Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~~--;;81_____ -eA Co;;mentarie vpo~ ' rE;:- ., ··---- r the .Gate ~hcrco_fhl thcln.cwc Tcfb.mcnt?is b.ct- IA Gofpcl is fprcd :lJHi preached [Q all the V\"07ld, ' ~~~(~- ! j t~r ~~JCI'\:lt was H1.t.hc o.d: before the c~mm1~g And lfl.(IJ;~-r:h~ Church in the old Tefbt&nt ~ (huH: The holy C.ho!l nere fpc~ks ~has platnbcJccucd m Clmtl to comc;butnmv the church 1 ly;~,n_a ~~;c:cforc, 1,.\'(..'C nccde no turtbcr rroofc I belccucs in Chrifl, which is <~.lrcaclic conH.: 3J1d thCH'Qt, ,: • . cxhibitcd:-in an .. ~hich tC~')eds, the Chmch in ~·!. How i'hould it bee bener ...vlth the the nc"v Tdbmcntdoth exceed the Church.of Church now , then it '<\'ZIS then? An{. True it the old. is, t:h<ftGod gauc thc.coucn~mt ofgr~cc in the· • Now, where the Tcxc faith, Godpro!tided a beginning, ro our fid1-parcnts in Paradifc:: the better thin.~forrPs, w.ce mufi not vn'derlhnd it !Un;mc whtrcof wn·s·this; The of rhe1voof all thct~ prcrogatiues, buroncly ofthC fifth rheSerpenuhead~ And this eo-= and lafi:·, touching th~ afh.iall cx.hibic'in ... df uena:m did God re.Oc.,.n: icuiuc vmo hiS Chri!l i'n the.fl:cfh: as ChrHt alfo imports,Luk. Qhurch, from time to time, in ::111 ages, vnto ro. 2 3, Z4.Blej[:dnre the t)el whichfo·ohatyee , this d?.y. Both ci:-cumcifion and the- Pa{fcoucr, fee ;for I tdl j.oH, many Prophets and Kings hnue were fCalcs.of this col.lcnant; as we!I as our i3.- dejiredtofoethofo thingJ"}eefu,apdhauenot [cm ; n ;:uncnt:- b~e: lo that in iiJbJtance they differ them: Which things we~muH vndedhndof , t}Qt,; the free gift of grlcc in <?:!uifi belonged B the i·ncamation ofChriH:. And that this is fuch I t&~hemas we! as vmo vs.The bclccuing lc~,o,·cs a prcrogatiuc to the ncwe TeHamcnt, appea- \1) .th<!i.r Sacrarncnt~ ,.did eatc the fame fp!riturcth byolde Sitmon, who when he had feenc ~\I mcate, and drinke the {~me fpirituallldrink Chtiit ii1 the Temple, as it Was promifed him, with.vs (as the Apo/He wimeff~th·,J. fangvntoGod this fang( Luk.:. '29.) -Lord, . J·) :tnd bcleeuc.rS thCn, obtained the fame cternow letteft thou th; fom:rnt tkpart inptaet, accorIn<!;.ow by faith. A•:d yet if di»gtorhyw.,.d;formine ejuhaue[<tne thJfal- \VC'C! regard•the m-anner of :tdmrnrHnng the uarion: as ifh~e lliould fay, 1haue t}O\V Lord I (;.0li~Jt~n.r of gr~cc i:\ Gods Church, vnto the 'liu~d Iong~n~ugh;lct me npw departin peace, people ~of-God ; .herein doth the Church of fcemg now.! Pauc fccne thy Cl~rifrmy Sauiour j tbc.n.c:1w Teflamtnt far fmpaffe the Church of (where we Jcc he makes it a matter o£ ful con- ! God in the oldc: and it1dccde, herein confills~ tt'ncmen.tvn~? his {Oule)which the beh:cuers I t·~~.c . prchcmincncx of the Church vndcr the vnder the Law fav: nor• . C~Jpd ; vvhich fhnds in fiue things efpeciHence wcmufi lcarnc our dutic: for, ifour I ally,_ ' fiatc bee now better then the flatc of the oldc ! ,; FirJf., in the olde Tdbment, fpiriruali and Tcfhment was,and ifwe Cnioy priuiledgcsdeheau~1li)' ').