191. : e./1 Qommentarie VtJon ~-,;;;;:;;---~ ] 1 ~ [' >;11Jcr the : ~ ~~ - ~htubcc~ J ; fhlll wee thinke lhat this their naud! is Com· A 1 Sccondlv r whit.:h I ra1·c· to b D .,·d - · I d bl ,.N J' I c I f · 11 ' ' 1 " c ""' 'meaI 1 men :1 c. u urc y:ror, t 1c end o lawtu ninn;' thcrightco:!'imanisncucrco.ckc d I ' 11 . I r . . r f: I d d " '' I >l n, an '! trJu1 ~., ts t 1c prcH~ruauon 01_ :~.it l an a goe his !Cede too.ForJ ifGod lay temporal! ehaMi!:_ . con,~Jc:ncc; or, the bond of .fomc Ja~,.vfull cal· mem on anyof his fcru::mts, fiitfering c);~ cm to I I l lHlg. No,~~,·, thcfc men traudlm;; ,·pen no fuch v:am, yet hi.: forfaketh not his feed after him. groun?s, but oncl_y vpon plcalurc; ho•N {hali i but rcnucth his mcrcic towards them, if the: 1 ; \'I.' CO: thmk.<.: they will !land to the truth, ,_,.hen 1 \o\'alkc in obedience before him: he mav 111ak~ j they rhru~ thcl~lfcluc!: into fuch.ncc,Ucff7 dan- j triall of godlyParents by wane, butthdr ood- ) . .gc-r, 3i.1d trta!l?l he cr::1.cd c~nf~tcnccs ot mony ! I~ childn:Q 01lll furcly be bldlCd : fo tha~this ;'.t then· rcturnc,il1ev'1' filffictcntly, the bJdncffc . hmdcrethnot, but ~hat the godly may be ill 1 of th:u, courfc. _ j w~u:t. · Fun.ncr, .not~ the fbtc of th.cfe bclccuers, I Fun~er, whereas th<·y are faid togoc·vp & fo~ th~I:C att~rc; lt was ofJb~~p sl:J.r.s~ andgoatcs I do\o\'llC m Shc~pcs skjm:cs and Goates jkjn>u.r, s~ws( I he ltke m:~y bee oblerucd, 111 other _fa- 1 we muft vndcrfland, th:.t they did it by ta!ch. tnons P:ophets, ;.~nd fc~uants of God: Eltprh , From '"'hence we lcarne, th:tt when all t{'mpo1 wore a garment of h:ure, :wd thereby wai rall bleffings faile, then the child of Cod mu!l k.nowen, :. 1\iug. t. 8. And ~o did lohnBap- B i by faith lay hold vpon Gods gracious promitt/1, Mmh. 3. 4· Yea, the folic Prophets '1\'Cllt fcs of life Ctcrnall, and !lay l1imfelfc there- ! fOuaied, thlt they" niiglit the rather be rcfon • I petted of t[>c pcoplc?Zach. I 3· 4· And,our SaThis point mull be rcmcmbrcd carcfnlly:for utour ChnJl fmh, 7hefa!fi Prophets fh~/1 come fay we lhould want all kind o~tctnporall beneta jhupn cloth:ng,h"kc the true Prophcts;whcn fits,mufiwc thereupon dcfpaire,and think that 3~ in_dccde, rhq a~·~. r~~ning WoolueJ. Now, God hath forfal<cn vs? C'od R>rbid:n:~.y, when the rru~ Prophets ot God, went thus bafe:ly all mcancs failc,anci the whole •world Js 2oainfi 3nircd '::that not onely by word and doCtrine, vs, yet thC we muft lay hold vpon the pr~mif~ but alf<>'in life and cOi>ucrfation, they might of life cternall in ChriH, and·thereupon reil prc;!.ch repentance vmo the people. And in... our foules. Thus did thcfc bcleeucrs in this dccdc, cticryM i"illcr of the Gofpcl, oughtto pbcc. And this faith did fo6 notably tdlific, pe a light vnto his people, both In life and do... when god had taken·fi·om him childr€, goods~ I ~~lnc:lnd,~le that ~re01che~h wel,~nd d~th n.ot h~alth, yea~ a:nd aJl that he had,. yet then· hec ltuc accordmg to hiS dotfnne, butlds wtth me fatd, lob•. 