•,i I ~o8 j .An Expofition vpon 1 --~ I . - ----- _ I I in diucrslgcs, 3S no~ C3noniC311. ..An[. It_can1 A I fhc\\"cth his Vi!lons to none Cur to the .._.,jckcd I I '<-'er[ ,, \ - -\ ] net br prooucd that u W<~S cucr rcfufcd ot ::my ! and bad men that be his inHro.mems: But the I whole Ch.u~·~h, ~)UC of fOmc panicula!" men. . Lord chufi:th the godly whi<h f(>are his namtJ . N9~'' the d\ia~lo\' mg of~:~y prm?.~C ~ll3ll can~ . ~u~ ~o th~mhe~elu.:aleth his fccrcu, 3 s to foha ~ t10Lmake :t.w11ojc bookcto be rc1~ded: fe.r Hl tn:s place. 1hirdl;- the dcuil.ii Rcuehtions 1 \ th"S!-1th ..cEpifHcs to th<.' I!cbrc.ws,of/a~N,::md· j I c~crmorc tend to fCc'vp, :md vphoJ,-1 hcrel1c, ~ ot· [fJ!ml lhoul~l.not be: Canon1call~ \dl~ch yet . ·~· wtckcdndf~.Apoflacic,:tnd Jdolatry,1JtHf.tJ. i be,rccc~!utd 6f ~!I Clturd1cs for the pure' Word 1. z. bu~ thdc dut come frOm GoJ fcruc to c...' ' of e; od. ~ reEl: & maint:thlC truth accordino to oodJincs· t \ Now come to the wcrds, Th( Reue.!ation of /·. cuen pure Apollo~ical :ioChinc,a~d the fin cc~; ; f;[o Chr'dl, wbich (it'd g:ute vnto hm:, &c. ,f worl11ip of God. l thefe: thre efidl ch:l})ters confiHof t\.\'o p<m..s; -~' Thirdly,it is called the R.et!clation ofChrifi J AJlrd~cc, Jnd .a Vihp_n. ~I' he ~reface is :m ~n .... ·" to fhc".Y vmovs hi~ fpccial kinglyoffice in hea-- 1 ! tr!nc:e to the v'ifion, ot:anc:~ lll tne begmmng 7 uen : tor bc~ng afccnded, .tnd exalted to the ofth'c firtl: Chapter, from thC fir{t vcrlt to the · throneof Mafdlic, he firteth at the ri0h1: hand fi n:h..Thc Vifion,~t (dtC is !Cc·d~\~'~ i1i the. re~ ) of his .Fath£r, f.1rrc :tboUe a1J principalitic and~ ol tl~C(I.!·~hrcc Ch:ipters. The!>reface ha ..th t \\'Or _ P?"''er;{night and domin3:1on; and thc·reOoth parrs:. ~~r{~-\~hc tttlc,of/h~ b~Q~~: S~con9r! B dl~eC\,~·ule,:md goucrqe h~s churchvpon earth Jy,thc 1n_fcnpoo~ thc~e~•. lh~ ttdc m the three accordmy to the good plcafi1rcof his will: for firll ver!rs. The 1nfcnpt10n from the founh to all thc(c Vifions feruc to direCt his Chnrch in the nim~ verfr. The title in th~.fe wOrds, Th~ their obedience to his command. Rcuc"Llti;, Of lcfm Chrift, &c. A .KeHclation is Whereas Ch'rifl Iefus i"s author of this Re- Thcvft. nothing dfe but 01. m::mifeHation, or difcouety uda~ion;:md after his <lfccmion,and exahat'IOn ofthings fcc~ct in regard ofmen, fo; the corn.. giuc·s the fame vnco his Cfntrch: vv~ mayobmen good of the Church: and fo this word is feruc his confiant care oucr his Church in thss taken ~n'tl1is,p~~cc. ~ · ~. . , · .~ 'lafl age of~e,world. Before bis incarna~ion,. RC!~eiatioils from Go~! in Strip'ture.) were . euC froci dH~ beginning, !l~ gaue VlltO his peol'\lf'~'d'h,:cc, w~y<5jir(l,b.y;dro\m,s:S~H>nQ,..;' plc fucb dochine of faith ansl mann<rs,.os was ly, by \'iGon:Tbirdly,Ly ~rt;ar_c._d Voice.of<;o~ nee~full for their falu:ttion, and ftili from tin:e 1 face ~b fac<\ as \'\'C: m~y fct.t,l\lum~ 11' l,0;8';N'ow to umc rcucalcd fuch prophcfies of thi11gs t& ; th is \\'3S not by drc:tme, nor b~yvifion,or voice come, as were mecrcfor them to know. !alon.f; but is a mixtRcuclation,rec~iucd l}art'ly And now behold the continuance, o11rarher I ~Y vifion,:md partlyby voicd' \'t~·red in the '(i.;.i the encrcafcofthis his care, in thrnew Teflal tl.qnf~om the:: Lord,. .