Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

i I 'The Epijlle'Dedicatorie. · 1 \ \--- l what pJaUI(ay more? It would betoo longto!J:ake o[tl;e dtgm!!eofchrifls Church andmtm- ;--– (lrne here handl<d at 14rge: and to mjla»et m parttculars, thorough theftarun Eptifics rothif' ' ftatetn cf,urchcs ofAjia·ondythu,mthtPrefaceof-.chEpijlle,learmwhatChnfl•s m !Jim- ~ ft!fe, andto /;u church; m theMatter, beholdthejlate ofmery Chrmh, am/for o:hatChrtH ap– prooJteth, ;md what h11(au!e deteiteth; In theConclufion ,fee hu bountu towards hu chtldrm, and the dutte ofallto htm agatnt. The ha»dling ofthefe thmgs wtl!much ddt<~htyourCh> ij!tanl '<.Co•···'·• he.rt: for be(tde the' )>lame cmdence of the Spmt,;nopewmg thetext, whtchuhtjlpleafng v»tt! God, andmoil proj!tab!eto htr Church (whewn thir godly AMhor had a jpwa/1grace ) the 1 application isfaft a1Jdpertinent to our timrs, that I had we/nigh (aid, Hr didfore(ee v.};at wee ' nowe behold.; and h•thforeto/J, what wr forour lukewarmcndfe, anddecay mloue,.i~n)' iujl- j ·,.,, •. ,-.,. ly fiare :f Confider what l fay, and the Eord giue you vnderllanding in all things. Hold [4/ tint which7~u h.<ue,befaithfo!lvnto de~;h, andthe Lo;dwillgiuryouthr c1owne of life. g For 5H'b•.•~ God is not vnn:;htcous, that he lhould forget your wor~es and Jab_our of!oue, whrch •yoq haue toward his name, io tha,t you hau~ minifircd vnto the Sain:s, and yer ,, Ro~ ,, ., doe miniflcr. N ow the God of hope, h fill y.ouwith allioyand pe;~ce in belecuing , and , , !oh... increafo your ioyby the con!lant 'walking of your children in the tru~h: Tra the(ame Lord, <>.c., 9 ' · k make all grace fo to abound towards you all, thatalwaies hauing all fufficicncie in all things, you may abound in euery good worke, 'which is by Iefus Chri!lvnto t Phil.,;u. the praifc and gloric .of God; vnto whofo gratiom proteC/iofJ both nor~ andeuer I humbly commmdyour Ladifbip 1 withyour god!!family. Lo»don, Dmmher ro.· 16o6. Your Ladifhips to comma!}d., ,\.• ---.:-L---------~-------------------'----<