Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

' 0,-\:~·~-~,~ ~---- the H. Chap. to the Hebr.. --·-·, ., I Ml(.C~bccs. • ---------~-----__::_______,_:------:---:--:-:::;:---,--=- 1 •---f the mt~ltitudc ofdifciplcs '' hich hcm:l.dc,Ioh. 1A ! S-o it was with Pr1~JI : \·vhco the Eph~fictns ~,:er~ 4 •r. 'i· h~ left ludea, whc1·c they had grc:atcft. j in :tn vproarc abour their Diana, Paul in 1.calc . iuri(diClion m1d c.t.nei:tto Gnlile,for his fafctic. wou!d hm~cmteredit~t!mong them; hi4r the Dt[R 1 The Proph~r. sin tl 1 c old rdl:amcm di~i fli.c tas, , c?!nfifforedhimno~, Aft. 19. 30. Th1s they / ! E/i,ufromfc:.-:.abcl,r.King.I9.).Andto didthc dtd tor Pa::ls fafcnc, and the good o~ the: I A.pojf!cJ in the nc ...v; :md that by Cluills direChur(h; for they ~ncw,tho~c Idobtcrs would.' Ction,Matth,Jo.z,. h::\Ucbc~nc moit hcrcc ~ga1nH Pa11!, And fo' 06 1 crt. r. Bm ·iOmc will f{ly, Pcrfc.cmlon is dught ~ucry particular Chur~h,tohauc ~lcciall I the hand of' Cod, and thcr<:~orc no. m_om!nay .care of ti~c lif~ of the Min~flcr. 0thcr ~aufcs flic from it: for fo he fhould lccmc !O tl1c trom I thcr.~ be; 111 whxch he may fhc: but I wtlli~.~t I God him!Cifc. A 11jiv. Vic muil confider p,cr(cHand to recite all; bccaufc there bt· fO manycir... 1 cation rwowaics:firlf.,as iri-s rhc hand of god: cum(hnces, which may alter the cafe, as V\"dl i I . fCcondly,as iris chc \\"orkc oJ.rhc wic~c.(i cncrc:fpcC.Hng his enemies, a_s himfclfe,_ and ht~ mi~s of Gods Church. 'For, them GoQ· pt;opk:makipg that vnlnwfull at one umc, at!d femctimes as inl1r~1mqms, in la~•ing his b~nd] ~ fomc.pcrfons,\vhich to othcrs,orat another vpon hi~ Church,t':rhcr for cha!hfmem, or fox ume, may be Ja\\'full. triall. Now, a:ChriHian bccingperfecutcd for, B Secondly, whereas it is faid,.Thefe fortit'.Jt~J the cnah,and hau·ing libcnic ro flit:, qnnoc be of Gvdwm:deredvp anddolfne: we doe lca.rnc, faidcofliefromG odsh;"tnd;vnlcfl'chev.:ct:.t~ that atn'!ll p.1ay lawfully goe from place to way contrade eo <..:J:ods cot)ltnand, as ltmds ~lace, an.d trat_Jcll ~r~Ill C9\:lll!ry toc~umry ;_if did, bcdng [en to Niniuc.: atHJ bclide, he io Pe, he go,es Ul fauB, asthc!e men d1d:Agam, k'nowes that! is impocftblc. But, his,ro. their going w_as toke~pc f~ith and a good cO)l='". fHe from the wrhth of hi~ cnemjes, to fa.uc fiT.~ fcienc~: and, for the fame end, mriy a man la·w,-_ lifc,forthe furoher gqod of Qo<\s Church. A• fl.1Uy tr~~ct frgm to place. B~t ;\'hcn;n~ngaine,the rc·:tfon b ne>t good, To f.1y perfcrcu.. goq: llOJ in fa\th; noryet 1 ~or this en~d, th ..cbe~.. tion i·s the hand of God, therefore :~t man ma~ tC·f \P kccpc a gQod confcicnp:: there vndq,~.l:!:-. not fliefi·om it. Fo~ fo might a man, cenclu<lc, redly their t·raucl~ is notlawfu.ll. ':!"J:. . '}~·:~ • that none ought to flic fron1 fid~·ndl'e, o~ from ~Y this then, wehaue iu(l caufCto rcr,ro.o.u~ 1 warrt: both which, a man m<\y·doc with a fafe the bad c:ourfe of many wapqcrers among vs:- confcicncc,notbecing hind.rc-Q by fpeci.o~o as firH, of Oll;r commpn b.f:ggers,whQ~c;:.wholc all calling. · !if~ is no.thing dfc,b~t a wandering from place Obiefl. z. But cuery oiH:: is bot;nd tQ u;llifi~ t~ placc:thQugh not i·nfaith)t~or for confcicncc his faith and religion, before his enemies: apsJ fj!k~: bunhcy finde a fweemeffe in their idle therefore may not llic in pcrfe<mion• .