Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~- - \ 2~0 1 eA Commerrtarie vpon \ i 1 mfhuC'tions,-th:n3rc Ialddownc,crchcr gene- 'A 1 to our felues, and to lay ltto our owne confc1- ~ ---- ~·. t rally 1t1 JoCrnne, or pamcularly m cx:alllplc. enccs: and then (no doubt) wee Jhallfind 1 r to I Ami therefore the holy Ghot( here fa1th not~ be a word ofp&wer, able to reforme both the LCt the G.1/ar~ans, ot rbe Coro;thums ( wh1'h mldemcanour ofour hues, and the crrours of , ...vcrc r:-!1owntd Churches) be LOntbnt m rh£ our mindcs. ' 1 faith ;.but, La vs, that is ,youHebr6WfJJ, \1\'ith No\o\', to the rcaloo more particularly. wn !.my fclfc be contbm in rhc faith,following t,hc: muff hccpnftantin the /imh,bccaufe we arccom1ci:amplc of your aunciem Fathers. le is faid of paj[cd-a.6out with fo greatadoudofwitnc.ffu.Hcr.e H~&..,.s. I the auncicnc l~wcs, rh.u mtmJ ufrh(.m he;~rd the auncicnt Fathers of the olcleTdhmcnt God.Jl~01·d; hstt it WM not projit~tb!evmothmt-,be... which in the formC'r d'lapcer were commcnded I tar: f.: if wa: nnt mingledwithf.tilh In them. \Vhac vnto V~ [or their faith, arc compared to ac/()ud, I i i· ' is· ib t6 tningle tht word '"''ith faith? It is not andthe~ to a cloudcompajfing vs. L::llly, toa I . on.ely to,rcceiu.~ it by faith, bclecuing it t@ be cloud ot witncffis. nuq but al(o, by rnc f•me hand of !a1th, to They arc compared to adoude (as I rake it) !apply it to a m\lnS ownc foulc,to his hcan,atld by allufion to the cloudc which direCted ~nd ;life. And vndoub"dly,Godsword thus apply· led the l(raelitcs in the wildcmdfe: for, w!.en l t C<:t to a mansparticubrpcrfon, ~uth in itW:c:tt. they came fromEgypt, and were 40. yearcsiu power and fruitc; whether y,iec regatd infot·- ::S the Defert of Arabia; all that While,they were I ml<ion of iudgcmcnt, or reformation of life. dir.fltdltJ npillar of cloud.bJ Ja;,Exod,t;->t. Bm,h is a h:trd thing to do~and ~arc to find.e a Now 1 lookt as that cloud guided t-he Ifrac.. man that doth linccrcly applyvmo him(clf, cilites from the bondage of Egypt-, to the Land ther gcncraH,doChincs,or particular c:x3mplcs. of Canaan: fo doth this companic of fa6tous I We arc :tll prone to fhift it from our [clues,&:. beleeueu,diuC\all the c.ruc mcmbrrs of.Gods by itvpon otbcr.s,faying; ThN is Agoodltem,or Church in ~be DC\V TeHamcnt, the right way ~good!tffim,f,.-(uch aoM,i<ndfuch • ont, if h« from the Kmgdome of darkenclfe, to the (pi1 wercheu, r1r,~(be wouldmar~it. In rituall Canaa~ the kingdornc. of hcauen. And V.· hi!\!, what be.ncfit rc:lpc wee tO our owne this is·thc true caufcwhy thcfc worthy belee- , foules?for)thc word not :'.pplycd to our fdu·cs, ncrs arc compared to·a cloud. dorh vs no gcod: it is like Phy6ckc not taken, Marke funher, they are called acloedt: bur or food not e;ltc!l.And kcncc it comes to.paifc, what aclolld?namcly,cDmpaJ!intvs. A compafth:tt thou·gh we hearc much; yet weprofit litfingcloHd they arc called,by rea{on ofthegreat de by rhc minificrie of Gods wbrd. W'<e n11lfi company of the