\'ere propounded vnto 1 be Church, C nicd to Gods auncient feruants before and vnvnd~r tempornll :md ~:mhlybleffi.ngs. This is rler the Law; then vndoubtedly wee ought to pl~(incby.Godsdealing with the- Patriarches, firiue to goc before them in grace and obcdi- !1'1/n·,,JJI-lm, lfaac, and laacob; for,the Lord proencc; for eucry mans accounts fhali be accormifcdNntothc::mthetrrnporall.bleffings ofthe cling to his receiti. He that rccciues,fiuc·d _of C.tnatf1z; vndcr which he fignificd the lcms, mufi make account to~returne inoc::, then giti oflifc cucrlafHng, in the Kingdom ofheahe thatrecciuts.two: where God is more abii~ ucn. But itl the new 1'dbmenr,lifc euerlafiing dant in his mC:rcic, there he lookcs for anfwris plainly pr.omifcd to the bc!ceucr, without a. rabic thankfulncffe &obedience. We goe beny (uch type or figure. yond the anCient Church i~ fiue things: and Sec.ond!y., in the ol<ic Tc!l2mcnt ChriCt was therefore we mufi !lirvp our hearts to bee anfht\\led & fignificd vt\to thcnt in ceremonies, fwerabk in grace& obedience going beyond rite!, and type!; which were in number many·, thc:m.But iffor all this, we come!hort ofthem anJ i1.1 fignifi.cation fotne of rhcm darkc and in thcfc things,then furcly our c:tfcis fearcfull, obfcurc :but now thcfc rypes and ceremonies :mdour punil11ment !hall be greater : for rhey ate aQolifhed,the.(h:).dow is gone and the fubthat had lcffe prcrogatiuc,Ol?.ll be wimdfcs aft::mcC come: and in Ilcad of" dai-kc fignes and D gain!l vs, ifrhcy goe_.bcyond vs in obedience. figure~~ we haue rwo moll plainc ;:~nd fcnfible That tht] without vs mightnot he madeP'"·-· s-acr:tmcnts. More plaindy, the coucnanr of fo£l :rhat is, might nor be fi.1Ily glorified.Here grilc~ iu rhe old Tdlamcnt, ·was {ealed by the is the rc:afon why Chrill was not exhibited in Ploo·d_ of Lambcs; as fignes of t!le blood of thci'r daycs. Jndecde all true bclccucrs before ChrHl: :but now to his Church in the ne\\' TcChriJl, were iuflificd, and fanCtified, and in tlamcm, Chrill himfclfe hath fealcd his Tcfiafoulc reeeiued to glory bcforevs;yet perfeCted mcnt by his ow11c blood. in foulc and bodie both,thcy mull not bee beo' Thjrd!y, in the old Teftamcnt oil the knowfore vs: but we mull all be perfected together. kdgc they had was in the Lawe: and their vnNow his will herein he bringcth thus to paffc; dcr(bnding in _the Gofpel \\'as obfcurc and v.eAll muft bte pcrf~Clcd in Chrifl: But hce ridlcnder: thencweTcfiamenr, not will not hauc Chrifi to come :md fuffer, oncly the La•se is made manifdl, but alfo the tiUthefulncs of time came, inrhc[elt1..ft da7u, fi1pcrnawrall knowledge ofthe Gofpell. Heb. r. 2. (as the'Apofl!c fpeakcth) that the I Frmrth/y,thc L-;1w was ondy commirtcd,and belcc:uenliuingin thcfc daies,might h~uc time publjfPed to one nation ::.nd people; bu1i du: ofbccing in the Church to be c:llled, iu!Hfird , \ I ·------- ,,· a'.i___