i lo4 ) -~- Qommentar~v.~on ' Ition: the firft, whereby a finnCr-<:>f 311 ~uill mall A Surely l hee felt ill hi'ri1fcJfC this or~inall finn<' is made ;;ood; by the pardon of ti1mes, .an(l:ll V·:hich:.<J'id Hrc-iClcoq)j~~ good aflcCli<?ns, r~ the infuhon ofil'l\vard rigllteoufndfc,fhndiilg ,as he cGul<! not put t~er'nforch fo mUch hs hce in h,op'<3nd_chaiiry eJi,«ially:And the fccond, 'i. would tO\vatds the'Lt\v'ofGod.l\ndwlichhe whereby ot a good man, one ts m~dc better; faith, -Pial~ 5t. 1 i ..SfnG/ifh meloliLwdl!J;1h.J and more iufi: and this they fay, may proccedc fr((.fPirit; l~e\'\'?uld giuc vs to vndChtaocJ! that from the merit ofa mans own wOrks- of gt:aCc; by origin-all co!rupiio!_l~ hcc waS r'ehr:im~a ~0f an~ !rcrcby they hold a 'maq' ftan,9s' righteous~ .his Chrifii.an libcrt·ic~1 3n'd hin{t?cd·iii~ll C06Q be! or~ God.But look how it fi11nds with grace' aflietl:ldtr~;1101y aafoil§j a'nd healtC.l1 fY.fncbdha~ in vs in this life, fo Hkewifc fhall it fhnd '(l'ith tions' :'which c:tuf~.t'h l~i_m tOprayi f6rnp~ttic the fame graces at ~he Ia{l day:ifthey he imper-- and ffecd.~me., by t~c fi't~l.t. So that.~~'iSplainc:, , fcClnovv, andfonoto.blcto iuHific vs bcfo~c · the fetu:mf! Qt ·GoU<·..feclcs fhiS "cOrruption · God, they 01all~\fo be found imperfeet then cloggingaiJd hihdflng flim from all loo~'d -au: .tothatpurpofc:andcffcCl: BUtrnow they ·afe tics. ·.· ..,::>,\ . }),"~"~·-~)\~ ' 1 imperfeCt, as hath becnc fl1cwcd; and thcl,~-i 1 This feme~ tb:1<fmcmi·fl1 all feeut~. p·cr'fi?nS,' i for.: ·cannot then ltand for ouf rinhrcoufncfl'q wluc~ncucr felt li~nc \:o b~'3 cloggC~i bUrden vnlcfi"'c we will imagine that GoJ;\\'ill then nc:..s·, B. vmothc:rn, of thCi(fear~full and danoerot!s ccept ofan imperfeCt Iullice. Wherefore, their · fiace: ~6r,. to cucry ~liil'dc ~f-God/briginall DoCtritlc is erroneous, and a doCtrine. ofall corruptibn Jsa gricuous burthbn. No'~X•, c, 011 .. tcrrout and dcfpcration: for, who ihrcaducn.. fcrrc with·a·naturaJl. miln; and. :o~:skc·hhn~·~dr tu1·c the £3Iu:~tion of his fOulc v:pon his owne impcrfC8ionsand w~nu·hCc fcclcs'ii-fillf)'lfelfe': rightcoufncffc?Wcdc:nic not,but chat God ac.l his anf~~1· i!; h·cc_~rc:urr ~~s·hjnd~rc:H 'py· any ceptcth of our fanClification; yet noi as t-he·, · c:orrupuon m all hls~tfc,h'cncr~er ~lt doubthl(7 matter ofour iuCHfication vnto Jifc: tharondJ. or want'df louc, ei~het EO G9d o{tc;>'his bre~ is the:. obedience and righreoufncffe Of Ieii1s thren ·:· h~c feels eoP!idc!bfhcart,no·hypocriChriA:, accepted of God for vs, anrl made ours. ' !i<!, - n·orv:o~:inc·glory,&t:'" Ifw.c ·takCthcfc mc'n by faith; for, that alone is anfwerablC.to the vp'on thCir.Wor£!s, thc-yr3te1angcls amohg rn<ai~ rigour of the Law. J , but inde~dt"theyarcrbli?d ..ahd ignerliil~~."ancl Thirdly, this alfo 0Jcweth· tl1e erronr of. wonderlully cleceiu.ed byS3t3n: for;ali<Gods thofc,who hold that concup'iftcncc: or 9riginal· fc:ruantS ir(this life dOC'ontinu<ilf)'" bt\v3iTC'thc finne,is not a qualitic,but an ej[~J.~Jcc or[ubftance. corruption·of theii ri3ture: cryingOuf againfi ltui>rg andfob(ijling bj iP fclfc••For 1 here we fee C originall fidm>, rhat ll'hlndertther»i!idoinj the a pbine ditferena betwccne a.