmn Chrift D in{huChon , to loue adiftiple becauft heii aJif• .for 17!! brethren that are m} /:.jr.fmm, nc~arding to ciple,Matth.t o.lndec·de We muflloue all men; Jh:Jkfb: chat is, the Iii·:lc-!itcs; meaning for .the but cfpccially thofe that embrace the Gofpd adulnccment of Gods glorie in their calling of ChriH, and be of the hou010ld of faith ,· and f31u:~.tion. Such zcalc \\·e may lee in Mofn: for, :lll fuch arc b1·ethrc:n, hauing oneFather,. fOr, thinking that .Cod f.hould loo lehis glorie, which is God; and brethren ought to !oue if the Iftaelites ·were dcfiroycd , bu prAJU the one anOEhtr.Bm alas this lcffon is not learned:· Exol.J:z.:.:. Lordtopardon therr{inne:Bm ifthoun•:lrnot,thm for, the world generally is giucn ro mock_ing, (faith he) raumc_OJJtofthe bo~k._whiohrhoHh.jl and fcoffing, and the matter oftheir mock;ng written. is religion, and theprofeifours thereof. This This becing thefruitcofflith, Tomake- 3 oughtnotto·be fo: for,howfococ~!'ncn nl:~y" man able and willing to {i,ffe.r any thing for faile both inkn<>wkdgeand prachif,y<ithe ChriHs lake; we .nnfl hereby be moo11ed to laprofe!fors of religion 01old.not fo be defpifed. 1 ··.·~--·b-ou~ for tnffi1t. :~~rh: f~1r 1, tribulation m:ly cohnl1de; I abuhfe idsg 1 _rownhto ~uch afhig 1 ht,thadt many' nay 10111e a. 1~uon "'"f comeon eucry c i c 1 ; rcfuin t e 11gent canng o t lCwor prcaof God, more or ldfc: Now, ...,·nhout faith we 1· 1 . chcd , lcail they fhould be mocked. But let 1 {h:tll ncncr bee ~ble to gloriflc Got! vnder the thcfe mockcrs know, that hereit) they f11akc croffe. TIJe lu.ftmuft litse ~~ fa.itiJin th)s dlarc, 1 ha.nds with the.deuill,.and vc:ith E-hc perfcr:uccrs1 Rr 4 . of