Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

The Epijlle 'Deditatori~. / _ _ I .... .. . . · , ·'---"-- / membersof that mofl worthy scoUcdgewith him. An·d the rather I doe it, that times s. tJ;,;>I, to come may reioycc in the Lord, that from one honourable reote hauc ifiited fo . cull«ig<. many profitable branches to the Church. You are fixe brethren as pillars of yom ~''·'' <n! houfc, there were three lifters as fruitefull vines of the fame : one is nor, hm is wirh :,:~_;,·;.:::~;. the Lord, and her I knew a Ladic ofadmirable vermes: the other two are, and long ~;:;,~~'"' may they befo. You are all brethren by nat11re of onevemer, nation ofone counrria, 1 graceof onefpirir, ajfiEiion of oneheart,.fortllnein grear fluour, and of one hope by · your holy behauiour, And 'concerning brodrerly louc,I necdc not to writcvnto yom :. '·'""r•· for JOtiare taught of Goa~ofot~t Me anothtr. Your bScrlnr"' at his dea~h necde nor to ~.~';\·:;';,, teach you concord, by grumg to each ofyou a iheafc of arrowes, whtch cannot well , '"""'~· . be broken while([ they are conioyned: for you by your amitie make your fclues inuin- ' ;r~~~:;;, cible. If' chilo rhe Lacedemonian died for ioy ro fee one Sonne crowned at 0/ymp"J, "''''"'P··•~ and d DiagorM Rhodt111 did the like, when hi• three children got the garlancl at a wrcfl- ' ;',.~~;~:~· ling: and' I•cob fo reioyced to _heare ofhis fonnc Iofeph, to bee ad1~anced greatly in che I' 0 '".. 5 " 8 . Kingdome of Egypt; .how mtght that happte Father of yoursretoycc, to fee at one time, one Sonne lining as high Sheriffi of the !hire , anorhe~ prmhing before rhe Judges of Aflize, and the third p!eadi11g as Councellor at the barre, and all the reft of great expectation in the Kingdome? Thusf wife Sonncs area iO)to their P_arentf, and all ' r P.-...... may & behold how good and comely athmgitu forhrethrento dwell together in vnitie. ls rr,L,,.•. Arijlotlecould fay, rhat Parents were not bleffed, vnleffe they were afcer there death J «b.• ~E•"· blelfed in their children. And fitrely it isnofinall parr ofa Fathers bleffedneffe, to fee. I· · , his children like to flourilh when hee is gone. Nay ofall monuments that Parents can Ieaue behind them, there is none(as one faith) like toa vertuous Sonne. But all Parentprc not robe bleffed. hAdamstwofonnes could nor agree in one field,' .Abraha~11 in If• a'"·<· onehoufe, kJ(<zc.binonewombe, 1 I{auids inonepall,ace,nor "'two brethren in the diJ k<;;;•;:;;,– uifionofail inheritance. An.d though concordamongft brethren ( efpeeially fitcbas ;:,";';:;:,t•· diuidc the inheritance) bee very rar_e, yet doe you, euen in this, rnoft co1nfo~tablya- 1 ~. ~~;;:; • gree. Y?u are not as SJmonand Leut, RomuiMand RemtU, Eteoc!ei and Po!Jnrcet, .A- ~ 3 tmnand Thyijlu, ...£taandPerfim: bur asCiljlor andPol!11x, DauidandioDalhan,Iofeph and&niamin; and~a.s atruefreindisdefcrlbed to be) •one foulein rwo bodies_l Ir ;,:~:~;7"1 feemeth ·that as Agrtppa the bro~her ofAMguft.tUwas beholdmg to Sa/uff fo·r that one '""""' ,,., fcntcnce, S1114fJthingJilw~afe·hJ. <on&ord;hutperifh.thr~ughdi(iord: fo yc!lJ' hauc all !ear• "'"' ncd thcfame le!fpo; asbeemgperfwaded,rharas the members of a bodie beeingoncc difmembted, they cannot poffibly be ioyncd againe: fo ifnatural! brethren be once vn- ' naturally dilioyncd,no glue will ccinioyne 1hem fall againe. It were in'6nite to !11ew c-:rr:• amplcs ofbrotherly loue and batted;•and others haue.cafcd m_e ofthis paln,;s!~ow that 1~,;,;;_;~~"· good God,who bath brought yolllfrom·one roore,placedy~u 111 onecoll.ntfy;:aduanced ,,,.&~ youto like credit,& giueR yot\ one hean,giuc you alfo one inlfcrirancc<irnhe kingdome ofhea11ei\.Thusrighr worihipfuli,I am bold to fpeakvriro yon,and the w<'>dd knoweth I fpeake tne.ttutl.t,and tbe Lordknoweth I defire not to flatter. Go on therefore I bcfcech you,continue in loue,be fc:tled in the truth, and-labour ro honour him who thus honout.!:~~= reth you.Be not,earrjed away.with the P ihcwe ofthis world, but thinke religion the bell ~7:,;"!,;:.~';;~- nobilitic,andthar:iS:qprudmtimfaid, · ) .,, . q "'"""''· Gmffo[achriftifi.C1anohi!itatvirof, .,,l «t· . Cui.f~t{quUjetliit,ilkvtr'etff.nobili1. • r· ·t ~~i.~~del~r. 1 • Henobkil t-hatcamuo[Chrijlhisract: , .'.\'\;,'', ·:.c\ Mountagu-. J • who(<ruuthK,Lord,l!efure'I.Junothafi. ·., · ' "' b~.;:~~; •.· And·.this made ·ThtolojiM: more t.o rhankc God, 'tbat hee was a Chriftian, then a :J ~;;·;~."King; confidcringthar he mull losferheone,heconldnotloofethcorher. Nowasro ( ,,,•..,. one of you I am bounden in particular, and by him, beeing a Minifler, rhe dcfpifcd i g_~;;.~·;~ Minifteric ! fofor him Ipray,rhat he maybe an' .Abrah.<m to our :z:~;;;;. ~brmc/uh, abN athan to our D~11id,a' Iehoid.1 to our Io•fh, •anEbcdmelech to leremiah,an t';,'i,.,u.;. E/rfh• to thj:Wtdo;v pf thts.Prophet deceafed, a!tohr 111 the Court, and a Trumpet m<t,._,. the Church, and that f Ahafhueroh may long holdout his golden Sceprer vnro him: j:;;;';;;s;· I rhar byht~ meatles sgreat mm m.#J not want foch ,u will ull them the tr11th: no hearth· ;::.;:,;;;:; ly .Afexanarr accounted a fonne ofluptter, and that ,no man bee more refpeClcd then a """'"nup;– ttrJfomu. _ . g"-o_o_d_:_!___