:_·i_88_ \ ~ [ommentarie vpon . \ ~;:;;;:;;~,. : \ofGods Chm·ch: tOr,mutkJn~isak,jndof pe;ft'- A is one maim: point rhat:P..~;,/vp•cth w ---· tl.. '-......__ union. y 6ufig Chrifitan~ 010uhl nor t?c·fo I ; in.both his EpilHcs; tiJ "<£~pc {.t 1 f'h, ar.~';J:o:~ \ dealt wtrh; butrath~rc·nco"Ura·&cd,f~rthc:td- \ conftimcr. And our Sauiour Chrifliin o~cof I uanccmen~ b~ the ~m?d~1~c ot Chn(t_~ Thus his p:trabks, M:mh.13 ·44· compares the kingdcJlt 01~~ Sa~10ur ChnH M:nh rhofc th:ar g!tlle , dome ,qf hc-aucn }·to a t·rcP.fsn·c hid m:thefield : 1 any te~nnon.le ofrhcfpar'ks o~ gracc:whcn tha I lP~ich l whmamanfindcrb, hehidrthir-, .:mdt,or.s )'Oitng man r .. d, he ''"~ft>Jm bu ·rom~ "-'e' Go;lt ' hom«tmd fc!.< ,[J hchar/J .tobHJ rhcjidri.Whcrc1 tammttndememJ, tht f cxt faa.h, lc[UJ:bahe!d by hcc would tearh vs, that cucric oifcs dutic I hlfn,nndloucd him~}Vtark. J.o. :n: :md, hcai-h~g a '-\"hC? Y\iould enioy.r.ht l<.inndomc Of: heaucn, i; Scribe anfwcr-" diicrcedy ~- hc-iaide vnro:! him; this: Iti regard of k, ~_o. fo~goe ~md forfake· all Th!Jte art not farre from the kJngdome. ~J._G4dl thi11gscl le, cHcc·r:n1hg rhc1'nto bee·dro.ffc an.d Mar_k. 1·2·. 54~ ~O~\·,.w~ mu~be (ollowc~ ·of dengue, as P,m/ did, Philip. 3.8,. \Vhaahough Chnft)and w::dk mlouc,mdgmg and fpcaking a-man had all the riChes and p)c::ttim~s of-rhc the bd~ 6fall ~rofdfours,ac.coun_ting n'onc[or worJd, :md all things eliC fOr this nfe.,.thar hh hypocmcs, ~Ill Go~l ·make .th_et: hypocnlic heart could wifh?·yet, if hee \Vant r"eligion, knowne. 15 ts a note of:1\·_Chn!h:m.to ~ouc a ·.. and a good'confcicncc, all he hath i!r' nc;uhing: man,bec:ml~ he louts rehg1on.: an the cont!3- \ , for., fo he \Na,nts the loue and iluour-of God ric,to hate~ m_an, becaulc he is aC_hri!liarr,:i_s a j B and i11allloofc his fOule;for the ranfom \·-.:here: l nore of a perfcc_utcr, and o.n cncnn.c to Ch~tft. : of, all the world can doe nothing.Whc-r.c'forc, . And thus much mgcncrall. . .l wemuft hereby be admonHhcd, to hauc mot:_t j . ~OW•'-'•."C:. C_'ot:~c in p~rticula; tO the f:uch_:Ill tare.to get. ~nd maintaine true: religion, and a kmdes of fuffcnng, -wh1ch thetc bclccucrs CAgooU coniclcncc, then any thing in the woild durcd by f.1irh-: rhc fir!t whcrcot; israc/ting: in bcfidcs, .. thefe ,Nords , othcr.r alfo W4rC rack,ed: .or,as Novv, bccaufc nature will iudge it :~..pau of Come ua11!1:~.tc it, And oth4r'J were beatcnr.:with rafllJleffe, to rcfufc life, wheo itis offered : tlubbe.r. For, the worde in the originall "Yill therefore, topreue'ntthis conccit,agajoH:thefe bearc dther tranfladon: and both ofthemfidy bclceuers,thc holyGhoft fets down~':"'a-;lotablt agree to this ki,ndcof.fi,ffcrihg. For-, in thefc reafon of this their faCt.:.towit, Th~y .fcfi.si(d times, the enemies of 6ods· Church, vfcd ro deliuerancc, ThRt thcfmtglu tcteif!e tl- /Je,tt_p1·c--- {n the bodies ofthem that w:e1:c to be torrnenforrcffion. Many interprcrcrsvnder!lan.