Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

wf+ I • the I. Chap.rf the1Zevel. . ! l!/ j ---! \'VC !land in the fauom of God, rcconeilcd to · A fauour. And fo it-;ilouldbc "\'itil vs .;-bu.t \~c'e ~ him ill Chri!1 Icfus, .I. secondly, peace I Ji (tic praCHfc this' bcc3ufe WC bring from otrr l with Gods Angels, for the;gwrrd fuch as be i11 cradles nawrall prciUmption;'A·hichpcri\vadc~ Gods f.mour, and earrie tlum as a nurfc doth vs, th3t we be m [ha fauour and louc of God: her child in her anncs, Th.u they hrirt not their But wee muG calt off thisf..'llfc pcrfwalion ~nd fccuat any flone, Pfai~91.Il. and they rcioycc take ;lllC\\' courfc:; and labour firH eo fee, th:t-c at our good cllatr.. T he third , is peace wit I; a we bee om of Gods t'luour,. loll t1H'cpc,pr9dimrmsfc!fe,whcn his cQnfcicncc \Nil! not accufc .gall children in our iClucs, yea, the very fire .. him, bm excufc and cl care hir.u,becing \Nafhc.d brands of hell: and thiS, to fee our O\\•llc w:rnf! in the blood of Chrilt: This is that Peace of of grace, is the firfilleppcto•gri((~. Secondly} God,whichpaf{eth all vnde'~'ftanding, Philip·4·7· fCcling this watlt :md mi!Crie in our (clues, We 1 · The fourth is, peace witb GodJ Church, not:ably muH carneflly de(ire;and in our (oulcs hunger prcfigmed by the peaceable h:lblt3twn of"Add and thirCT aftcl· the lone and f.'luour of God fn bcaCTs and tame rogeche1, IU the Lyon and the l Chri(l abouc all earthly things. Thirdly, \·He Ca!fe, the Woife and the Lamhe, the childe and mull by the hand of uuc bi;h by hold Ypon the Coclz..arnce, &c. If.1y 1 r. 6. and plamcly to B chc grace and mcrcic: of God ir:t Chrifl, ·pro..- bc feene among the bclceucrs, Act 4• ~ z. who I pounded in the promifcs of the ·.Gofpell, 3nJ wereall of one mind tt'Jd br.~rr. The fift is, Pca~c ·apply them toout fclucs particularly. with the enemies of G ods Church, fo far ~sit Sccondly,aftcr grace he wifr1eth vnto rhcilr is forthc good ofthe Church,and the glory of Peace: where nore, the true order of fcoking God. So Io[cph had peace in Pharaohscourt , (o forthe b!cflings ofthis llfe, \ve mufi not begin Daniel had peace i11 the court of Nabuchadne~- with welfare and profpcritie~ but o~r firfi and· ur: for when the three children were call into chcifcft quemun be' to obtaine the grace a'nd the oucn, we mufi notthink that he did rcuo!t fauour ofGod, So Chri!l bids vs, firfi, to fceke vmo Idolarric or hide himfclfe; but bccing in the kingdome ofGod, andl1isrighrcou!ildlC: ,· . fauour in the court obtained priuiledge ro be for when wee ~re inGods kingdome of grace cxcufcd. The fixt is, Peace withal!the creatures reconciled to him in Chri"ft i rhen aH thhlgS' ofGod:with the bea!ls ofthe ficld,foulcs ofthe ncedctu!Uh•ll bee mini!lred vnto vs, Mat,· ayre,& fifhes of the (ea, Thisthe Lord prorni6. >J· · · · fctb in the coucnant thn he wilmake for them This difcouers the bad practi(e.ofmolhflen Thevfo. with all his creatures, Hof. 1.1 8. yea, The child C euery where', who in feeking rbe blelfings-ofl' ofGod [hallmadvpon the L1on and theSerpent, God, begin aithe wrong end. They will toHe and th<J jball nut hurtthcm, P(al. 91.13. And themfC!ucs in their ca!lingsto get wealth, hothis his peace ftands herein, That by Gods nour,pleafurcs,andprefermcms;butrhefatf6uf bldfed prouidence he !hall find hc!p,and comofGod in Chrifi is notregarded : which r:ot~ fort from all Gods cr.c:uurcs. withftanding is the true·and right founda~lon In this placc,whcthcr we takt! peace: for outofall outward welfare. . ·t ward welfare, or for the concord of Gods Hcrcfomewillfay, ifGodgiu.,.tl'lewcaith~ Church, yet it is placed after grace, becaufc it honour, and reputation, then he loues me ; f6'f followcth asafruitthcrcof: Ftrfi, • man mull the(e be figncsthcrcof. I anfwer, {hcfc b~n6 be in Godslauour, and tbcn,comcall the bleffure tokens of his fauour in Chrifr, fer tho(e fings ofpc:ace vnto him. .This then is the meathat be his enemies, may c·ntoy ~hem all,aS JQB ning, Grace he with you,andpeace: That is, I 2I. ].tothe 14. This Dauid percciuCd, how wifh you the fauour of God in ChriO, with t!Je mightflouri{h ;,, their'outwardprofr<' peace, the hleffcd fruit thereof, tuc:n all outritie, hauing more then heart couldwifh., Pill.:; 3. ward welfare, and efpccially the concord of 3• 7• AndJ" tbey flood hm-in jlipperie plact!~ Cods Church, hauiug peace with God, with D And therefore, let no m:1o herewith dcceilJ'c his holy Angels, with his Church' with your himfe!fe:he th" watcthGods fau\)Ur in thrift, owne hearts, with your enemies (as far as may is but a curfed wretch, and a firebt_and of hell, bee for Gods glorie)and with all his crcathough hee had all the world )or outword tures. things, at his command.For an earthly things,( Thevfo. Wherc:a.s Saint lohnwi!hcth graccvnro rhe fc:uered from Gods fpcciall gr·acc, 3re but ail Churches in the firftplace; he would reac-h vs 1 hcape of mifcrics. The wicked mans peace i~ Thatthe f•uour of God isto be foughtlor anopeace,faith the Lo>·d, lPJ, 48.zz. And the boue all things: forthcApofi!es proctitc mull man thachath Gods grace in Chriil,chough he be our precept. So did Dauid: Many fay, who want all worldly benefits, yet he hath more the willfhew V-f ""J good: But Lord lift thou vp the all the world without it: for hereby alonehe is . li.'!,ht D_(thJ costntenancevpo1tme,Pfal.4.6. As ttuclyblcffc:dand happic. ·· if he fl10uld fily, Let the moll- of the wodd Frombim'rl'hichU,andwhichwM,f4'1tdwhich fcckc whatthcy will,as dchcs,plc:!fitre·,&c. yet i'.s to come: ai1tilfi'om thefe11cn rjirits which are tl'ly is-of thy louc and fauour aboue all. before his throne. Here is fet c}ownc rhe firfi And oftcmimes he calleth God hh· portton,hM cau1Cand author ofthcfc two,GracCandPeau, 'l'ocJrs.andca.fl-Ie ofd~.fencc, the thing that he Ionto 1Nit., Godh;m{elf~, difiinguifhed into thTcc gcthfor: [0 fhcw, that 'l!l his ioy was in Gods· perfons, the F11th~1-, Sonne, 11ndholy Ghoft. The Fur her