i 190 i . eA [ofnmentarie vpon \\ ~;~;:~;, 1 I \if .,.,.c belong to Chdfi,wc mull prepare for u, A dangerous a temptation to ouen hrow relioi~ - 1 l an~ ar~nc ou~ [clu~s ~"ml~ paticucc to. vndcrgo \ 1?nand a good co.nlciencc, as any punil1lnl~lt \ I \ thJs r.nall. Th~ Difcrplc_u ntJt rtboue hu frla[rcr, ; 111 the w.odd. Th1s appc~rcs ~laiudy in Chnf1::. ~ I nor the fomam rtbMe hu Lord, If!he; ha.Jucal- . temptattOtlS~Y th~ Dcm~l: tor,in thofc tim:c, ,led rhc M .::tfter of the hotfe Btcheb:tf:,, how Satan l>cwraJtS h1s mahcc :wd craft tagaitoH 1 .l n.mch marc thcJnofthchoufo? Matth. JO, 24, 1 Chrifland his_~hurcl~mottnorably.NowSa1 \ 2 5• · · tan, nor J'l'Ctt:.ultng w1rh the rwo tidl makes ~ 1 , Thir?1y, whct>cas. thcfc fcr,t~ants of God h~s.third & bH a!llult from tht glory ~1ddig- \ were tncd by mocktng•, and diCI endure the nme of the world : fot·, ,!hming vmo Chrifl I fame! by f:mh; here we karn_c how to bch~ve all th~ Kingtbmes of thnt'odd, and the glorie o{ f ?ur ic:lu.'::s, wh;n ~\'C lf~ fub~c~t to _mockm_g them, hec faith, All thefc wz/1 I gitte tbre, if , and·cknflon, clpcnallyfor rd1g10ns bke. Vv c l thou wtlt J.t!l dowm:and v"orflnp mee-, M:otth. 4 .. t mull not rct\~mc mock Ior mock,and taunt for 9.Inc~cedc.,Chrifi_s holy hea~t would not yccld ! taum: llut wnh meckndfc ~f heart Ic:unc to vntoit: but, that_tt w:~s :\ gneuouste!!:pt:~rion, bc:lrc the fame. When Chntl was vpon the appeares by Chnltsanfi.,·cr. For,YHheformez cro!fc,thc Icwes mofi fhamcfi1lly mocked him: rB temptations, hcc onely dilputcd withSath3n yet cuen then cl id Chnfi pr:ty for them. And I ouc of Scripture : but '~htn tbis temptation the fame was Da:.ttd; behauiour, -as wee may comes, Chrifl bidshim( as it \\'ere in P:1flion) reade notably, Pfal. 38. r z. I j . 1.4. when his ' au"Oi"de S;~tan; fignifying thereby not onelyhis e11~mie1fpaZe euill.of him~ what did he? Did hce abhorring of that finne, bur allo the dangcl' ra1lc on them ag:une? No; Hee WIU tU a deafe of that affault by the wcrJd. And indced,thcfe mau;.,dheotrdnot: 4nd 1U a dumbe man which temptations on the right.hand (as we may call ~pmeth not h~momh : ctten ala rpan thatheathcm)\\'ilt m~fi: daogcroufly crcepc into the . reth not; and m whofr: motlth are no rcpro~(u.. hcarr,and cauic f'hipwt3cke off.1ith and a oood This wa~ar:trc thing in Dauid, that he could confcience. All Dm11ds troubles and pcrfecut~'.lS bridle his affcChOs in the cafe ofreproach: tions could not bring him to tO gricuous fins, . hm r~ad the r 5. ver. and we lliall fee the eaule; as did a little cafe and rcfi. Ahuge orc:lt Annic H.ee rruftedm rhe LordhiJ God: :llfo, hec conficannot fo foone giue entrance to :1~ cnemie in-- ~Fred the hand of God in their rcp:-o;:~chcs, 3S toa Citic, as riches and faire promiiCs: neirfle! z. Sam. J 6. xq. and theft; tbingt.made him fi1 can bodily torments fo foone preuailc~gainfi ~~P.t~!Tl1.is. example we muH lookc vpon,-and C a good confcicnce, as will worldlyplc3fures&. l~arn·hcreby with patience eo poffclfc