Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

114 ! . <!An €xpojition 'Ppon . · I '"'f;. ; t~;~·;.,which is_, ~h~n~·cc may. atra_inc to uuc ft,. {anllifitd-~Y';e 'dt~Jt's before, 1:::-:~d. 1 9 . And ---. ·~ l~appHl~S H_andmg_m kllowfi11p WltlrG·:Jd, & ~·~en they dicl offer iJ\.·rifi(c or care th't.Paile- ~lfc cucrb!hng. TbJ~eud muH be,the rnonuc to oul!r 1 both- ~ricfh anrl people rnuCt \)c·'r:r~1 Gt~fi ... mdu~ vs t~ ~care-, ~nd rt~d t~c word,of_Go~, cd :_:md thcll::unt d1ing tOr f.1bfhmcc ~T\HU wee:: :md "'·hen t.11s takes pla(c 1ll our hc:uts ,1t w1U pcrtormc befor~ \\'Ce c:olne ro hcarc th6.;.\•ord ·~~ be ofJOr~c to m.:!kc_vs rea?, & hear~ with care o~God:.f1his prt_p:u:~tion (\:m.ds in tWdthi 11gs: and.c£m.fe~c:ncc,.w lnch bdc~metb '-iods w?rd. Frrfi, \\'CC:~n~·,t. put~~ of·om hcnrt.s ~11 by-· l SccQn.dly, \'\'('CJMIH k~~pc 111 mndc the thmgs tho~!ghts, all·dclights-;, ~rn'd 'ares or-..,·Oridly \ Iwe readc, or•hcar~,~fo; Y.uth :he tt.:<t: .Andkfeaff.urcs, :tudfo~ouri.Jtarri(a·s E~ra did) tOfeek.! j ferh t(Jc thin~~swh~c?are. wr~tcen.;. ~~hich vwrd the Lm11~ ofthe Lord,Ezl'2-J.t0. Scc.Oridiy, wee llillports,tha: by dil1£Cnt ob~cr_uau.o,~\'e WotJ!d mu!l: make ma·carnctl rr~rytrs tOGod~ t'ha~ het •~ l~y thc.m_vJ?m our hcans.Th1s'tS a~\'Cighty duwoutdopenour eyes that we .may fe-e his \\1t11; tJc, and icnoully commcndcd vmo vs ofGod. fofccn our h"cans, and ma·k(i"'ur cars au'crmuc,.. Bht~t·p thef.r.ftimpni~ , foalevp thf !awe mmmg as Lydiaennrt:; and fo oiuc vs a.ra€C" U> cm1m; dlfcipk.r, Hay 8.16. And Ma~yis thtrcforc brace his \o\'ord, and keep~ it~ Fo~ Chrlfl is th« I comm.cndcd, becttufe ftlctkfpt> in htr.heart l~t' oncly d.oClor ofthe h~s·ij>irit,Vt'irhovt words. ofltfiu.) Luk. z. r9. 51· It was Da~ttds- B. whofe mwzn.l teaching·\~ee~can.rteu~~Icatnc .~raChfc: I htuu hid. thy f,lJing in~y hearr, Plal. vmo f3lu:~~tiou. . , ·:. ·. t~J r. AudhcrctO.tcnrlcth Ch,rifts encouThirrlly, when we~re~~out the holycxcr... I r<ag. .cnt, propoundmg them r:!.t.hc.r bldfcd , (ife of Go·ds tvord, the frame of our hdirts ' wbic /;""'the word and-k.tep it,then tbo[<whicb lhollld be thn• difpofod. . ·'·" 1barc ,Chn{f, andg•«c hemfuel:;,-Lllk,c 1 t. ~7, 1. lrm11f/ b<e11n hw,tblehtttrt, for the,Lor<\ 1 1 28. An(k/amc:".t•.clt!et.h it , the. ing~~~~ward 7• Jcfttls theprq.ud, andt~uesgrAce ro thehumhle, lam.· r.•. 21~..- .~acavi: lt fhould abl<lt tn our· larn.4.6. T~t)w..thAtbetm(tk.!, willhe't;g~rk-i1J ! hearts l1ke :1 iyera.e 1{1.3 £locke., an&n~uerbee tudg,mt ;·multeach rht>humblr h'H'iM.J:,'·Pfal. I fJJll09.ued ,.but,thcre growc and fmerific vnto. 2 y. 9. A-proud heart i• J<1 fiu!fcd.with {clfclif~ erernall. ...;:..· .l.J .~ .;:j-.~ louc, that there is no roomcfor t_he~ w6rQ.·of \ Now.bC"d.ufC. tbi& l$a point of- :gr.e:u diffi.. God to lodge in. But thehcartthat is Jo.,.\'ly in I ' cul~\c-?:lJldthe \\•am·hc,rt:~fth~ cattf6:,<:>ffo<t: it fclfc,.