\-~:;----~ ,~"Expofoion vpo11•. I----- \ -----,--- '----o---------,- rr--. ' \ 'i,'trf. :., 1 T1e r~C0tl(:~J mfi!;t;~ment h~re i.mploycd by h in our p'!rt,i4t.J·l'ar aa!lil)gSj Otir.OU[\\'a~~·p;ofcf- 1 --- i 1 ChnH·, rs lolm. Tlus {ohn '"":t~fonne eo Z.ebedc- ,fion is ~lt·hyi~oc~ifi'!'. This Ma~if;lrat.cs-~:tllini- ~ I t I I' ! w;,an~ iO.k~n.fin3ntQ Chrifi; <! blcffcd ApofBc:,. Hcu., husb:aHd, wtfe,9ateu~s., clnl<l!ltn 5maftcrs,.J ! !~ld,EuangcliG:, :-.: hic.h peunc:d OI}C<of ;he Go- ,ii:nk1.m•s,~ll:Y'.r,fcllct,~IH1c:ucry o~e in hi5 h\.Y• : I Cppls , aid.thc,th)ll:c Erillks which .boare I•is full calling fhould \at~fully obfnuc: forvnlco • '. rtlmt. ThilS \\'<IS·th:ls.Vil'dplc~·h~~Jll~ Idi.1s w.... in theh)an·..icular duti~tsoffbeir fpc:claJ ,allinns. ·l , l tH!'d•. , And tO" rro~ur~tbc more, c;:,f~Jit ::uui ve- (,:1s the Pfl:Igifirarc in d1c duties o.fa II):\gi!lr~3: ~ : ucrtncc to thjs b,oqkc, hc:c dc:f'\ribeth hil.111:e1f: .&c.) theydoe J'et!iic~ 'f'mo Clrrifi, their pub- \ '-~Y twO cngumcpts.: fidl, by~ p,~qpct!tic, c-a"flike dl)tjcs ...in rclig_ion iJ\allncruc~ (<DQlm~tui [ Ii~1g h~m.fC!fc t.'[Jt·ifi ht~·for.UH'f!t .: :Sc.s:ondly, by chenn nto God, belt nl'ucr {o glonous, M iC'. 1~n cffct\t0.l' a~Ou,W hm:Ji>.g:~e~or.dtogods ward, 6.6,7 ,8·. T ; ":'t;/:hcii;£l',moteolmlo.lmot~th-;10tcalhi;,1~ , ' V; 2: . Which bare record oJi i fclferbatD>f;ipl~whomde(;!SlG,Ucd·,'i'OD~he the "RJ().Yd 0[(jod ,_ and 0( the [ kh1~n~~ o_f C~riHr .,~·hic~-L,e·mightha_u~do~c, ' bm)lgolhcd VlltO ho,. (for/of?p• tnOt~rw,as B te;1t'manie of' fefm [hrijl, and J fiflcr to /of"pb.<;:J~rifhfuFpof•d lather, lill c0fi~· ,r ·h 1.. • L h f . I gcrlllOIHO the virgin·Mary .-)'lolmhaoiJcarnod: ot- ' e.iFI'mgs trJat. e I a~. J Qf .~h:~H h:mfdfc >i that the IJeHrer_randd.ct:t~ of' lj~rc is tl~c 1~c<?nd argument whercb1 Iol,n, j tbe.!v:~Ocf b_rl Filt~,r i were 6}lccmul:m~re df(Yf, defcnbcthhm1icltc ;-n::~.mcly, by this.at'ti<=>n,.m: ; ltJJ4trt ere'3ntchitn-; thenany·londdfcut~vare/ttlli:- . ellCCt. il)bmringrtcord to the wordof f!...od :· for . !~"cc cotdd p~l{wfJ '!'.