our fouls faire promifes. In regard whereof, we muft Y.nd~rrcproach. takc.hcedc tl1at we be not dccciued by the ~ : !Jj~c third kind of fuffcring,. is Scourging. world : for, the view of the glo1·ic and pompe 'I'~he.y ~were not onclymoclz!dfor rdigion, but thereof, will fooner ficale from a man both rc- •lfowhippedan~fcoHrged, The foutth, IS Bonds ligion and a good confeien<e, then any perfc4nd i"!prifonmmt, The fifth is lloning, verf.J7. cution poflibly can do. And indeed,who do fo T/uy.:were ftoned, The_fixt, is this, Thr; were oft change their religion when triallscome,a.s hiwmafondtr. Thefe.wereall worthy fruits of they that haue the world at will? faith; beeing·c!ldure,d for religions fake: but The eight example offi,ffering is this, Thry t11e particubr poinu th:lt might here be obfer.... tJerejlainewith the fiPord, There can be 11othing qF.q,h;~~< hccnehan~lcd before; apd therefore faideof this, which hath·not becne fpokcn in J,p;t,!{e themoucr:, 1: the former examples; and therefore I omit ;;:T;he fcauemh.J<.i.ndq offiJffcfing, isthls:thcy it, )'l;rcwnpteJ. Thefe words, by the change ofa The ninth~nd hll example of fuffering is l'H~~,r in th:: originall maybe rc_ad rhus, They this; Thiywanderedvp anddritvneinjheepeJb.jnJ, · wet;c.,./!.!ln1;d. ,·~n~ £9me doe .fo tranfiatc it; D aJtd Go.unk,inns, 6eeing de.fhrme, ajfrEfed, and th\9-~i!I~, w;hao th~y. that writ er copied out tormented: Th:tt is, bceing either banifued, or (hi? .<l:i.v.;!tl~ atthe fir(\; did put onelcrrer foracon!lrainecl by f!ighrro f""e t~1eir liues, they no~~c,r. :'Thcir_reafon is, becaufc: ex~tnples of wandered vp otn? dow1~c in bate attire, & \\'ere gr~e~~~S punHlim~nts ~re mention,ed both bedctlitute of or_du_1ary foode and comfort; and fo;r;~~ndaf"i:et· this -: and therefore t}ley thmkc fo in great affitChon and tonnrm, i.~.~ :(hmtJd be 61jrnlng 1 v<ihlch is .a fore :md Here we fee _thefe fcruams of G~d, were g~;~epq_us dc;uh! ~ut> y.•emay f:1fely and rrucly driuen from their o~o.:ne Country, fremds, and rc..:;9e;thc words thus~ The; weret~mpud: confamilicsJ ~ypcrfecunon•.Whence w_e ~bferuc, ccii,Jing het:C"by that they were enticed & _alluthat in mne of pcrfe~utton, 3. Chnfhan n~21-1 re~. by,faire promile• oflife, to forf.,ke thm remay lawfully Ate for htS fofety,,fhe be not hmligi6. So the fame word is vfcd_bySalntfamef, dred by the bond ofprmate or publ1ke c<tllmg. f:~.ying·; , Euer1 mttn U tempted, when hu i".s For, th.cfc ~eruan~s o~God, here commcnded dr;twnc 4ll'~ 6y hU owne COIJCUpiftnce, ahd for tl~Cir fa.lth, d1d fl1.e when .they were ~erl~- t~ c11ticed, James r . 14. If any as.ke, why this cutco; and tha~ by faith:thercforethe :tChon ts trialLin tempting, lhould be phtccd among Iawfilll, as I m1gl_1t proou~ at large, but that fuch crudl torments? I anfwere, bccaufe I h.'luc fpok~n of 1t heretofore. VVhtn our Sait .~s great a trial! as any can be. For, it is as 1 uiour ChriH knew that the Pharifies heard of tl1c ~---.....!.......:.....-..--- ---------··---·-····· . -- ·--