#n[w. C ktndc of life; and therefore theywanP~!, be. True indcedc: aChrifhanm~n mufi (o ~efiifie caufe they would not worke. Now, this their his faith,if he be called thereto ofGod: but if fOllrfe (hauing JlOother.ground, but !Que of God giuc him libcttie, & opportunitie to flie, iQlencffe, and cpritempt of paines !n ~lawfql{ then he will not haue him, at that timr,to infii... calling,)cannot but be greatlydifplcaftngyl)t<Y i fie hisrcligion ~y thatmcancs. . _ God: who enioynes,. th~t cuery ma~) lho.u!d I Obic8:. 3· But, If Jt bdawfull ro file, how walk! tn fome lawfH/1 cnllmg,gnd egtt elf JlJ~~! then cot1lcs it to p:\ffc,that fome ofGods ~hil- /;uad. ThiS" they doe not·; ;.tn~i thcrcfo.rp_.t!J:c drcn,whet\ they might haue fle.d,...vould not: curfe of God them :)fo_r" ,g'cgcr_aHy buthaue 1\ood to iu!lifie their profdlion YlltO they arc giuen vp to mo.J\Jlqrrible-lil!nCs o.fj1f• deatb.A11[.Wcmufl iu.dgc rcueremly of, iurlicc,ai)d vQclcanc(fe:th~e;.y.walk_c j!Jo.rd)n?t<::;:. and thinke they did it by (omc fpeciall infi)nct ly; for, they range nqtJ~e.l)>feh)es iut<>.;)I!Y."{,, .and mouon of Gods fpmt; as :lppcnr.cth by mihes, but lm.e hker bruJ~.c b~afis, thcnJ!llCIH 1 their patience and confiaQcic io ,thdr gtetl.t.dl rhcy arc not members of~nypanicular ~Qngtc-: .tonnents. Ex:nnples hereof, w,e hauc in OlJr gatioo, ·but cxcommunicare thcmfcjus;g,fr_qw .Engli/h ACls and Mo,numeots,in men worthy all Cburclics; and fo liueas though tper.t l•fre of:uotahk commendations for!lb.c-:ir cQn~tan.. D noGod,noChriH,norrrye1cligi9r1.ArlQ;-hgc~ ck,a.nd ·:r.caJ.c for the trurh ofthe Gofpd. in we may fee .Gods hand JTI_ore heP.t!is~pbn 0f!.ff. if!light ioprrfccution., may beoo.a. them, th~tthcy take all t~cit de\ :Jilat 8:ion offaith;Whcchcr may not the minjficr of courfe of...,..yandrillg,wbiJ:.b ip it ownc:pa~\ltC ~ Gods·word fli-c in•perfccution-? acurfe, and a punifhment. ...,;. m~;· An[w. There be Tome cafes, l\the.rcin :the Secondly, \ve m:iy here -:1lfo iufily:rc:;:p.t;ooue Miniflcrm<Jy lawfull}'flic: t.\o\·"hcn thatplrrithe courfCof fome othersamongvs,-w,h.owUI -cular churchand oongregati-on,-ouer -which he necdes be trauellers: not for rcligion-fakc(for is!pla·ccd •is difperlC.d by.chc e-nemies; fo'as he that ,v,:cre commcnda~le,ifrhcyhad fi1ch need) ha~hmo hO!pc to g:nhcr-and·call ,them.backc a.. nor yet, ~>y venue oftheir calling(which w.crc game: then(no doubt)hc.may-Hie.,tiH his conIawfUilJbut, oncly for this Cl,H.l,to fc:e f:ifll\Q:ns:, -~rcg:~.tion be gathered ::~g::dne• . 2. If the per- ;~nd flrar;gc countries: and, they rcfrainc not fGcutors doe ·tpcci:llly .ayme :u the Miniflcrs from fuch pi:.tees as Rome, Spainc)&c.v\•hcrcin life, rhcn ':''ith the mn!Cnt of his .flock~, he that crudll'nquHition will hardly ft1ffcx ahy to may goc :~.parr for his ownc fJfctie ,.for a umc. paffe, with fafct1e of a good confcience. B~ lh•ll ~ - ----~ ---~