·m3ns bodie l5C good .thingJ l:vhich th<J·Wotlld doe; and taufcth (oulc, 3nd originf.:!! fimte that cotnpitjfoth them;· ._ them tO doe thAt tllill Whkh the! Would 'n~r'. e!(e the holy Gholt would not bid vS'to cafl:off Thefe mrn therefore, ih3tare heuer rroubled this finnt: for,thlt which is ofthe fubtlancc of \~ith corruptiot~~ but (~o t~cir o~nc ~~l_nking) man, cannot by man bc,cafl off. And to make haue graceat w111, are II\-a:.fcarC'filll c:afe,~thcir this mo~cplainc, we rnuH know, that in man mindcs.atC.fhl blinded, and their hearts hard..: defcending fromAdam, therobc three things·: ned; they are dead imfinne, abiding ·in ·dark1. The fubltancc ofhis foulc and body: z. The· uc{fe vnto this houre. And ifthey goe<husOJ> powers •nd f3cultics in them both. 3. The tO death,they n,.u find that finne will vnvizor corruption or bad difpolition in thofc powers himfelfe,and then theyihall know wha<1inne 2nd faculties,whereby a man is vnconforma_blc rneancs,and find the terrour, :md fcde the burto the will ofhis Creator, and prone to that thenofit \\·hC it is too late; likcthcfoolilh vir ...' which is cuill.And this third thing is it, '"'hieh gins tha~ knc·Wwhat the want of oylc meanc,- is here fpokcn of,di!f'e1·tnt from mans f~bfiance when the doores were fllllt. · :md faculties; and io is not a fub{bnce in m?n, D Secondly, thislhe·wcs vnto vs, what is ~hc1 or mans nature corrupted,but an indifpofition fiate and condition ofthe childof God in this therein. Fourthly,hcnccalfo we lcarne, wh,at a. life; Hec is not here a S<rimfcdingno corrup~ regenerate man cloth rnofl: fcc!e "1n ~himfclfc;; 1 cion, perfeC.lly fanClified and freed from all namely, original/ jimtc, the corrsJpti~n ofhri nafinnc; but fuch alone as fccles the burthcn of titre: for, that hangs on fall, :mdrhinders him corruption,; hindring him. ju his C~ri!lian in the praClife of all good duties. This Paul courfe; vnder which bee fighes and groabos, knew well ;and therefore confclfeth, that bee labouring by all good mcanes to be disbmdcfowe .anothiY' Lawe in hiD members, rchtl!ing Jttttd, and to call it off. It is indeed a matter of gai!Jft ~he l.A'Wof hM mmd, and leadtizghim cap.. 'great cornfon for 2 man to feclc Gods graq:s in .tilic vntfJ the !dw ofjitme, which rva.J in hismem-. ,himfclfc; asfi-zirh, louc:, repentance, fanCh6caherr, Rom. 7· 23. This c:au{Cth him to lumevntion,and fuch like; but no childofGod c3n altWve tlugoodwh1 ch heewou!d haHedon6; 11nd tp waics or alone fcele the comfort ofgraeC;1bofr doe the mt!l, which hewott!dnot d~e, '"· 19. And commonly bee fl131J be troubled with finn('~ Dauid felt the Gme thing when hee faide; ifhebcGodsehilde.Now,,ffcelingit, he .di1 will rmme the way of thJ co,Jmaundemcntf, !like himfc:lfc,3nd firiuc to be caf~d ofit,thii is when thotJ (!Ja/t inlarge m1 heArt. Whydoth a fure argument of his happy cfiate. Dauid fpeal<e of the cn!arg}!!g_of hiJ htart? F1fthly, thi.commaundenJent to cajl away ------~----~--~~~--------------------.--------,---- .. --~~---~~~:~------