Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I_ ~. TO THE RIGHT VVOR.~ ;. SHI p·pyLL .AND VERTVOVS i . ' I Ladie, theL~die ELIZAB~TH MguNTAGU ·I of Hemingto~ in 3\(jfeh-hamptonfhire~ l .. Grace and Peace. ___ •.__ ·--- r . . ' . . .·;... . I • P' S T wtfl there WM (Right Wqrfb.(pfii/1) M wdlin refpeBofthe RelltreJid A11thor, whoforejl u n.oweing!qrie, tU a!(t!of tho godly Reader, whofogood herein claimesfpecta!!Jiroke; thatfome refining handfhould recommend VJito the chu~ch of God, amore perfirJ eo pie oflhu god!J Expojition, then the ftrjl Edtttonhemfdtdajfoardi dlidyet noCAtl{c Ijinde, why your worthycht!– dren, who no dUIIbtfor the <.Attthorsfake , di4morcgratefidly accept the for· merde:Jica!ion, [hvuldby (nq;b~~priftedoftheir right: Nayrathtr rtJ th:j in heart ( lam ptrfwaded) did highlj honour the <.Author, for hi< do,.ble l<bo"r in Chrijls vine7ard;fodoe I rtioyce thu rewnpmce i4 ret11rnedfor thdrloue, Th<t lf>iththis worke, their mtmorie r»ithpojleri<kJhtl!l!on_g,entf!(r.f·V>Andjith mypaines herein feelds methu right, to make choice offome, tdwho}91t"I!lfomitjh';;,mJndthe patronage hmof; lprefome t oprefontthe farm vnto yo"r Ladifhip. Ifthi< be anykindne[fe on m; behatfe, I conftjftit i<forre fhort o{Jour de-'/ fert, andofmy diftrf: fome others(Iknowt) may chalknge meherein, tavnmindjt~!!ofthti/'1 !oue ;yet ~ecarif"e Godmayoffir me_oppottunitie hereajter, to gi110hemgood Cfntmt thu."'ah I wt!lentreate thm patzenufor thu ttme, that /may zopu the Mother wtththe Chtldrm in thu '/f!orkeofloue, toajfo.rdtuition to thefegodlylahottrs ofthedead. ItfttsyotJ bejl (good Madam) inmany refpeCls; for neither willyo11Y cht!dren complaint ofyo11T admij}ion i11to the focietie of their right, noryouejlecme thek!ferhf!~, hecafi(C.iftheir cl~ime heretq byformer pojfe(}ion. · Theyarcyour owi1C, andyou theirs >;thil_cg'r/J~s.vnJo)~U.a/1, tU vn[o one, accotJnting yourvnited lo11tforregre~terJizf:.tie: and'{uoke Wk/tt grace it ftnds by your pr~teClion, like grace·it yee!ds b) man7 agood znjlrudton. Sal\))non·}.iuhf;J~oo~'{\1;\edlandmg rnakcth a.:~eprable (mea•. •••••-'i-•s 111ng toji~eh M ftareGod, for b foble~lJ!:ice knowl~.doe). how r»elcomethen wtllthu bee vnto b y•u, who' hauc faidc vnroy/i_fe,iiflllc_, thotL~.tJ:)~iy fi(\.er, and doe efleemcthe words of P•••·•·"· her mo11th, d The ioy and rcioycil!g:qf-:Ycmd~e)r·t; Jith berein yo11 fh.<ll ftnd: on e11eri~ ~ ;;;,~·;.·:;. leafi ,fomep!eafant jY11it oftfi.e treeiif,_Jjft.:.uqft. rf.hiJ:e~fJ11!illhm(et beforeyou, thatyot~may iudge thehmer oftheflorc. Wl!m~hC:DifiJp!es heart~"!w!.re ft•llo{grdftfor chriJtJ departure thenat h.tnd, Philip (;1nt1Je n~tneofalt,><:Shew vs the Farher,andir li•flicech/ h 'h ''d J Jh 11?: ., ._ .r./t<_ , ' ).; . I doh•<8 Loe' erc,ve a.. an,. you <~<;,Cf,nul.lf!cJatheraJ.ifotytfNt r»iththef•rher, thefpirirof grace, 1 · · • andr»ith them both the' Sonne of God , (oliuely dftrib.d toyo11rviewe, thatJOU maytruefy, '"'"'· '·"·<. fAr ofthu knowldge ( Godfonc1ifjing the fame vnto your Sou/e)' It is erernalllife. when : ;:~'·. chrif! would hmtcn hu Difoip!es for thegreat workc ofthmminijlerie, hee doth it by the pro- ''7 •· mifeo(his prefence ,[aying, b Benold I am wirh you alway. The e11idn;ce andfiHite wherebMu.,s.oo, of, ;ou{ball ' herebyfo wellperceiue; that here11pon Itmjl, bathyouandmanymoe, wi!llearne' 3 .,..,,. to(aywithDauid zn temptation, 'lhaue fetrhe Lord before me alway; for bee isatmy <Pr•l.•'-8. nght hand, therefore I tl.a!l notllide:An//wzth Icrelmemafjll<'?to?J,"TheLord is with me like a mightie gyanr,thcrefore my perfecurors lh>ll be oucrthro":'n,& t"h,ll not preuaile. d'""'"'"· Tc z what -~------------'--------------------