Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

lv,j.r. --- -- ---- ----th~4~fhap.oJ·t~ZiJ!:;~l, ~---·----~_)1 -:i!~-~ I ___ I thcr giuech him no_thing, for fo he is'o_f~imfe~ A C3n~~1icall Sct~iptP:rcS r~ b~ bis,:.l~~.;~.·.cs;~~·~~;0~9 ~ t the f>me wich thelathcc,and imil a~thmgsbe- <U<r) nnc mu!HiobocCt hlmfdf.•.ThtS.dl!penlal 1 longing vnto him that the farh~r hath( c..~c~p.:. ~tio.n:ofrhc wor~,and ::hC·a?rilinifrdtiohof~~ ' ring pcrConall propcnics) and i.o; nd way J~ftj fa:ra:ncntS,be.hls r.oy_al odtn:lllCC's,oucr. w_h1rh riour to rhe f::tthcr, neither rccCiue.(h any- tl·ung none m:ty dare to cl:mnc ru!Cot,;tuthontr:·;fot' , from him,buc giUeth a.ll_rh~ngs a~_\V.~l ~nl~e f:t- (.d ?wt!ld the_ St=ripturcs_~JJ,Ucb:cpl ?it1rn ~m~ i rhc:r doch.But )'Ct asCim(t ISMca\3to(,ht: 1s no dJt l~ for thetr .prc~·ogadu:sy a~.1:hcy \\"'Cr.c ro- f God llmply, but God incarn~tc-1 oJ: Oo·d·~a<_le ,€l~r1I~;. but God gauc: them_t~. ~Imal~~e; ·nnd I man: and (o is faid torccciuc of hi_sFatht-rJ !Jl d·llpofcrh{ thcr.~bf; a·~-pler_f:ct}r lnrn: _A~~d tcfpcc\ of his manhood,» himfclfc ':?nfc{fcrh, therefore_ thc.Pop<on takoti!;'_IPo<l hlm!tptd!l' Afl power 1~·g1uett tu mre, Matth. 28._._18. .AQd ft)<.:~l'C wuh the \.Vor_d, and ~~..!..m:tn.g1e rhe.f;.-. PaHl(aith GfJdgaue himanameaboHenltnlfma, cramcnrs,doth hercmHcppc-mto the roorucoT Philip. z: 9· Hee -reCeiued-oj'!_M Flt.iher the Ch_:ifi, and !o J_cd~i'C) hi:n~sl~c ro·bc dl~t·i~:J~ promifoofrheh.Jf; Gho.fl,lfaith Pcter1 '!:-~f.S. 1.·3 j , o_ftmr~c,by ~eckmg to r.ob h_;mof_that pm1ctll And Godmdehim both Lord •>rd Cbrift, v; ;6. royalue whiCh bclongstd hub alone. · '"c • and-faGod gaue him this Reualatioa in _this · Sc~o.ndly, ~hat th~fouer~lgn'e fO.\>'~r i n;8J,tr.1 pbce. . . ·. . ..· B thonuc ofexpoun?mg fmptllr~,beiongerb~ !fit be faid,this makes ChnRll~fl!~l~~r to his ~~ttfi alonc,an~ tO n~n~ O~C'E wnh h_tm.:T'l!'O r. father/or the rect:iucr is v(ually lnfcnortothc ltts,_ that manh:lth arr.tmfleneJ.ommmeCi... ~tfi.t t giuer.· Anfw. A<ChrilHs God! hec ls'o_quall tb h:m, byvmuc·";h•rcof hceqfia~ ·expo~n~ 1 with the fathcr,but as he ts Mcdtator;God tnScnpture by fcrlpturc: bucmerr"l}:me-nop·o,ycr f c:rnate, and mademail: he is infcrio'uf: · &. re- .ofthc:n.lft.lues,tode-termtne-OfthC.propfi·JCotC . cciucth of him. So much himfelfc confelfeth, ofS~ripture,And thercfbre r_kc Po~i,fl•_p;~Cli(o ~ M,falhn·••hichga11ethem_m.,,·g_reater-fif_rnallj m ·g1u1ng td the Ch-~orch abfo~r·c;aut~-onP_tc;t.a _. 1 Iohn to. 29. And in the famcrc!pci't,l'~td·caldetcmune of thefenfe oi.Stnpt{ltt, Qf> rlltnt-l lcth God rhe Faiher, The headof Chrifb, !:Cor; felucs without Sdipture; i·s·ll~H't5hl>ctie af 11.6. And as Ch.rHl noW Htccrh ·at the tight ,gainfi Ch;i!t : for thcr.ein thC)l -gi·o~..vh'tO'h'len· 1 hand ofhis father, bccing Mediator-, and ruler that_ fouerai)lne . power wlfioh' i's 'pi-opcx'i~ ofhisChurch heisinfcriourt6hisf:l<hcr,and (.1n)~. · ·· ._ : <'·M":< c: J~.> receiHethht. kJ;gdomtfTOinht.father, which·hee Thirdly, h~ie!b we.d)fc:u_c'rh~eH~IIcrr<.