•".! them•. ¥~ttb. ».50. partly by '<''riung fbe Co!pcl ,. an<l p>hJy by I L~"k. rr.z8; Bu<pcHaUs hillJCelfeCAriji'sferpreachiag 'heoorc wimdfc' and ICHificd that t1_a]lt, h•uing yeclded vp lo;mfclfqq do.his.wil• th.c w<>rtiof God W'l6 trne, And bc.auf• the fft~lJcrcjn llan~~~he d!gnirie ofa.ChrilH~n,~o word of1Go<lha>hdiaer1Fans,tllet~;_c an<! doe fctuice vn~gh'hritl.Th~pl~llc.d.vin;in l)~.<l. olle Cofpdl,Joe l11ewcs in nhe next words, tha. ! ncper foundfuch ~nour ,w)th ,Gpd t_o ~pche me~nc,efpcciall')'~hcCofpcl,adding ,a•d i beene Chrd\i mother , .ifllw~.hag O!)t witf,~ll of th.tcjfr~Mmi<O{ I.J.Iit C~rijl, that is.; ofthofc b,ecoi]1CChrifls fcrtta\'~ ·'She bore him in he< tbmgswhtch id.s laid ·~lld d)d. Ahjj that no I hs:art by faith,_as well •?inJwr wot11bc)y con" 1 man might call imo qacftit>n the.rru1h of Thi~ ception, or <:)le lhc)~~. >!<nc.r: pcq1c fuued by. C tellimo•ie, heprofdfcth ~im(<lfc t 0 .hai:J<bccia him. Hpn,cc ,wc)£ar,q~, tPat~p~tW3f~ dig~~t~cs., • AJteyc:witnlfi of4/lrhofothi"!/ whcrebfhu·&are i as bloodroy•ll;no~kparcm;gc, ~ndfu<)l li.ke,. record., foying, a11dq{a/1 t}lofi thingn•hi<h lue I will nothing•fprtl!<ramog~ falq~tion : h~ that• faw.And.h<r< he al)cdgcth his rdhm0 nytolh< I· would .be occc~!~l!lc; ~;,..,.q,{i!l-,mufi b~tom.c Gol'p~l), toprooue ~imfclfe afaitof•llpenman j .h.is Ccruan~,-~y,lJclcctJUlg -hJs word, an. ~ 4QJng . oft\l$S; bookc-,that'fo ~t might hauc more rem~:- hjs w~Il , hauingcaft offthc .old rn:m ,,whicl}i~ rc.nc~:fqr he wbich w~s{aithful in penni-ng th~ ; tm·~·upt, a.n4'.J>:l~t91_J.th ..c_.ncwe r9an, which af~:.v- ' GQ~~Ipf Chrift, the i;lme is alfo f~itbt'wll- )tl 1 Go·dh created t11 nghtcoufilclfca~d true_hoh~ penning thi~ Prophcfie.ofthe. Chur-ch•. ~ ... ! n.qffc;.: So ~af!/~a.ith, Ci't"Cfi-tnc~fion ~.noth~"t;;& !tu~ is te-!limo.t_liC·\Vern.•ay,obfcni~ ~th:tt the \ 7.t.JI,(irCHmc.jfion.. zb· woth!n,~ ,.Aut k$ep,tt:g t!Jeco,mdoChiHe qf Co'~~ word.is an infh!J.ib)~ mark« m,mdqn~nt J 'f <God~ 'f . Cor.·7·.~9• .t~dhc,ce-; whereBy ·to knoWt: th,e-t.ruc- P-roph'~lOf God~ .j.erth k!!"lf•J~o m~ afier.rhr.Jkfo., bt~tif•nJ and-alfoto,ditlingui!h ~im fmm·~l:llalfd'rol o/an be in c.hrift..l h~,, "vrw; rr;atflrc' ~. G,or; ph<ts. God foretq\d·)liS·F<opi<, th~tfalft.Pro- '5· ~6;t7f ·,. ,, . . .