i _!~ i eA [ommentarie <rJpon . . \__ , I foule n)ould lift vp it fdfc to (cekc hcauonly A mak!.4.no;fo. A'nd Dante/ vfcd to proy·vmo I o,.,, I I I ! , th~ngs. So in the parable of the-.Sowcr,ricbes, 1 Cod 1 t·hrce. tirne's a d.1ie: \:o..•hcrCin, hcc 1;-Voul.+ l ·· .~.lo. ph.3ftrcs,a:nd cares for the things ofthis lifc;'lr.c hc:trtil'y aad vnfainedl~ call vpon God .. wi·ch ! 1 called tharnes, whjch chrMk,s the word ofGod in thankfgiuin'g. And, gtcabcafon w'C.fi 1 ;uld (t6_ I ! a maitJ) luart, and make it vhfruitfu\1, A11<.l, fo; for,wc li_u~ in th~world,wherein·arc.innu... : !fnfetti;Jg (md dr:mkfnnn, arc fa id to be thit1gs mcra.bl.c "''ctg•HY tlangs, wllich prcffc dc.,.me ' whi'h' OJiprej]f: Jhc bea.rr, and mak! it h~::#u~. our hc.:_ar.ts ftom Jookjng vp to l~eauct~:& thrrc~ At:d eal1c it wcl'e, tO thcv1.' :bY. ~nany tclli:n~~ fore~w~;ntifi ofteh pratlifc our fclL1Cs irrholy nics,that :1\1 the le fiuc thing's doe p,.rdfe downe medl~3.tl!lll and praycr·vnto God; that fo \\'C: the h:.:ar~; cfi,ccially tiH:n, '-'Ybcil 1r fuould be may lift vp our foulcs vrito God~ fr.orrl the lifttd ''Pin the fcc~ing of hc:mcnly things. things o£ this.vrorld. TO vfc a fit comparifon: Now io this, thac thcfc fiuc chings arc VVe know-th3t·thofc whokccpcdoc.ks;ifthcv waighrv burdens, we may lcarnc:;firH, \vhat is ·would'haue the clock fiil gojng, muH .once o.rthc caufc, th:a in thdl: our d~ies, cucry where fwicc aday wind vp rheplummcrs wl'ii~h caufe th~ Gofpcl of.Chrilt, bccingc publi01Cd,prcathe whccles to goe about; bccaufc rhex arc flill ·ch~d,and expounded, t;skcs tQ little place in B drawing downward: Eucn fo, feeing .our mens hcans; whethcn.,e regard knO\.dedgc hearts hauc plummets of lead, which :'.re and vndedhnding,or affeCtion and obcdienle. worldly cares and defucs,ro prclfc: {hemdo'.\'11 for, Gods word,is a word of power, mighric from fccking vp to.heaucn; \-XC mull d.o.c with in opcrauon: how comes it to paffc then th:lt our hearts, as the dock-keeper doth. wir}l.hi"S the ground is barren, where it is ca(l? why plummcts~wiodc: them vp.vnro God euery day: i11akcs it nor menlcarucd and rcli.gious? .Anfw. and for tlusend, mull fct ap3rt fomc:..panicuSurcly, in cuery place whnc thF._ \..,ord ofGod lar timctq docchc fame, in..holy duti.cs. ·Whv is prc<lchC'd, cfpccially among vs, the(c fiuc doth God command- the feauenth day to b~ things poffdfe the he3ns of men, and excrci(e (!nCHficd, and fer apart; from all bodily t.x_crall thc·chought.s of the mind, :and affe61ions of cifcs, and worldly cares? vndouhte£lly ';' it the heart. from whence it commc~h to paffe, is for this ende; to cauiC men to elcuatotheir th;lt after long preaching, there is little ti-uite, hearts fr~nn all worldly things, to, ftck~ the Or profit; either for kno\Niedge,or obedience. things aboue: cl(e, if the mjndc /hO_uld. be for, where the hean is prdfcd downc with the C alwaics prcffed dov-,rne with worldly cares, waight: of thc[e C:lrthly things; there ~he \.vord it could ncucr attaine to hcaucns ioyes.Hc that ofGod can take: no placc,nor bring forth fruif. bath not confcicnce Qn the Lords day, to lift And this is gcnetally true :lll10t1g vs; though vp his heart to heauC,by praier,&hcaringGods we he:lt'e Cods word from yeare to ycarc, and word,with meditation rhcron; caonot.pQffibly thereby might: increafc in knov\•ledge, and hauc; any foundncs in rcligion 1 nor his heart obedience, if we would; yet in rnany, thcre is firmcly fctlcd onhcauc·nly things. . -. little fhew of either: and, the caufe is in thcfc Thirdly, whereas the.holy Gho£Uili,tb.{that worldly cares, which take place in our hea.ns. the Hcbrcwes mufl call ayvay the weigbt ·th«t For, this is 3 moft ccrrainc truth, that fo long prejfothdowne; Hore wee are taught,"in what as our \'lcari:s arc addiCted to the gredy feeking manner, and how farre forth we mufi vfe the after thcfe earthly things, honours, pleafurcs, things of this life; as ~ic._~u,honours, an_~.l41aw- &c. fo long wtll the ground of our hearts be full pleafures; yea atld all I'!"P•'a/l·bleffings ~>rren. The go.od feed of Gods word may be wltatfocucr: uamely.fo farrc forih;as Jbey will (owen therein; but link fruitc 01:1ll come thcr.- further vs in the coudi: of.rdigio.n, .and in thC ot fauc briers and wecd5, "'·hicb will incrcafc cxcrcifcs of godlindfc, -and venue; and no ou~ ddmnation. further. Btlt (findingby experience, thaNhcfc Againe, whereas the loue of temporall hfe, D tcmporall things be a burdcnvnro vs,prdTing and care of earthly thin.gs, &£:, ·are fore burdens YS downc,and makingvs vnfitfor fpirituallexJWeffmg, dowHe a mans heart from heauen to crcifcs) we mufilcaue them, and ibfiame from earth, and making it heauic,:md fad,:md dead them.This is that moderation, 'Nhich wcmufi iu reoard ofall fpirimall c-:;;:ercifcs :1nd comemvfe in tcmporalJ things: for, thcrnaine end that plati~ns: hereby we ;ne taugh.r, oftcmim~s to (Ucryman muft propound to himfclk in all giue our felues to clcu~te and lift vp ourmmds things, is this; That God may heglorified. Now, and hearts to God, partly by meditation in his that a manmay glorifie God, it is neccdf~rie · word, partly by inuocation on his name} and that he fhould ·walke in thcw:~yes ofgoQlincs, partly by thankfgiuing. And to doe thefe. and oftrue religion. Thct;cforc;lookeas richei things the better, we mull- remember t~ fet a- ::md worldly commoditiq .may further vs in part fomc fpeci:'.ll time cucry day. for th1s fpcChriflian religion, :mP godlincs; fo farre fonh cbll workc: fo a~ we may fay withDauid,Pfal. mufi-we vfethem,& thcrin giuc glory toGod: 2 5 . 1. Lord, I lift vp my heart vnto thee. Dabut when theyh)ndat vs'thcrein, then we mufi uid ~·.:~s well :J.equain[cd "''ith this :xcrcifc,and leauc thcm,l: cafithcm offThe Mariner (hat is I (o was Dan;e!: fnr both of themvfcd this, as vpon the fea in :t grcattempcfi, fcc_ing his fhip ,we may rcac.lc, Pf.1l. ~ 5 . 17. Euming and mor-. too fore bdC,wil caH:out ~ny ofhis.n'itnolUt.t:s; I !n~g (iaith Darlid) m;dar noonewiltI tra;, and firfi-, tbatthatis the hcauieft, & atlafi·(t'ft.lccd be)__