=--=-...__:_:::i.:..:....::...:~: /_ 1 t~en.Ciiap~!~}_b:!!!!_r_:___ __ __ __ ·.io~ I I Jinnt: thatpr?jfoth 'down(, tcacherh cuery child,e ·~ •tbat the hol.y Gholl propounds vs tO nirit1t"", is ---·~, 9fGo:d co.labot:r'carn.eH~y. for the gO~crnn~rnt ! the race .bf ChYtjlian rel:gi<in: .rhc panifs1rh:a and dm:~Chonot Gbtis..fpmr:for we ltauc wJth:: irlufi riinnc'in'thi-s race, arc all Ch~"ijfians, men . t in vs originall!corniption, rhar Iikevi11~ armed ·or wo1t1Cn; high or lo'''i not one cxaprcO·t~hc man.bclitrs y:; ab.ottt; •iflc!J: hindrcth "s:ihcuer)' , 1 pr-ice and croV'.'ne for which we runnc, is 'itJtt..: I good tM~g we takcti'n hind. We r~Urt thc:e- ·Yifjlmg glori~? 'the iudgc of't~e runncrs,,ls'·!!lC tote pray ¥nto Gog daily, that he w.ot~ld g111dc , .' Lordhimfilf•, ~ho hath appMnted this ipt'l:>;ll~ l!i I vs b.y~1·is Rood lpJrit: for,by rca.fon.o1·thC' cor. to cucryChatfhan 111 th'ls 1 llfC; v,·ho a1(e; \\ 4 lit 1 . rup1idn06..om·tu.tut·e,nhd-che deaettfulndfcof! f -'fimc che· tc\~·a1d tO cucrY 'one that rl1il'.fJ'Ik~4l; finne,.:t~·alhali vtttri~·faile; vnldfcGt~ih fpirit ; · Well. 1 111 ';)'){. .U(,J 1 1'· gauarbsovs, both iit<thc.thougllts of0Ur hearts~ · i - ln this comparifon, \\'ei::tia:.j.db(c-fud'rrfiihy 1' • in cltC·words of Q;rf.f.nbuths, and'tirc'3ctioi1S of \ '!;ood tnHru~'l:IOns. F1rH, lf"ithiifChr'iftill~'">rC'fttJ:~ oudiuCS.-!Tbis.D~t;ridkncw wcll;ahd therefore ' ~on .JS compa\·cld tQ artt~e; We1dre t~UgU!!l;tM~ praYeth to.thc Lor.d· f~rhU g-oodJfirit, •to !ettde 1 ~cuery one th~tpf.ofeffech rcitg'ion mu!! ~.;tf1n him'Pttothl Land of RighrewfneJ!eJ ·P(al. J··H· 1 :.ward thct~JU, growlngln~ndt<.•kdge~f.tith;-pl J 'Q; (,.. , ' 1:;L ( ' • 't'ttc,·and m cu"cr)' grace ?f C8d':..H~it~,a1rttfn~s '· bft!¥;,fccing we llau< this corntption ·of B ·• bod1ly fa<c; mull nCither !l:l•dTllll)·i\d'i'g<le natun:.i'n~ vsJ we ffiuH 'k.!epeour hedrts WJth-d!l 1 ~backward(fo'rthen he lnal·ntl'uer gct~pii~~ di!itTence, anrl fee w:uch and ward abom them. but Htll goe forward to the race end: So mu Hr So 0 Salomon (aith, Counterguard thJ h~a.rt .. mJ.. c~<:;".Y Chri!Hangofo::ward in grace{ollO\,\'ing: fonne, Prou. 4~ 13. Why doth Salomqn gtue \ r: luidtowardsthc markc, for the prtcc of the· this commaundcment ? Surely, for '"fpeci.all· h)ghCalling ofGod. Ifwe care not for eten111l! caufc : fQ!, cucry man }vhilehe liucs._on earth, Jifj:, then .\£C.~e.o.ut-.eafc.t:a~-d lct.-ghl«-1 is compaffcd about with his ownc corrupt naalone; but ifwe tender our ownc faluation,we1 turc;which like ahome-borne traytor feeks to mufi goc on in the graces of religion, :xs a run~! dcliucrthc heart into the po!fefiion ofSatan,& ncr doth goc forward in his ra~c. This beeing{ fo to dcfraudc God of his right. Againe, the well obfcrucd; would rouzc vp our drowfic1 hean is mans Trcafurc, from whence comes Chriflians, that make noprogreffe in religion / •11 aCtions good and badde: now, if it be well Secondly, this rcfcmblancc of Chril\ianiticl kept and guarded, the Lord will dwell in thy