\Jl~f~Sl.t;tb~~n~~Y'f~~Pe~n~¥,, profiung a_flC:rtTit~Chhcarmg ~nd r~'33mg;l.wtll, the heart mwhtch lhc Lora'SYlltS ,giokcs YHU thqcfotdhcwc hew (by Go<lfg,a~c) in hca-: t_ak~ vphiS'lll\ode, lfay,pl\~.:. :I", bl, · ! ri\1g apd reading tllc \\'Ord Q[Go.d:,.a n'ian may:\ 1 I. ,It muft bean hcncfl htar.t .. !i1ct :1s hath keep<: tk'c fame: in t1l.CtiloriC. , ) ~ :1;~ _ 'i C fro·mat(Ji&..,)j~j)urp6tC,tO HQC.ih\any m?C.llnfie F!tO,, :>man mull lcarnc rhe grQ~Jlds ot elc-! :) wh•tfo~=,!l¥1 (tlwugh.itt~<\~ <'!\'>"Rfi'!'J'iP mcnl»Of rcligionj,ommonly·callc.J thci Catt-) it' fclfc) is rifotbed eo p'!~aft'G1:1d ~l HJche chifinc,.for they arc tho fou_ndat!o·J>fall knnw-, waie ofhis col"mandc~ros ~:lnd •ha<;« v.:hich._? m_a~ ih.~tneuervnqcr•: n~alfy': fuCh' ih llC3rt h:We'ihc..:goO~ llc;r~'rs, thnd the Scriptur~ to his cOmfort, nor kc·~pct refcmblcdby the good ground, Luk.8.15. As I ' the-: (3me in "mCtnoric~ The Apoil~e faith the on the contraty~; 3-v.ithd heait7wblch Heb.rc,xcs weredmlof h<aring( tb.eJl~cp thing,.. rcfolucth ro ohrrinl, thowgh:it be but"i•y•o.qc ~fGod inChr'tft)bu'auft tlit}'-ha4'P#C<:wt!lleArfinn( 'rvhatfot.ttcr. ., 'H:r,J( 1 , • '.Hr: ( f~ ...., "'d thefirj1principle>of rbtword, Hcb.5. I 1,.1z. I I l. ltmut'l bca·b;l«~ing.hrait:. Tl/c •'oklc This all•!s 01ould wdl obfcrilc; lc\v~.heard ihe'~~n\,budi<ftohtcchnemilot, fec.cial1yjhc ,aged ,itbat they may lind ·;nth~nbecaufc .th>pmtnt,ledrit~ no~:with fJirh '&' rJ.trir fclu,es•thc .eattfc ofcheif ignor31\ce·a0~ duln~s·, ht?arts.;Hcb."l'l-.,.: whercrh·o.comparts th.dldirt ewm r\yant of kno:wledgc in the C:1t<:Chiftne. to avdfcll',:in'\\'1licb thetc J!ll}A:"bec'bOrh JhC i Theytr:binls.e it adifgra-ce to be brQug.htvnto it 'A'orcJ·, 3nd faith: thcfe two muft bee t~in.P I now tl!~y arc old :.bur ifthey woulrl uot b~·<- D gkd·togc<lror, 1 and:·chcn,it:will,>bte>a':vtor<t uc.r lc~Join'g,and nt.ucr come tQ~the}movvledg (I ot~poWct;~ cr.Jift, and faluaticn: ':fbCrdore ! ofth~ truth, theym~1t lay in thc:m(elucs rbis· when wee hoan•hc.thrdtnin·g•of th<jLa>l•e, .go'?dbeginning, tnd.leamc th.e pripdfles of or_ the prom~fcs·oftllc'GofpCJ··:;wenmll,-1?-~o'nr I rdigi<>Ji. . .·•, ;• ·"' rd rcfoluc ou• hems ofthc:tfuth thereof~jlur. Sccondly,wc muf.l pot rufu vpOn:Gods hoincrcdUl)tj;"'~hrr~Qy 'mcn··.t>xcept 'b~ain~- ,the' •I ly.otdirumcc , hut ·9cfo·re wee Ctthe,t. CE)me to word ,·as nor t'"eft~lllg v.nto\thcmi lS"th'c~ hcarcll bf rc:1dc "'•hh rcucrencc pt"?ar.e .our thtr offcrg(rhilndfc. Tbet! wo~ld ~e'llt ' 1 ! icluc~·t\>er.cro.Mnfl·men at this doy!l!( prcthing •f tbc'food, hcAifrtpo fi? no< btt;bti:,• p~re.rhffclu~s bcforctker comc<Q l~f L<!r.ds,' i Mauh,>449·' ., . . ' . ''•. · . "'''·:.' :· Table; and fo the)< ought i.6' doe beforf· thcy , ., I V. Ir·muit.beean h<~rstl(:!uart' fumasas. co;nc to bcarc the wor(r: fdr Grt~~Qrdairtcd p]i"blc to the \V.ord,:~Sa.c~ifiCra'!dbunrt.oJP~1 \ bot!\for this end, to .b~ mtlJlCS tol>..;,,g men. "{"£"-(faith• D<~uid) thowwoiJ/1'ft·•~<o; bur mi>m I to true h•ppincffc;thcy differ only in \his;,that . ?am haft tholtpuparcd·, Pfoh4o.6• .Asl f:hcc: thc.Sanamcnts arc the vifibl~ and,!b~.S~np~. fuould fay,bcfidctl>Ofebod•\'\\hic? thou ! 'tur<Hh~ audi.bJ~ wordof.G~d. ·A~o•h~giuing, hafl giucn inpby crcarion1thouhafi boreo ri<<t . li I ofihc·bv\'e, Tlup_c_opli rbat m.ttfohcate,il, were "9-ris inmrhdn, fp ,asl c3n:OJ rht._gra·{'e--atJ !~· ... 1 · ·, · ~ .-·- trn