i I 'The €piffle 'Dedicatcrie. : -- - , j ~~~~~:~.~:." \ good i Pafior: and that hce may euer reJ~le.mber thJt faying ofwife Salomon: k !l et ,.,;o,~"·" that lo11ethp"rene!ft ofhc<rt,for the graet o{hZJ!tppes, the Kingfha/1 be hu freind. His Cmu will 11or be fpokcn to, verbu bifftnu in filken words, to his A!tx.mdcr hee ncedeth not fpelkc ~ i1x.rr~ i; ~·;, l!l!t~.d.· either fwcet words, or no words. For if one .Anliochtumighr bee furnamed Holy, and another good Prmcc called the; Good King .rmuch more may hce, whole rcl~gious knowledge furpaffeth •11 the Princes that haue beene·of this nation: ""'' 1, and whole lwmditi~ is tueh, that hee will haue hi•·fonne to remember' that hu dijfi– ~;;;;r,;;~. reth not tn J!11fe, but tn vfefrom therejl ofhu people, ami that by G•ds _.ainance. I am the ,,.;.;_,,m! bolder for th~t one, to make choyce of all in the Dedication of fhis booke: no man k11ew, loued, conuerled wuh,and refpccre.d this A11thor. more then hee. Hee reforred tq him in his health, vifired him in fickndfo,and preached a learned Sermon for him at his death. Concerning this'Author, as he laid ofCarth.<ge,I h•drather befilem, then 11y little, and his worrhy labours doe fpeake enough for him, by name, that his ••••"'"~' I "' Pollhume, dedicated to his excellent Maie!lie; by an • exccellent Diuine. In a ;'~:~:~.~~"~i : word therefore, wha,foeucrrhis man did,hce dclired wprofit others by it; hec.thought ;~;·~;;:~~~. (as it is written • d Berljard in his life) thai bee w:is.not his own·e man, but deputed ~o~~t~~~:i~ to the fcruicc of?thers. He~ Wls neucr idle, but asP Hierome reporreth of t.Ambro[t, """·hb,,,, -.nd Bernardo[ hunfdfc, he dtd either rea~,or meditate, or pray, or conferre, or counfe!t, ~·~t,~.?~.,d or comfort, or write, orpreach. · And thws (as the ~Eonbleme is of a foithfull Teacher) i.~l;~'~fo:, hee likea wax candle, in giuing light to othet$Y in a ihort time extinguilhed himfelfe. "''"'·'""pfom Yettn thts lhon nme of hts, what Art was he notMa!lcrofl what verrue was heenot '"fum,. endowed with ? He was acompleatDiuine, and .Jlath his bleffings in.the Church,that .no mans writings are read of all fims, a(1d in •11 Coqntries with greater grace anil pro– fir tl:cn his. Hee was pcacc:able in the Ohurch, patienr,ofwrongs, and free from ambi– tion. For aslero'I'C faid ofNep•tian, AftYHm·calcam,fchJ:dufas confiEiabatur: hee re~arded not hi.~ pur(e, but followed his booke: and as Bernard laid, hea liued in terra a11rifine arl– ro, in~ Kirigdomc ofgold without gold.Anexcellentgift he had to dpntproperly, di– uideexaaiy, d'lfnte fi1btilly, anfwerdirectly,jfeakepirhily, and write iudicially: and how he preached, if ·thcfe Sermons doe giue a refiimonie, what wimelfe had they who often hcarcj.him themfdues? I hauc publilhed of:his now. two Difcourfes, and I onely did it, ~hat thefc his lallpurs might not perril11: I haue no benefit by them, bur exceeding great pame~. And;linecl vnderftatid that hisotherlabours ~re in the ·IJ•nds of hisfreinds, to make bcnefi'C'for hj's chil,!ton , I will cafe my fclfe'ofrhc likel•bopr, ana be imennes that rhe.ymay haue the benditofthefu'!'rC'impreffio~ of thisbooke: the which; how f~ithfully I h~\l.~.publilhed;! appeale to the godlyaild1nl:lilfcren,t Relder 1 and I ~openo !p2neft rQi{l<J,eil.npn will be hired to calumniate it. ~husaso?·c·de~ro'usto b!!Jeraictirble m.my calhpg,.f.>rojtabtc·ttuh~church; notfQJ'getfo!l dbmy fr~tnd, and.to te!ltfie.tbe.hap– pincffe qf y;Ju~11!J>ufe,whichwas in yourfanhers time;·and i• now ~as it is faid f>f. -AHI't' ti.mthe .F.rnper'Qurs,) Rcforta.piis, & Ecc!ij/JDei 1 replenifued · Wtth the godly, rand.a 11, ~;:~:~ Ii• I . 1 1-- Tim.t.J6. church o(God,an,l withall to leauea.momimerltof my,.outie to you a)l, .lhaue as!you fe~-, publilhed this e:&polition offeauen Epifiles:vndcr your eight names, nothingdoub– ring but it will b,e.aswclconte to you,as by your cou,nten•nce it may·~e prolitable"r? the church. The God of heaucn giue you all th•t bleffing of blei1ings,whtch ( tf..Hreromt fay true) few men haue,thar you may tranjir~irdeliciis'aadelicilt!, goon from grace to grace, and be along time h•ppie in thislife, andfor·euer happie •in thehfc to c;ome. Lon– don: S•int Martins in the fields, from m)IWoilhipfull freind Mafier Oldifworthshouf'e,by which familie (as Paulwas by thehoufe <i£ Oneftphoril<) in the timc.oft!1islate (a?d ~ wilh I may fay~ ·rhela!l vifitil.l!ion, J .haue :ri:ceiucd·no finall refrelhtllg. March: u . I6Q4• ,. . . . '·" '•' ' 1 '•'' ,' 'j! ~· YourWorfhipsto.c,ommandl RoEERT HI.LL: Fello~ ~f S. I oH N s collcdge in Cambridge.