I 1 · .The Epiflle Vedicatorl~. l_::_-~J 1 /--- , dont' ofall th;ir jimlcs, they l!le reprehended by John, rhrcarned.by chri·~·. a.n·d rfi<i" Can#;Jiickeofrhc Gofpell is ndw,raken ~way from them. !M• J•geuJI vbs 'irota jut/ !, 1 NowAfah•mtt ragcth, where Mejjiahdid raigne, Are they reprchcndcd?lctvs hearken:. 1 arc they rhrearned? let vs feare: ~~c they fallen? let vs labour to continue. From lolmi repr.ehenlion we fee that ( as one faid) htr•if•lli' Eldtrs har.ecomplained, hered(doe wuom-.~ ''"''• . pla1n~landhmof.,t}ej,W.hi,chlitte afl.~r'ljs will•ompla{ne, that menwaxe worje;and liue nor ac,- ll cordtng ro ~he do~r1ne ofGods,word, From Chnlls threatnmg we fee,-that God ts 1 I mcrcifull, r who full ojfir~th peace before he fight againll vs, that wee b. eeing forewar:: 1 . coo,;,.,•.,a ned, might be fnrcarmed. An~. by rhewofi•lldowncfall ofrhefe feuen Churches; let 'vHhatjlandtake hudethat wefd!lfoJ: forifGod fparcd not the •oldeworld who defpif~d ,:; touo. Jlloah, the Sodomite!, who vcxc;d !Jot, ¥ Ieru(a/m; which abufed the Prophets,' Colo,ja, 1 ";,p,,_,, I Hierapo!i<, and Laodicea; w.ho rcie?tcdPaul, and thefe Alian Churches, who .did nor ·/ : ~;~f.:!·l' i growe in righreoufneffi: a,s t·hey.<did in riches, how fhall we efcape' i{wtneglcllfogreat 'i;'" '"~'. fo!M.tio»? and for this eaule rhefe Sermons are mofi worthy to be confidercd ofin rhis / ;,:;~~;;""' prefenrage.O the!lb vs now '~o".JiderthUfe.zfon: •mltemetheopportunitie, b not harden' :;·~::;~! bf. oNr hearu,but rcg_ard·the timeof~•!t prefcnrvilirarion.Asthe day openeth and fhutrerh q·;~b:~1• with theSunoe,fo fahration openerb andfhurrcth with the Gofpel, •whikjl it uea/Idto, ~ k'oo~ .... daj,letvf hear.hi4 vo{u:d He that!ahowethin Summer uthefonne ofwijedome;b11t ht thatfleet ~;,~;·;~~ '· ptth illh4fuej' i4 tll'(onntofconfofion. · ~~;;;;.- . Alhhings (nrhe 'fO~Id doe rakc_rlieirtimc,thebird to build her llea!l, thehuihand- ~~:~;;;~~i. m.•nro fowe his feede, the Afarintrto goe to fca 1 theGara'mer \9 fer his trees, the fick.e patimt to take phyficke, the Cooktto.feafon mca~es, and the; Drifer of the viqeyard w gather his fruite. It will bee too late to build in Surmner; to fowe in haruell, to goe rdSea when the fhippe is launched,· ro rra~fplant trees when they are olde, ro .rake Phy• ficke when we are dying,ro feafon rneates when tpcy are vnfa11oury,and:when Winref iscometogarherfruitc. The•fiuc(qolifh virgincs came too late, D~~~~~bin hell re- ·~"'·'!·'"' penteth too late' the time prefenr is onely ours. Is the figge tree frui<elc:~ffe e it fhall f b L•k..-. hearc that fentence,.• Neuerfruit gro'l'ltonthet A11J m•re. Get thu tbine- rig[>ttoufmlfi i ~;;,;!