• . mcnt; for befide the perfeCHon of the former . In the t.hteefirfi verfcs, this Reudation is C prophcfies, and the fidl manifdhtion of his defpi~<9 ~y feuen argum~nrs:firfi, by the ap. hldfed wil by his Eua•gt!ifis and Apo!llcs,for t),or; sc,on<\ly,theend~; Thir4ly, •~e pcrfons all things ntedefull to be belccued, and done, • to 't'-'hQrn it was dircCtcd:Fourt}lly, the tnatt-er; vnto eccrnalllifc: Loe here is added the J'cueJtiidy, the inllru~ncn~1: Sixdy, lh~ 11'2nncr of b.tionofrhis v;onhie Prophefie concerning deliucring it: Se:lucnthly,thc fiuic ofthe Re\lethings to come, for the gre:tt goQd,:and com..: lation,FirH.,thc Author is le[W4 CJp-ifi:It con1cs fort of his children to the end ofthe world. fro~him& it is called his R,euel;)~io,n in thefe which Godgau~ vnto him. Thc-fc word~ be rcfpcC.h:firfi, no~ ~o exclude ~he:; Fa,thcr, and added to !hew how this-became theReucdatithc !)oly Ghotl, but to !):Jew dlC lpcciall office o~ ofC:hrifi:namely, by the gift of,Sjiod, that ofG;hrifi, the fccond pcrfon in Triniti,e;which js,ofGo<\the father the firll petWntiO Trinity: 'is,to reue~k,to publifh,andto m.anifdlthe wil for thists a rule to beobfrrued, T...JIN wher~ the of God the Fathcrto his Chur~h :and for t.hi.• title G~d,i•••1fonrenctof Scriptur<\. i; oppoftd :r ?.hl.J 1 • ! cau(ehe is \:tiled the .t Angel of the Coucnan.r; D, to. Ch~ifl, there it linporteth the !fir.ft: ptr[onth~ .; ~~~~~;~:·~~ I ..the b dQdot:of the Church, the' ,...,ifcdome 6f ' Father: though thisbealfo rrue, 1Tha~ fundry I, d loh.J. I the fatbcr, and the d word of God;. times in Scripnsrc, the Father alot:lc JS called I· Sccondly,h is called the Rcuclation oflcfu.s God,wid1om :my ad~ition ofthe orbcrpcrf6s; Ch.r.ill., to teach vs to put d1ffcrcncc bctwcenc: bccaufc hej~rhc fid}tn r<"g:ud of order, ~the this an'd all Satanicall Rcudations:For as God fountainc·ofthe dcitic;for the fonnc receJUeth .. .h,ath,hjs.true Re4clations, 10 S:tt~n (who here the Godheadby communi~acion. from the fa- .in iTI:~y be clfled Gods ape) harh his counterther,~the holv Ghofi rC!cc_mcth tt from rh.em fe1t v.ifions ·and' dcliucrs rhem in l11ewe Jikc 10 both;but the Euhcr hath h1s godhe:td o_f htrnGod.s, but ~hey differ much: Firjl, theDcuills felfc,:tnd receiut;th it not by commmumcarion ltc;uel:nions be fo·r the mol! pout :tmbi£:uous, from any other. ' . doubtful~nd ''nccrt::line in ~~>ccch <!!nd phrafe, He1:e fome wtll fay,,thls fccmcs. !lr~n~e,that fq as a Tl':1.n c 1 nnot tcl which vvay to take them: <~ny thmg £11ould be g1~1en to C~m~, ~eemghe But r,hc Rc1 ud:nions which come from Chrill, i:; God,and hath 01./1 th1ogs ofhlmlelk• ..At7fiv. I ! .tile: Audwr ofrrurh, who knowcth all things, VVe nmil conccinc of Chri.Ht_w'owaycs.; firfi, 1 Jndrhcrcafons ofthem, arc ccriaine :tnd in ~God, frcond!y, as ~c?wwr, :md bead 1 / pla,inctcannc<; ddiurrrd. Secondly, the Druill of the Church. As Chnfl ts God, the~ F.:=- / ___ J,=~==-====- ------·---- ----·~ -!'':':____,.. I i