to a race, rcacherh vs all eo lhiue to goc onet hcart,and thence wilJ proceed cheiffues oflife: before another in knowledge, faith, and holy) but,ifit be left opcn,for corr~ption to enter & obedience: thus runners doe, that runne abo-~ and take placc;then iS:ifmadc anhabitation for C <lily r3ce--:·-xrrO'i'lltfkWOrTO,tllc-"maii'ilCrO~ the dcuill.. men is, to labour and firiuc to goc one befor~ If a citic were bcllcged about bybloody eanother in richcs,prcfcrmcm, in fine apparcll :ncmies, theirthabit<lntS therofwould fctwatch and inbodilydelights: now, fhall men firiue and ward incucry place, tokecpe out the eneto be firfi in thcfc tranfitorie things, and fball mie; fo, we hauing originallfinne, as afierce we neglect our dutie about thcfc fpirimall cncmic compaffing vs abour,forto worke our graces? wherein, the more we excell, rhe mor .dcfiroClion fomc: way or other, mull labour to acceptable we arc to God, and !hall be more~ ~-uc.ourllcart; giJJitd~w.du..watclJ.of.grace; .g!oriou~~ld.to ''··""·- --··-· --· : -·i ;that our conuptionmaynot lctin Satan there Thirdly, fceing Chrillianitic is a race, we,. ~to dwell, or to hauc :1ny abode. mufi remember to be conftant thcrdn, rill we 1 But(will fome fay)how J'hal we: get a watch come to the end ofour faith ; cucn the (aluatithat may thus kcepe our hearts? - on of our [op.les. It bath bee:ne the manner o~ 1 Anfw, Wee muft ~abou~ that ~).YP.~d,.-c?f ~· ; li~Ut_p~oj~~1o turne in religion with the St:ttc God may dwell plentifullymou T,il)l~~d yct,to this day many thoufands 'there, as the fc.cpter ofChrift, to Q._9.:ur: affcmblies, that wou.ld turne to' ;the grareoffanh, rulm~ our will !!;:rl:t~a~ abhomination fl>Ould bcfcr vr fons,& bnn\l~ngmto f~b1eCt!On c ~~Jia~ they) It was amerrie world; ~tothe obcdtccc ofChtJft.In fuc a~ 1g10n '"'3S vp. Bur, thts 1s nor the ewcls, who is !l:ronger then Sat ' ol~ rood runners· Ifwe \.\'OU}d hauc:: .can neither corruption fct open t~~g:-~r~t~4 · "' ~<i.-~t,o,.,~flife,wcmufiholdtrucrcligiort ' \Satan, nor Satan enter; but all thmgs 'arc in con(bmlyvnto the death. fafety. Alfo the aCtions, that proceedc hence, La!Hy like good runners we mull minde fhalbe the Hfues oflifc,bccing holy & plcafing our way,'and hauc our hearts fet vpon the end fnto God. ofour race; which is eucrlaili~1g life. Each or... ' - Ail<Lthus mu<h-ef<he fecond pomh-·- - drnarie t((N't't!rr:trvtr1m~tltmiuc of-his ""l'i· LThc thi~d dutie.to b.c pc~formc:d fof oilr conand all his care i; eo goc the ncercft wayhe ea~ !1n~ancc 111 thcfatth, 1s. th1s: Wemufl run_ne With to his iourncy_s endc.Bchold,wc arc traucllcrs, pat:ence the race that u Jet bcfortvs. In thcfc and our iourncy is to hcaucn; we mufi there... ~~~:onls the ho!y Gholl borrowcth a comparifore cndcauour to goc the fhaightdl way we · (on from the games of men that ·did runne a can, to come to life eucrlafl:ing: neither mufl ~ ~ace: :md thus we may c_oncciutit;.J_b_c r:l.&,C 4 • ' make_dclaie.s.in.this..w~~t-V-fc.all h.cle_c. 5 i • --- - ------·-- ....--.t .1_