V(c ,. Ap,opcrtie ofthc old Tcfiamcm. ·Sermon in the & ount. appearc in thofe that brand their brcrhercn A thefpirir. with odious names, becaufcthcy Jhewc fonh v. 18. For true{y ft fly 'C;ntO more care then others, of their dutie to Go~• } .. butlctall Godschildrcn beware ofth,isPlmlyou~ tiff heauen and t'arth pe..- faicall prac\ifc. . iJh · · 1 .1' · h A"ainc,obicructhcTitles,vndorwlllChhc Tl ~one tot OT one tlttCOJ !. C comprchcndcth the whole Scriptures of .'thc La"" fh"U not efi:ape' tillall oldcTdhmcnt; The LII'.J'C owd the Prop/feu.- w ..- H J"' Luk.t6.J t. they are c·aJiedMofes•ndrhePro:· thin.flS bee/ufli/led. phm .Luke.z4. 27. Chriftbeganne•tMofes,('J' ') ')" l ,;t all th: ProphetJ, and it:t(Yprcred vnro them Here our Sa.uiour Chrift propoundeth thll in ~tt tiJt Sc:iptur~s: there .Mofes an~ the Profccond argumc1lt for the clearing of hi1ntCJfc phets contamc all the S~lilpturcs ot the oldc from their falfc imputation of dc{hoying tbc Tdl:amcnt. Lawe, and it- is drawnc from the natureofthe Here then we may note a properth:,of the La~e, which is immutable. · R bookcs of the olde Tcfl:unctit; namciy,that The Expoficion:Fo;'·: This .01C\\'Cth the-de"" cuc:ry one ofthem '"'aswritteneither byMo/(1 B pcndance ofthis.vufCvpon th c f'ol'mcr. r~;ucty or fome other ofthe ProphetS. And by thi>we I fa; vnto7ou: This is a forme of fi>cech which may knowe the Canonicall bookes ofthe olde our Sauiour v·Jed, when he would lo!cmnly ·•" Tdlament, and dillingui!h them f19m the uouch any weightie truth: and propounding books called Apocrypha: for the Apochrypha this in his ownc name; heroin he JhC\•eth·i bookcs were not penned by any of the Prohimfelforo bcthcDoetour ofhis Chutch,~vlr& phcts, who (p3.kc and writtc in the Hcbr~we we mufl: beaN in·all things, for he fpeakcth as ·f'.::. t?ngue, the natiuc l:lnguagc ofthe !ew.cs; ~ut one that cannot lie. The thing he faith is this .: by fame other jn the Grceke tongue, whtch Till h~an~n 4nd t>.tiYhpnifh, one idr qr ritl~ of ihe , , .. " was not the language of the olde Prophets. L""'e (hall not paff', In which words hce fet" · .... ~- ~('· \ Coocil.Trid. lcG.+fc:d.a. Thefe bookes may be regarded m (undne ,re- :<cth.down thdhbility and the v.nchan~cobl,c•· {peets ; as containing many worthy Rukstouneife ofthe I awe; and that h c might tufly ex-- ching manners; m wh1ch regard, we may prcprdfc his mind, he borrowe~h a phra(c fr&hhe fcrte them before other writings of men , fo Hebrew Alphabet,wherein Iod inhe lcafi let• farre forth as they are confonant with the tmOn• iot; figfiitying, thatnot fo much .. Scripture :·ondfo the Chur.h ofG.od!hath of this.little letliCrd'od,lhall part'e.outofthc L'aw. long time rcuerencccl rh<'; but yet thoy ru:e no Againc;•J>·Y tito/'fomc thir.ke•'is 1\\Catlt the' jl part of the Lawe, nor of the Prophets • And C Hebrew vowel!;hut propddy it.(ignifictha lir.•' therefore the Church of Rome doth notobly bent croo/zyd, or .the topp• uf An lwrne; fo tliat. 1 wrong and abufe the world,in fiyling thefe A· here itproper-ly-llgnifieth the bending or bow- .,,.;.. pochryphall bookes, for Canoni<all Scriping that is in the top'of fo"'e Hebrew letters f ture. infinuating, that not fo much as the lcaltj>att coor,,,.r Thirdly, Chriltlnthis his Apologie 1 filewof a letter in the hw Jhould paife away. Now ~~'~:~and cth a (weer confent betwcenc the Law and the thcfe things muLl not be tak~nproperly •/fdh~ Gofpcl: They arc not contraric one: to the ohath bccne andmay be', that in the Hebrc:we thcr; for Chri!l, who is the fub!lance of the copies ofthe old Teltatnct,fomc lttte~s lli)5uld. Gofpel, came to fulfil! the Law :and therefore be changed, as may appeare by the diucrs rea• 1 • Ron'l·l'· Paul fa~th, that obyjimh"'' eftablijh the Lawe2 ding in fundry copies, for that nlay be without• l and Hebrewes 9· 19, lO. &c. when Mofes hAd theloifcofany f<t1tel\ce :but Chrilt~tneaning I giHm rhc Lawe1mttJ the people, offeredfacrificu, is this; Thlt not the lcafl: parcel Or fcn·tcmcc in andJPrmkjed the blood thmofvpon tl>e boolzy And the Lawe Jhall paife away;making parts ifi th-e vponthcpeople, \\hrch wasatypeoftheJhcdLaw, to bee as title< in the Alphabet. 71/J 1 I "·11'f· ding of Chrifis blood t a' it is f there cxpounluauen and e~trrh pertjb :· that is neuer; fo much ded; which did notably fignifie this.confcnt .D , this phrafe infinuateth: for though heaucn & betwecnc the Law and the Gofpel , in fo earth Jhall be changed in rcgafd oftheir quali- I much, as without Chrilt, the Law could not tics,yct the fub!lance of them Jhall neuer paife £land. to nothing: ~nd in this fcnfc is the ""ord 7if V• Nowrliis confcnt bctwccne them ltandcth fod clfe-wherc' r.Sam.t5· 35· Samuel came no I herein; The Law requireth pcrfei.t obedience, more tofie SaHI, till the day ~f hu death: thae andthreatnethdeathtothelealtbrcacluhercis, neuer. Till all rhingr b.e fulfilled! that i~, I of, not propounding any w•y forrhe fulfilling till euerie thing commanded in the Lawc.be2 thereofout of our (clutsjbut the Gofi\>dl dire.. done, fo as it fhall no more vrgc a man to a.. tleth vs to ChrHl, who as our furetie lath fitiny obedience: which fhall neucr bee, for i't filled the Lawe for vs ; for which caufe, Chrilt mutt eternally bee fulfilled ~ fo that this s: 1\om.J~t. is called, s the~ndecfrhe Law~for rigbt'eollfiuJT~ phrafcbath thC like fcnfewith the-former; im ... 1 to t~.7 (111~ th::u be!uutth. And through Chrifl: parting rhus much, euen .fo1· tuer-and euer:fo , h Rom.9-t· it is, th:u th~ h righuoHfi,~Jii: of ti1e Law H fu!- that ehis is the meaning ofthiSlVcrtC; That the 1 I l fiilcdin vs, wbichwafktnot after theflejh, but after I Lawe ofGod is vnchangcable,not only in the D j whole~ ~ --- ---- -- -- - ~ ------- I 'I 11 I