beke~ers: fo as which way thercf.,rc karnc to'follo...te Matiu"Cxample, focuer aman turncs him, he fhalJ fe-e: bclccucu ~hoponderedChriftswtwd.r,&Laidrlum vpinkn- · , c;> fide: and they are faide to ~t»npajfovs, •w1uheart. When an cxl'lonation is giuen, \\'et .t; bet:mfe they giuevs direction in rhe courfc of mufl: notpofi ic off, and lay it vpon mher mens Chri!lianitie, as the"clouddid the Ifraelitcs i.n lhouldcrs; but>pJ?.lY ,itt<> our fclues, andlay the y,ilderneffe. it to our o-v.·n'c hearts, f.1.yiH-g., This infiru8ion Now, whereas the whole companiCof be.. ;, for me• .i~crtby (no doubt) <;;e lhould feile lccuers is called a cloud compnjfmgvt: hercis g(e':ltcr blc:ffihgS vpon th~e 'pr'c':ldd·ng of the anfwercdacommonob]cChonoftcmpo.l"izers:, ,wot·d, then yet we do. Atld to mo~tlc-,•s here- , which argue thus againfl rdigon: Therearc · uht<'l, let v.-, Conftdtr, that-Sat3n our vtt(r enc- . fo many kindes of religion nowe: a-dayes, mie ("'·ho fceKcs nothing but our dcA:ruChonJ that no man can tell \vhich to be of:arld ther.. fsmo!l butie tohinder this ~plicationof the fore it is good to bc:o.fno religion, till w~bee word, either by the minifl:er)or by a mans own ccrtificd,which is the crue rcligion.This carn31 cOnfcicncc.Asfor cxatnplc: when the Miniftcr rC:afon is here anfwcrcd;for'howfocucrin fomc , (byocc;afion outhf Gods word) fhal ·co·nfute-> things, there be varictic of opinions in Gods cithercrrour in hidgC:tnent, or mifdemcanour D Church, yet for the fubHancc ofreligion all ain life; then, men that, antl are guiltic gree in one. ~or, the cOmpany of&decu.ers in ·rltcrcOf, {hould fay, 71JUUmiuerr~ur, or iny this '''odd, refcmblcs acloud that goes bctOrc f.zt~!t, nGIW 1 Am confHud, or reproo11ed. And vs->lhcwing vs the- right way which we arc ro GoQ(hb doubt)ifmcn would thus do-e, would walkc in, to the Kingdomc ofhcaucn.Secondmake it c:ffeCl:uall vnro rhcmar the length. But ly ,in that rhcfcauncient bclecuers are called tf. jn ficad of this 3pplying to our (dues (either e!~ud c()"'P"ffi'~g vs, 'v\'C ::are taught, that as the 'I through cur O\\'tlC corruption, or Satans fugIfraclircsdid followc the cloud intbewildergc!Hons, or both) we f'hilt it from our fducs, neffc from the Land of Egypt to Canaan; fO t :md f.1y; Now he.rcprooue~ fuch a one, & fuch mufi we follow the example-s of thefe :mcient I .' one; and (peakesar;ainll fiJCh and (uch: and bcleeuingFathcrs and Prophets, to the kinglnde:de, Satan (bv his goo·d will) would nedom ofhcaucn, It is allrangc thing to fee how f ucr 1--.:tuc a man to ~3pply the \'1. 1ord rightly to the Ifraclitcs followed that cloud. They neucr him(clfe.Thcrforc,fccing S3t2n is (o.bullr,anti went till it went before them: & "'''hen ic flood thfs is his deceit to 1113 ke a mail- O,ift off a·n ex• fiill)rhey flood fiill alfo,tho11ghit '''•.ere 1.years honation or rcproofc from himfelfe;and w lay togc:rher;&whct:t it bcg5 to mouc,tncy moucd it on others: we~nbeas carefull to apply[t ·with it. So in the fame manner imufl \1\:e fet bc- (~c