\~ muftgiuevpattheiaftd•r, J. Con ~-:4. · ' of. this booke, and of N>i: whole' Scripttlrcof, And here we mutt confider in what God: for all ofit is the gift ofthc,f·aihdr't.i.t!l~ God giues his Rcuclatioil to his fonnc. Firft, C Sonne; and ofth·c$qnncvm~,ln-1'Chu>oh.fhl! thcrefore ChrHl Icfus,as bee is Mcdta_tor, is liktcannotbe ·fai<Jc ·df.. any~'il.'.fitirigs ?f m~tf made Lordofthis rcuelation: fa as·h~may f:ty, wh:tt{oener, be'theyncuerfo~cxc~~ltnt-;' h'e,I-'ttin lt is his owne tight;and toyaltic, bccing apan !heSc-riptures furp~_ffe them •li,'~VheFeb1·~l of that Law, wherchv l)iS Church is now goan!''taught to ctl<:criie ·mowtetl~f-cmdv .ofi'tlle uemea, whereofhe isLotd and King.Againe, 6criprmes of<Xid, then <>f:•if dlewrinn~of, this Rcuclationwas rcucaled vnto Chrifi as h.e mc'n in the world.oHcre r~enobeholdlliclifijji: is man,before it )Vascucr knownc to ~ny creac ·,fthis~gc, Wllich·mo'te dci~_&iiR'ih, t~ fpe)lt!i: i turc,man or Angel, by rufon of dre._-vnion of th.e fayings of mefi<in: Nlc pt.ulic-l<c · his nlallhood,with thc·Goahead. minitlerle, rhc'JI tHc'glorious~ord(ofihe e~er- ; In ~his _which hathbeene fairl, wctpayob: liuingCod. •Whereas the '':1ln{o-gs ofrTid~ ~C fecuc 1 that' this boo!<~ of>the Reuelation is lull ofdarhnr!fe, oferrour;<it:bu:t-t!\l:· Chrifi his tight, an<! belengcth Niito· him as \Vord of'God is mofi holyand-P.urc; ail,d cu<'rii ·h.,o\\•nc toyaltie and 'pduilc.dge.- fot.aHhc way pctfecr, proccedingw.hofly'frorlkfat~&' !awes !n any kingdo1nc belong to'the prince ·of lights vmo his bc!oued'5<inne, who-hm-h·, thereof, and are,atid no D f~irhfully difpen!ed thefalne ··to_r-thi:jfooail( i iiJansc!{e:·So·thisbookt; -beeinga.par\ofthat '-hisChurch. .. ;,~,., - . I law whereby.Ghriit gollcrncrh.hlS~hUrfh, i< • To Jlm• bu flruanrs thi~g~rfnt nmfl jb!;rtfi ' h1s royaltle alohc,for.Godgane lt hun, and he ·h~-.d~tre. Thefewords com::nn i:he ~cond;thnd; ! bath by his Angel fent1t re ;his _<:hure!i; An~ ~na fourth Aigurncms, where>6irtbis Rcuela~ I -~~dc~R~~di~;~;,;::!~!t:~~f~~~~h~rb~~k~~ -::~,~so~~i:':jt;{i:~~~~~ :~1,t~•_.r_;~l ~. )::1 of.holy Scripture., Ohr!tl !smode Lord'of all, ·~vhi~h it cdnrait>cth. . ,._. o · •1T 1 1 •nd they-arc al ofthem hi; royolticsan·d jlomf- ' 'ArgH.I I:-Thee1ide ofrhis!t<-?<i?fi6fi is-,T. : Jions. Ahclfcomh~nce"'iil follow ne~c!farily-; jlkw, that [s,!o11iakfi<!umne;ahilmimif,jirhmg ·:· 1· Flffi,That no man 1n the world hathouthoriry :;uJm,,fortheg~odofthewho!_tl,ilrff;.'v\'heo~d aboue t~Hs b?oke)orany<?thcr·patr•ofCaponi-- ~'·r!m_?-y obfd\JC'-,·lhh.t ·the- ~apiHS crrc exceej coli Scnpture; Indeed Monarchso1id Princes li:lingly inde!Hrrli\ghypeo~W(>.ll they·cal ~ft~) hauc_ g~·cai:: authoritic &.-pr'ehcininencc in tl1cir from ~he. ~ead1ingofthe Scr(pturc: fOr the e·u~~ 1 <lomuuons ~ucr-aH rcrfons,and oticr :~Ii e:il.tfCs -oft'f\js bookc Js;'to 1htrk! h'iifn){/_f!l~o po?IJfor i, I· ofmen: but mthe Church they ,w_ithaJlo'rhers Hints' rh~11g.rtiPCdm,C. And wfiO'at-C''Gods · fd., \ owe hom:1g~~nto C_hr1.ll; ther'e h_c,SJ~h._chc_ ~- ~~n_:~ Ar:~h_etOiergic onc!~>~r~cl nor·Iay..p¥0 j 1 _ __ _ _ . _____:v.P .i __ _~-- . ___fl__ \_..___:.\