. - ·-.:.:o., f ; ~;~:::~·~ ! mcms; bccau!c their core and dc!:~~,.:::;~~a:, :~~~~~~t~::::cr fou!c and bodiefor >tlmc: ~-~~~ ! I their bpdics might rife againc to litCcucrl:lbut it <:an ncLfcr hinder the fi:llition of ctcrnall I fiiryg, :u chc day of iudgcmcnt: vvhich rHl11g alife. 'vVherdOrcj as we ddlrc this life whi-ch .is I 1 gainc to :ifc at chat ~.by, they iudgccl f.1rrc bet-· c~:crnall when \>\'CC arc dead, fo let vs fr:m1c rcr, rhen to ri{C: ro a tcmpora.lllifc, for a while our naturalliucs to die vmo finne whBc Vd!: arc in this \o\'orld. alio1c. I This rc~fon, well ob!Crucd, may reach Vs Vcrfc 36. A ml othtrJ hatte b.:ene tried 6; J rhcfc t\YO fpcciall <lutics; Firfl, to be carefull mockf,gs,and{co1~rgings: yca,rnoreoiter bJ 6ot~ds I abouc ~ll chings,for affurancc in .our confcicnand prifonment. The fCcond kinde of (uffering ccs(as thc(c fc~uants ofGod hadj that our bo.. I wherewith theferuams of God \'l.'erc: then tri- ~' dies 01o.ll rife againc to life cucrl:Ifling at the cd, is mocking. Touching the \Vhich we may IaHday.True it is,we make this confdlion with ob!Crucdiucrs pointsJFirH: whence it camc.NO' i ourmouthcs. ;,mong the arricles of our faith; doubt it came from vn3odly perfons,thatwcre I but we muH lahour tO be fctlcd and refolucd enemies to Gods Church; and true rcligit>n; 1 cifcd:ually in our heartf. that thcfc our bodies for het·e it is ma:de a po.rc of th<!: uialJ ofGods : (be they neucr fo mifcr3bly tormented hcr.e) Church,by the enemies thereof. w !' O>all one d•y t·ifcto life and glorie, by le!us Here, then behc>ld thdlate of mockers and , Chrifl. All the true Martyrs of Chri!l, kncwe B fcc>tfers 3t the feruams of Gorl: they arc !>ere I ' and \\'ere rcfolued ofthis:and this it was,that accounted wkked wretches, and enemies-to made them fo confident in their fuffrings.And God, and to his truth. So Saint htde, fpeaking ifwe can attaine vnto ic, we fuall finde great of certainefttlfe Prophets;which were -creptin.o vfc hereof, b'oth in life and death. For our hues, to the Church,ealls themvngodly men, lude·;r. this will mooue vs tGI embrace uue religion which he ptooues afterward; by their bJa~ke from our heans,and in all things to endcauour momhs in euill[penkjng, '9er.8. ro. And Ifmaef!. to keepeagood confcicncc, This Paultcflifiisaccoumcd a pn-focmrr, by the holy G liofl, eth, ACl:. 24. r 5· 16. for,h•uingmadeprofefformockjng l[aac,Gal.4. 29. And Dauidrt!:c. fion ofh1s hope in the refurretl:ion,both ofiufi: koning vp the degrees of finn<"rs, 111akcs the and vniufi, he faith, A~d hereJIIImdeauourmy chairc of the fcornefull, the third and highcft, I fe!fe roh4uealwaicsacleare confcience, horh toPfal. J .r. All thefeplacesfl.1cw the havnoufnes 1 W4'rt\r God, and roward.r men. And for death, ofthis finne : and therefore ifany ofv·s, yci\ng.! this pcrfwatlon ::dfo is of grcatvfe: for, it will oroldc, high or low, haue bcene oueriakc11 notably fiay the hcart,againll the naturall fearc with it heretofore, let vs now repent o.nd'ldiue of death. It is • wonder to fcc,how terrible the it: for,it is odious in Gods finht.Thou that art thoughts ofdc>th are to manya one.Now,thi~ a feoffer, may!tHatter thy fclfe,and thinkciil [! feare arife.th hence, that they are not in heart C well, let the ma[te.rprooue ho.. ~ it can, \\lo~cfs rcfolued of their refurreCtion, to life and glory are but winde, But know, thy cafe is feareftill; at the lafl d•y : for, ifthey were, they would for, as yet thou wamefl the feare of God, a1id e.ndcauour thcmfclu~s with patience and '-"ith art an enemy to Chrifi & his religion J atid On~ comfort,to vndergo the pangs therof, though day thou ihalt be iudged,not only fortl\yvlit~ neuer fo terrible, ked dceds,butfor allthJ cruel/ fp<nkj_ngt; Iuae] Secondly,hencewemu!t learne fo talead v.r5. · -"' thistemporalllifc, that when we are dead, our Secondly, whereas thefc feru3nts o(Goa bodies may rife a.gaine to life cternall. Thcfe were tritd by mockjnq.r, it fhc;.-.·cs that :!Giffis Martyrs arc anotable prefidcm herein vntovs: Church in tllis'worltl, is fubictl to this· ::rffiH5lifor, they arc!o rcfolmcto hold that courfe of on. It is nota thing newly begun in tllisageo'( life, which hath the hope of glorie, th3t they ours, but hath bcenc alwaics in Gods<':hdkh will rather lofe femporalllifc, then leaue that from thebeginning. Gen,1 r. 9.I[mrtef! tlm,c/iil. courfc. And indecdc this dutie is fo necdfarie, D lfoac; and !fa! bri!)gs itf Chrift tO!Jlplaini~{n* that vnldfc we order well this temporal! life, thus: Ifay 8. I 8. Behold, I a11d m) •.C/il!dre§ \VC can ncucr hauc hope to nfe to glory. Quefl. whom the Lord hath girun me, are tU fignes ft?;d How £11ot1,ld we lco.d this tempo[all hfe, that womkrs in lfrael.And leremiefaith,lani#fYile';;,· \\'emayrifetogloric, after death? An{. This rifiondailj: euer;onemockfthme,Ier.io.7~~ S. John tcachetb vs, Reucl..>o. 6. Ble([td and our Sauiour Chriflvpon the Grolfe, wh~h 1\\'<' holJ if hec that hath hUpart ;nrh~firft refurrtCtiwas '"'orking the bl'dfed worke of maws:·rc~ on : for on {uch thr fecond death hathno power. demption,was CtlCn thenmocked by thc'fj>it~-" Y.l c mult therefore lnbom ca.rncfily to hauc fullie'Y\'Cs,"Mat. 27.41. And Paul was ~oCJ&t:l our part hcrc:in.The firll rcfi1rre8:ion is fpirituofthe Athenians, for preaching ChrHland the all, wrought in the foule by the holy Gho(l, refurrcc[ion. Aet. 17. I 8. ' · . cauf1nghim that isbynature dead m finne to Now , ifthis hauc bcene the dlatc of Chrifi: rife to ncwcncffc of life : whereof whofo:ucr our head, and of his mofi: worthie ProphetS,. is true partaker, {hall vndoubtedly rife to gloand Apofllcs, to be mocked qnd fcorncd; then ry. For,they that ar<quit·k.;ned in Chriflfrom thr mull no child ofGod at this day thinke tocl death of !1nnc, are mtrdeto f t together i11 hufcape:for, if they haue done this'to the grcenc I I ucnly placcJ iaChr~fl lefiu, Ephef. 1.) .6. NatuueeJ \ovhat will they doe tO the dry?Whcrforc, - if