·;:.;,pw /;ifore thou.eo11u to iuJgemtllt: vfo Phyji;ke hiforethpll bt.tcftfke, ~wiJi!tft -thq~ 1""1eftytt ';~=~-~~.':" ji11ne,pJ.weth] Mlllerjion, as the wife91an exhor.tetheue~y !Dan.&ur.alas, yther~un_ro!haiJ. d E«t••·•• I like~ this generation?. We arc like rhe Eph'.Ji~ns, .w~haue• lo~ blJrJirll !11~e.i. or the' I, Ap••·•· LasdmaJJs, wee aref ner~her horc no.rcolde :.9.r ~hetwzltght, nmher day, gor ntgh.t::or· f Ap•<·lthe .J{IIJt~"'• netrher fa1re nor foule: or qoe (ic~e ofan ague, on~day w~ll,.ar~g,t_her tll;. · .· · oramanin.af.ethargit, neitheralinenor dea~ :, Q~ Htrmaphroditm; n~irhe~male nor : ,• female: or to thofecreamre• calle~ P.i<flRu•, w~i~>hJjue inwa~er or on la,nd: or t~e Lia- · ntf{t, which the ofiener fhee br~edeth, the fewer cubs fhe~.~~~eth: or.the . .lJf&riner 6 'f'bo is onely good in -~ frorme ·; or t~e Marigold,.tp~t fhut~ed!.and,.open_et~ .w.ith th~ ·'• · Sunne: or the Mmn.:ides,whic.h.are halfe flefh,and halfe ufh,.J would toGp~ ""e were either bote or coj<le: char as rh~ hrrell regiogs 9ring forth (weerell fpic.:s,fOJ]]o.ll-zealous peqple migh~ b~moll fruirefujlin good.works:s:rhat as the Sunne in rh,!' heauen is f\~ifrefl, a~her ferring,fo rhe fonnes of!Jod migh~' be bell~~their enfl.\'!g·.)~ur.~s i~'fol- '' no: the.more weare.r~ughr, the t11~>n::ig\loranr.a,~e.mal'y; ~nd the older we;~rcMhe co.l; dtrinReligion.W~ haue indee<;! rn~ny ofvs,as it was faid of ~rijlogltot?.;r4d'•"''m,,of '',', .. :, ratherreligionem in)/ngua,rcligion i1,1 tongue:but when rrialljs.rnade ofvs,ep~ry _gPIJoci– oncan cfpic eur halting, and thenwirb·h<.Archi/ocf!> •.we thir).~e ir,better clyp_~um.:bijcm, '}llli1Jiw1fY)m,eueu to call offall religion,then.to vndergoc t~~·~cafl difgra~eJQr religig.PJuurch ln.P/roCton. b.The1tr.• PhiLI:j.c.Jo-. on; Th~ ~£oollt deliriugtobe ~pp.~r~)ledas tbere'fl.· of.the pj~~~;',< ~~Kv~r·~~s' rJ~d~ .~;.;~nr~.! ~ ~ Apoftacie. her, That her diuerfe chaungcscould admit no kJnde of habite: and we deliring rqbe J.:~~""·'· attired with the robe~. of Chrifl;i~ns, it is to befeared, tJm fince wee tre1d• not thf "'"•·•.-u• MooDevnkr ourflue, we tball neuer.b,ecloathed as the €hiucb was , wjrh t~.e 1.\:unni. ;;;:';"w~· · "' whoi4 •"fo,~ndhuflJaUvnderjlan~tbif. things; a1fdprmlent,amJ.hefha!tknq_w.fpep~. Let 1 .,:r.;,:·;t;;a vs therefote labour to" growt in grace, . to.abound in knowledge; to bc.fuiJ of goo4 , ''" s~,.. r workes, and to ouercome all the.ynderminers qfour future (aluation. rhqn.Jhall wee., ::f~~({~~·-1 •wesftht~mof!ife, no~ behurtoftbefecond tkath, tajlofthehiddmMann~,.haue poJI!eri ~·;;:'il;::· o~~tr naltom, bee clolhedin'!'hirt,m<tfrpitlers in Gods Temple, and jit withchriflltf'f' in the ""'l· T t 4 t>rom