~ thcfc red, vpon raekcs, andengines; whcrcon, they words, Ofthe refurreChon at c·he day ofiudgc- !trctchcd our eucry ioynr, ond rhcn did gcat ;C mcnt firnply, as rlrough rhc holy Gho!t had 1 the whole bodic rhus racked wirh dubsitil the , faid, Thcfc Mmyrs therefore rcfufcd ro,be de- j panic were fiarkc dead, An exampleof this liucred from dcach; becaufe they tooked to re- j kindcof fi1ffcring, we hauc inE!t-a-t.er aIewC, ceiuc;at the dayof iudgement, agreater meat. Mac. 6. \.\·ho vnder .Antiochru was firft hlcfure ofgloric: euen fOr this, that in obedience ked,& then beaten on eucrypart of his b_odie; to God,for the maintenance of true religion, vnto the deach;'becaufChe refuiCd tocatfv.incs they \\'ere content·to by downc theh· fiues. !lclh. This-(no doubt) isrhc rr.urh of God, rhar the But fo1t1c will fay,This cannot be any c,p_tn... more wehumble our fclues,in fuffering fpr the mcnd:ttion offaith,tOhe racked and beaten to name ofChrifl in this life; the greac~r fl.1all our death:for malcf~Ctors and traycors arc fo v.fed. gloric be, at the generall rdi~rrcCbon;for cmr ·.Anflv. To preuc:nt this obicClion, the holr light ajftiUron, which is bmfor amo-ment ,·clif!{eih Ghofl- addeth thcfc words; and w~ftld not be vntovs, afnrrcmor(~.>:ccllent ,& ttcmal/witif.ht de/;uered: or, wotddnot accept delitu rancc: to ofglorie, z.Cor.4.17. And yet (as I takc.~t)that fhe ..vc, that this fi1ffcring was a notable' corn_,... is not the meaning of theli:: \o\"ords; but, their mcndation of true faith. The mc3lting of·thc refitrreflio1)3t the laftday, is here tearmedbttwo:rds is this; That whcr~as foro~ lcwes·in the ~ D ter 1 thcn the tcmporall dcliucranceoffered vn.. old Tcf'huncnt, were condemned todeath f~r ·I to them. For,bccing in torments on t~e racke, thcV r.eHgion,by pcrfccutors: and yet,had life they were but dead men; and when life Y\'~s ofand libcrdc offered vnto them, if they would fercd vnto them, ic was(as it were) akinde of recant, and torf.1ketheir religion; This proffer refurreCtion, and in regard ?f th 1 c enemies of of life they refulcd, and wouldnot /JedeliH~red, the Church, a.good rcfurrc;Cl1on: vm,for that, vpon fuch a condition. . th_cy wo~ld not loofc the comfort of refurre~ In this exampleof fat rh, we arc taught to cSbon to ltfc, at the Iall day. . hold fafl true religion, and to prefcrre the en- , Here then, :1re tw? rdiJr:c[bons compared ieyingof it, before all the plcafnre~_an? con1.,. - ~ together. The fidt, tsa dc~mer~nce from.tcmmodities in the world; yea, before Hfe ttfclfe. porall de:nh; the fccond, JSa nfing to hfe eThis point, Pa11l vrgcth in fundrie cxhortatiucrlafHng at the day ?f Judgement. Now, ~f ons, faying , Le I him that thinf?.!tbhc flandeth, rhcfe two., the latter JS the better; a~d that m ta/z! hecde ln 1 jf he ftt/1, t.Cor.ro~ 1 2. forbidthe iudgemcntof God~ ferua1~ts, :m,, Martyr~. ding v·s to preferuc our omwarcl peace, by So then, the true m!Janmg of thefc "'''ord~, 1s communication with idolaterso And againc, this: Tl•cfc fc~uantsof God, rcfufed ;dc:lniCStand {aft in the f air/;, r.Cor.16.1~.Yca,this t'lnce -~~:n tcr~~~~~tur~_:_~~punifl1- \ ·~,..----~-----------------~~~~:2.~·