Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-- ----------- -----·----------------------- ---;.· l 1 . then. Chap. to theHebt. I .tu; ! I . --l: be)thcrilpfl pretiom: iQ\'Chthatbc i.n h.isn1ip, A loH it proper qualitic ; ·it wouid not be fo rCabcf J~'"' he "':ill fee it loO:: Eucn fo muit \\'<:doe dy ro hindi:r ~man in the corirfC pf~odliil"cifcJ i in rhc fea of this worl(.t, \\'hen \\'C kc riches, both in thought, \Vords, and deeds. So that · 1 hanours,and lawfull plcafurcs,ro ma~.c. vs v.nfit here it is manifcfl and.,plainc, thn in a rcgcJ}t-: i! ~nd vnto\y'lrd for [he tD;etcifcs .of pietie, :tnd rate man, there is !imlc prop~rly: And, ho\... ·fq- ~ rrJigion;,d,lCll away wit\1 tbr.nJ:, ·we, lll~Jfl 'Cafl: C'liCr he be fi'~c from the gui!t 'alld puni01mCllt I t.hcm.o~,,hq'-"!' dc;IJC (o.cifct they .b~~HltO vs. oC finne: ycr d1c corruption rcmaincth Hill in ! And thus much for tlv;:.fjr.fl.duty. ::1. ,* hin1 1 though greatly V\'eakn{;d through fanCli.:~J I . The fec9nd du,ty tl,l:tt wc.mufi pc:rformc, fo·r tic:trion. · ~ . c·on(hncit' in r.cligion, is·this: we mp{l caftaAgaincJ here obfcrue, that .the opiniOn of l way th~ jjiJ/18 tbat bange,t~ fo flljl on: or :.tS the ni::tny men 9onccrn.ix1g their fanCUficatior::, iS f words wilJ.,Pccrer be3tc, T·Rt rm-tflc~tft an;t!}' the erroneoUs: for, fomc the.rc be , who ha'Cie' j jinne, rhott is{o fir, or fo r~fl4j tocompajfo v s ttthdug1u th~t 'a n1~n mig,ht be fC:lfcCHyfandifi.: 1 hoHt eutrrrMJ. Byjinne hcrC', we mu!l not yn. cd,in this lif,t~ a-nd hauc original! !inn'· quite :tderfl·and .zClutt!lJim,e, th~·pr'atl:tfing of vngod..: boldllcd. But this is tlJOH faHC: for tb~~ Churth lincfTe il~ life and cot1Ucrfation : but, o.rigina/1 of the Hebrewes had as \Vorthy men in it for ftmzc, ~\·hich is the corruptidn o:f nature, iit B godlineffe and fanCbfication,as any are in thefe whichmen arc: conciurd'and borne. ~No«) this (bics; yea, and the author of thiS EpifUc was· ori(Yihalf tlnnc, is faid tQ bertt~dietoComp~tf[e vJ (no do'ubt) ~ ritati that had reCciued a great abo~t, bec-aufc (iS Paul faith ofhimlelft Jwhen mcafure of fane.l:ifying grace: yet including ama'! _Woftlddoegood, it.C'II:If{eth eui/lio bee prehhnfclfeamongthem, be exhorts the l:IebrcwS font W1th him; fo a~ that good thing, w)1ich hee thus; Let VJ caffojf rh'churtbm, andfmJe, that »~oulddoe, that he doth not:.but the eu,fltbt)f hee U fo rtt!die tt complfj{c vs tt6ottt, VVhat? ha'd the would not dpe~ that doth he. An~itis fa:id;to comApoflle, and rhcfe Chritlians fin in t hcm?YCs,• paj[e ys aborlt; becauf~, v<hatfoeucr,in heart a· or.elfeihe holy Ghofl would neucr bii! them mattqoth ddire, or affeCt, or purpg{y _t.9 doe,. ca£t it off: for,hwc:rc: a Vainc rhing,to bid them' this originan finne corrupta!