' ~-------___L____ _ ___ ··----~------ -~---- - . -1 -;,;;;:;,;;-- theu.[hatJ,tothr: He6r. I I" "' I ~ ~ r ' ' ' :•I :cc. 1 !.l::cs. :md fini(hing 0 f 3 1J, appcare to be nOro~ing,but t\ 1' '='iuin_c prc~crtlc_: for , 0od forfres all Ih/ngs i- -- bJr'C lip-faith, and meereprcii.n'hption. Now'· by lnillftlte; without fignes, and oUtv.<!rd .. I to conclude this point, wCnmfi:know,that vnmc:~ns. Uut creatures only for~fcc fo!~_c t1_1ings ' ldfc we act true faith, as thcfc ·bciecucrs ll'ld, not of tbcmfclues: but, by mcancs nt i1gnc-s, 1 I ('Nhic1 1 \~C muG f1 1 c\\'Cbygoodft~rir:, ::ts t~cy and outward cauJCs, or by .rcut!arion-.fiom did)cul?n they /1 1 :1.\l rife vp in iudgmcnc ag~unH God: othenvifc cai1 ndcrcat.urcfort:fCe thjng$' vs to condcmnc vs,at the bit d3y. For they beto come.' ·· Ic.Cuccl; though tliey hid not the ground of Now, ns \>\'C i3.id bcfort'-, thisfore-fg~t ill faith tO lai-d bctOrc them as we .haue. Where... God includes his decree· and ordmation·: for,: forc~lct them that w:'!tlt kno~\·lcdgc,labour for therefore did thcfc things fo comt-to patfc,bc~ it; & they whicl~ haue ~t- 1 let them ioyn~_obe::. r3ufc G od ordJincd them. V/ht:rc:by wee fc:e1 dicucc·wirh ·dletr k'nowlcdg-c,tlrat the ~:mh of char Godsprcfbcncc orfortlmowledgc is- hot f their hcJrts, maybc{cenc by the frujts ofthcir i!JJe, bm opcratiuc, and iO)tUCd v~Yth his wi·U: t liues: for, crue·thith c~nno~ bee hid, but will tor, Matth.t o. 2.9. 30. anhaire cafinotf.tiJ fr6r11 i brcake out in good..works. .~\' •' ourluad! noraJParrowe light vpo11 1hcground ~ ! B wirhottthi&wi/1. As all lhings in time cOI11C"-t~ 1 :1 pa!fc; fo God before all world$willed, that.is) decreed and appOintcQ them. And vndCr i:hi~ large extent of Gods wilior dectce, wee r'nuft include the finncfull ael10n·sofmen; for,.GOct doth not barely forcfCi:-thenJ; but dc_cue'th~ becing ofthem, and fo ;vill them after a fort; though nQt to be done by himl<lfc, yet by ci~ I thc'tS. When l:tdao bmaycdCh~itl, aLld Pil•rt I with the wicked leWu cO-ndefT)ned and reuiled · him,thcy finned gricuoufly; ~yet hcrc;in.,fh2J didnothzN~, hut that which GodJ hand tmd 'oHn- , 1 God prouidingahette; thing ~r vs, that they without ')IJ Jhould not be maelep~ife'il. c foLII;add~ferm)nedheforetobe doni:. ;; ,_ 1 J · This point well confidcrcd, confute'S thcit' · opinionJ who indeed inlarge Gods-prcfcience BEcaufc fame manmight tn11ch me'n.fail, or foreknowledge ouer all th~ngs good_and c.: that fuch men as t·ecciucd retlimonyof uill ; but yet exclude finne from "''ithOtit: fhc God for their faith, lhould notyct tc" compa!fc of his'dccrec, and ordlnatibil."E~[· ceiue the promi(e; there for<.! here the here we fee Gods fordi·ght induds hi'sdecree; holy Ghotl renders.a reafon thcrcof:thc good and nothing comes to pa!fe fimp11>without his plcafureofGod,appoiuting that Chritllhould will: howfoeuer many things be done again(\ be-incarnateat fuch a time, as was moA.: conuehis t·(:ucaledwill;yet Without his abfolurd-wilt; nicntforthepcrfc&confiimationofthewholc can nothing come to paffe. Hee )Pork.;th &11 Church,confiflingofGentiles, as·wclas Jews. thingJ according tothecounfellofhiJ OWne'wiff.j for, though thcfeaundcntbcleeu~rs,wcrC' in doing himfclfe thofe things that be good, and time long before; yet God prouided Chrifis Willingly permitting cui! to be don b)' othe'ts; incarnationfofitlyfor vs, thafthcy without for good ends. , . , •. -:~: vs lhould not hauc pcrfecr cot>fummation in But,what did Ood hcrcprouide and forefce glorie, forvs? .An[. .Ahetrerthing: that is,God in hi; The Expojition, God pr;~uiding • !fetter thing; ctcrnall counfeU prouidcd abetter c!latc fot for vt. The :.vord in the origmall,tranflated his Church in the new Tefiamem; then he did ptouiding, fignifieth properlyforefeeing; wherefor be!ecuers in the oldc. ·•, in is likcwifc included, Gods decree and ordi.. D H~nctwe lcarnc,that as Cod hath \iis genenation. Now, this we mull knowc: that it is ta11 prouidCce,whcrbyhCgovcrncth ai-thingS; a peculiar prcrogatiue , .belonging. tO the true fo alfo,he bath his fpeciall and particular proGod alonc,to be ablcto forfee things to come! uidence,whcreby in all things; he prouidcs & 'Olnd chat many rooo.yeares bcfore:no creature brings tO paff,that which is bcfi for hischurch~ ofhimfelfccan do it.And,yct it is truc,that this For, in the old Teflamc:m, God prouided that propenie tofortfu, is afCribcd vnto God, not for his Chur<:h, which \\'35 meere for it: BUt, preperly; but in regard ofour capacitic: for if conl;dcring th:u the Church in the new Tefl'awc fpcakeof God properly, God cannot bee mem (in fomc refpcCls) w:~s to bauca b~tt'er efaid to forefee any thing; bccaufe all things be !late then the church in the old tcfbment had; I prcfcntto him, whether pafi, or to come. thcrcforc,he prouidesfor_i~ ~hener fhuc.Ail1 Thisprefdcncc, orforekno-..vlcdgc in God, looke as in his ctc:rnall wdedome he forcfeeth puts adifference bccwcenc the true God, and what isbelt for ~ll elhtcs and times; fo in his l _ all creatures:- for, the true God forcfc:cs a11 prouidcncc doth he arcomplifh andcffed.ithc I things that are to come'; fo can no denture do. f3.mc. · Indccdc, fame crc3tl1rcs foreke and foretell Fj}'l' v1.jThn is, for theClmrt:h iu dlc nn,:c 1 I fomc thing,:yct horcin,they cqmc f!lOrt of the tctlamcnt : where note,th~t Gods Churrh,ond \ --------~-------------=5!_3 . !h,_