13. 1 ~· Though hekjl!me,pt will/ one hand, and pulls downe wichtheorhcr. Cl truftinhim. AnafomufiweendeauourtOdoc Now, whetcas thefc fcruants of God, wcn,t ifthat cafe befall vs:for,whenoil worldly helps vp and downc in fu.ch bafe attire, :s fheepc and comfons faile vs, rhis promife of life in skinnd_, and goat skinncs: it was for poucrtics Chrifl, will be a f\vCetc and fJferefuge for our fake, b'ecins depriued offrdnds,goods,hou(c, foul c• .and l:!nds:'lnd fo,dcHitutc.ofproui!1on for betB~cing deffrtuu, affl.iHtd, and tormmted.] ter·artirC'. · · Here the Apo!llc amplific.th their miferie in ~ · In their cx3mpic, ·we m:ty, note that God.! their wJndring dbte,by three dcgr~cs ofcrot:. feru:mts :ui.d children m:.~y be brought to exfes, which did accompany·the fame.Firfl, they treamc·pvucnie, :md ntcdiitic; fo as they fhall \\'Credeftitmcof rcmporall bleffings : fccond1w~·nr o'tdin3ric foode, and raiment, ~nd bee ly, they wcre·lf/{iifftdboth in bodyand mindc: [f.iinc ro-coucr thcm(clucs with beafts skinncs. thirdly, tf!rmentcd. that i"s, cuill entr:e·ated•. '[''!'his w:lsthc,poorclhoc aod condttionofgodThcfcare added fora fpcciall caufe; to /hew ly Laiarr<J. Yca,Ohrifllclus,for o'ur fakes,did thatthclcfcruams of God were bdc.n with af1 vndergoe a mcanci dlatc;for,hce Eadnot aplace fli8ions:Thcy were hnmjbedand driucn to ex- : X~hett~M ttJ lay /,u luad: an·d :n his de3th, hce D tremc pouertic;. they were deprir!~d of aJJ their -ha-d hot (o much ground of his o\\'nc, as might goods, and ofall focietic ofmen:theywercafferiiC (or a buri~Jl place; bur, \vas laid in loftphs jliEttdin bodie and in mind,and cuill entreated toomb~which is a great comfort to anv child of all men: no man would doe themgood, but ·I of Go(!Ji,tlikc diHreJfe. For, why n,o,;Jd any all men<lid them wrong; whereby we [cc that 1 be di1nlaftd\~th rhatt'(btc,whiehChr.ifr I~fus , euen waues ofmiferlc oucrwhelmCd thC"in on 1.' and'h1s dccrell- fcruants hauc vndcrg:Ohe fOr his cuery fide. • .~ .!":. example. ·,, Hence we lcarnc that Cods fcruams ma_y be , Here fomc may ·askC,how this can ll:tnd oucrwhelmcd with manifold c::Uamities :l.t. the wirh~hat faying of Dau;d, I h~tu"e ~un~ young f:~mc infllm,bceing·prdfed.downwith croffcs .rmdam.olde: Jet f nmer fow the r~(.ht~om forin goods, in bodie, minde, frcinds, and cuery ;I fait~~~, 1for hW-fted~ b~gging 6read, Pf;~lm. 73• w:ty. This w:ts Io!JJ c3fc,a moll: wonhie feruant :5. of God; hce \-\'as :ltHiClcd in bodic, in frcinds, j Anf!Jau 1 JJ fJying may be tak('n two waies: voods, :md children, and ( ~,.~:hich was grcntcf! I fir!l, as his O\<\'flC oblcruation in his time. For, ~f all)hc wrcfrled in eonfcicnce with the wr:tth j hec faith not,Tbc right~otu iJ ntll~rforfakpr~but I of God; lob. r j. 16. ~Thrmwriteft lntter thing! 1 1 1 that lu tleluffaw it:and indeed it is 3.tarething, agttmfl m~, ~tndmttkt./f mte to p(Jffiffi the iniqtti· i / t~ fee the r~ghteous for{Jken. ti.es ofmJ;omh. And the likchath bcc:nethe e~ ____ ...1___,~-- - llltc