\d,dcfilcthe caCl offthat which they had nor. Thcrefotc, fame vnto him:and,v<•h.atfbeuerirt,ac"kon aman they were not perfeCtly fantlifiCd; 35 indeedt' would bripg to pa!fe,;it doth likcwifc po1lutc no man cuer was, or tball be, in this life,Chriff it. By rc:afon whereof, ic comes to paf(e, that onelycxcoptc:d. We mu!l not niamell at.this, we may trucly fay~ that all the thoughts, affe- , • that no m2n is perfeCt in this life :'nay, ~\'C mufi d:ions, ~ills, :tndpurpofcs, yc.a_and·cu.tryatli- .. rather marucUat this, that Go~ harh giuen eo· on of Gods childre·n,.areall mixed and lhineJ any of~s, any droppc of found grace, becing with the corruptionof this finnc. So tb:1t this C fuch mlfcrablcwretchcd finners as we :tre. hit!ders Godsdeare fer.uants and children,that The lord himfelfe hath giuen many reafoM they cannot ~con in the courfe of.godlindfc why men ihould not be perfeet in this life. As and chriflianiue,a<ehey would;but,eitherthey firfl : Ifa man were perfettly fantti6ed in this fal in their iournie many t~mes:or,ifthey£land, life., then \\'erehe perfeCtly iufl and righteouS' yet they do often flagg~r,and goe Y«y f:lilltly in himfclfe before God, & fa lhould be faued: and haltingly fon\'Jrd. .. yet not by free grace~mercy alone in Chrifi;· From thisthat the holy Ghofl faith, . Or~~iand thus lhould Chrifl not be a whole and o. nail Jinne -comp~rj{eth the helecuer~hout; we arc lone Sauiour, but oncJya mcanes tocolHlay jn. .:' to obfcruc and lcamc: fundrypoirits. Firft, this td a man that fauing grace \V hereby a tnan {crueth notably to confute iOme crroutsmain- !hould be fauc:d. But Chrifl is our ·whole and tained and vphcld by the Church of Romc:for oncly.righteoufndle, whereby we arc iuflified' they fay,that after a man is regenerate by GodS and faucd ; omd this may our corrup'tion tea-ch fpirit,thcre is nothil]g in him that god-can iuftv.s,.which fiill rcmaines in vs,not quite motrifi..: ly hate : ond they dbe curfe all that holde the ed till the houre of death. Secondly, whatfoe. comr::try.Now, to ratifiethis their doChinc, uer grace we recciue of God, it comes by that originail finne, after regeneration, is not D . meanes of -faith, which God ·workcth in fs~ finne properly; They fay,thotafi:erregcneroti- · And looke how it)lands with vs in regard of on,it is nomore Hn, then Tin.deris fire ;-which f:l'ith, fo is it withvs for all other graces. But, in it fclfe fire,but very aptand fit vpon the faith in the beCl bcleeucr is imperfctt in this• lean oecafion, to befet on fire. But this opinilife, an.d mixed with much doubting;and theron is here ouc:rthrowne-, by this that the holv fore :11! other gifts and graces which come by GhoA. faith;Th:tt the beleeuing Hebrc\o\'Cs,th3t faith,<ls rightcoufildfc, repentance, 3nd fanCH.- is, God< Church muft caft awa; thu"jinne. . fication, arcolfo imperfeCt in this life. · Where: it is plaine, that after regeneration, from this,that fanC\:ification in this life is imwhercby am~m rcceiueth the fpirit of{anCtifipcrfcCl,wc lcarnc (for the ouenhrowing ofancation, and adoption, he hath finne in him; for other errour ofthe Chmch of ~omc) that nothis finne is moll apt and rea.die to hinder him m. 1;1 canfland at Gods tri!mi1al!{eat·, iujl-rfied by in the .courfc of Chri!lianitic and godlindfc. inherent ittf/ice' orr~~hteonfnef{e. For that .whicft N~w, 1f finn·cwerc not properly finne, it rnuH: \\'C .c:J.ll S:mChfic~n.iO,~hcPapills call th.e htJI;ifi· t lolr it ownc naturc":lnd qualnic:; and if it had cdtwtlo[afinner; makmg tvvoparts ofmP.1~·~:: \ tton: !t