· ·-~~ .., 'n·,:t:;~ phetsjho,_ujd·ccmta~ng!bemfort~'rr:tr.ilt!;'f)Gu.. Ag~mc,.conh:'ct; _in wh~t reg{lr.d [o~n.is ~cr;t; 13,, -B~how fh:1JJ vhey·difccqu::..tb~Ql/ furdy fi!Jl~d afcr;~ont,of.<;;h~ill: np1 p•dy. fo,r th~~h,e ·n by th.~ir doClrine,: for though tl>ey-~~.wwon1 bt!~cucd ~n C},rifl:, ~FJd qbcycd l~ls wiJf~, ~~ al! ders-,yct if their doEtrinc tc;nd t(i) 4.rawe f!.l€11 U:4e Chr~taiaq~ d9.c., but,"l'.'"'c[p,t;ciolly pc.auf.. from the trueGod ro ~do!atrle, lh.qy, .arc falfc ne was an hpoRk, ond, ~d lpn1i '"""'" ctuifi Prophets,-and lhdul<l die." Wh~~ our.Sauiour in ·thp~o;x:e pf his mipillc,<] c, V:•hi~h w:\s ~~ · Chrifl w.s asked BJ "hat.m.tliofitiJ..he,d!4tbp[t P,qrth~r.~ar1ca!li'~1.~. Sf)..f.1uf.wri:6ng to t_h-c·:Ro• 1b;11gF, Luk.1o.2,~. •ht approou,phj.~p:uthgrtm3n~• ,.c·•!k.t~ hnnf~lfe an f. poll le and fcJn3<1> tie•l\)!: the tcllit1JonieofJohn ,(wh• 6•ra•itn<j[t !'f C~rifl:; Cf.P... JJ. Aud h'e rcndrcth a rcafon •f ~i?fl, !oh.• 1. l5i 1<~n"d·confirmad<lf<·<alling thereo(, v«r~Jl· b,eqaufe he d.id f<ruiccvntf>.him of:l.An l>y ·the t,rutl!lof hi~ do~~itl<, which i~1 prcachi_ng.thc Qof(>ci.ijcnc~ \"-'Car~ tau.g_h~, 1 (Ehemfc,hics beeingwtt-nCff<!s)wMfW»ht.aseN, th:u vvcm·l~t\ not oncly thew qu~ fclncs Chnffs Luk.zp. verfi,4·5· 1 r'1.,, .,. ; !~ruonts in,,ur gcncr.'!JI.falling of01riflia~ity.: •.lc(crcby t~<t>)·"l~f~~ the error OCthe Pap.ifts, 1 Put cfpccially in oDtfl~l:';intlar c.allings.a~p pf~ ~~l,lo tc~cb, Th~t-thc-encJy no~t-fJ£<}-true P-rQr f fi_ccs, aftc~!t'c.ex:nnplc 9(<;;hrif!sJ~lc~et! ~p_o: phet, is to c"nfitP!~ hi> doDrj~,, .b¥""'.111>rade' IU~s. It ip gp9d thmg,to-pr.otcfl:c jcrui~c&m.o . nnd·thot he whi<b1~Jl)]Qt doefol,j,<,·p-talfe Pro- ~ (:hrrtt, by hc,ariog.~l_i-s :-vp~p, rec,juing~hi's,~a-:- phc;t. Bt(t this nft(c~<:>fdiflhcnte is ri~t truc-:fOr cr<unenr~. n9~ ''ccpi_ngltis ~pbb~t\1,-s: buc.~nJs~ j i~·lfc'Prophet-smay c6firme·their Jy,i.tJg-vanitics "1. ~ (J1cr ~wid1:lll we !hew~ thc JP,P~'l?.:'e::r~o~f.:l .g~o:::d-~1.i:::n::rs:.::__.c1 .::bLy-:_:fi 2 lbc:":::r.::.' ·::&:_':_'o.::.'.::."::..: l<.::.":.;·,~:::':_ ·'~':_· <.::.m.::..::.>y,_f<::C!' :.c,c::Dc·':._"-c' ·cc':-'i1·· i ~-----~-- -· -----~::-:::-~__::_ - ---:_~-·~. ~~=~=-==== ~~~.