Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I . 1 ;A";--· r I VfYJ.)· ,--- I ticul~dy, thou'gh thcirminiilcrietendtoth:lt A ~c/iu~r~dtlu l'!hof,. will tifi God in #.iatiJ:Jnt>c't{: 1 ---- ~ ende. lfttrit {:Jr p!rt.UiJn, md k.;pt no:bing i·.rck.f: ! / Secondly obfcruc, Chrifi is not ~ncl}· _:.t I Thtrdly, he mu!t ucirhcr adde vnru, 01 t:tkc :~..: ' 'vdtncffc; but n,ft1.ithfi 1 t!n•itncffe ; Jnd to htc 1S w:1y, much lcffc in any caft dcprauc rht "''brd I for thefc caufc.s; l~irtt, becJuCe he tdlifics not ~f Oo~l. At~d d~is is th: nue rn:ttia: bf~ f~ith~ : h 1 s ownc ..,, !I!~ b•tt hu wh!ch fonr hmJ; n~unely ' tu!! witnrfl c: l~or fallc prophets tca<.h fomc ·; hufluhe~' loh.8. '26. Secondly' hcc tdllfic5 :111 I I tntrh' bm widllll thc:_y adde t{imcthing of I lus Farhcts w 1 11 twlth<r add111g rhctcto, nor I rhcir ownc, or dc:na~t from Gbds trmh fdmc- / dccr:tChng frot~ tc,loh.I 7· 4· Thtrdly,bccaure th!ng thar they ought n~Jt. Irt ~he C~Urch of ~ Ihcc ceachcth hts Fathers\\ Ill finccrcly, m the I Rome a 111:111 may hcarc dungs concc·rnt1.1gmo~ ' fa 1 11c nunner wh1ch hC'c r:ccmed :t? no.t :'lite~ I r~ll vc~cu ts, hand~cd founifJy; bm come to Ju.. I ring,changit1g,or dC!lraulllg any pln ~hcrcot: lhficacwn, anJ. thereto they add~ th~ mcrf: .o( .As"'! Father taught mee,fo1fpe.'ik$thefo things, I m~ns workcs·: and (o they deale \Vtth FaHht Ioh,8.z8. 1 1 :!nd ·Repentance; matters of f,;',l.1tion: they Thirdly, Chrill is called that .faitl!fu!~ wir- ' to.k~ :lway one part, at>d adde a.i':.her ro the nejJ'e,to diHingui01'him from all other B ~cnpturcs; they hold [he Creedc m word, yet fcs. The Lord lmh fundrie taithfi,ll witnc!lcs; m deedc they dcnl< the fame, ;, by their do.. . as the Prophets, ApoHlcs, the Church,nay the Clrine may appcarc; and fo l11cw tficrDfc_!u.c-S Sun.-and ,U,.ne, Pl;l.89-l7· but Chrilt afalll:wimdfes. Fourthly, af•ithfnll witndfe lone is that t'Jlthfi1ll wimdfc:Fidl, bcCau(c his muH deliucr the cdlimonic of Chrifi in that ~ IohJtr4• \\'itnefi"e is a anthctuicall, fufficiCmofic fclfe, fpfrituall nrnm1er which beft bdCcmeth the' and necdc.s no other e::onfirmarion. The tefti..! 111aietllecif God, and·which hee beft approo.: manic of the ApoHlcsanJ Prophctsi~ ndtofit ucrh, that is, in :1 plainc, ca'fic, a:n<f familiar I fclfe authcnticall and ccrtaint:, but ~sit con.: kiudc' of fpeidl, that (hC co·nfdence of the' / f<:ms with Chrills wimcffc, and p·roccedc:th (inner may b·e touc.Hcd,a.i1d the vndet!tanding fl'Om his ft,irir. Secondly~. bee is that V\'itneffc, ofthe ft~nplc'~a~ ~'C e?j·~cd,V/hc~~· tlic \Vbrd is· ] becaufe he is the Lord o.f th:tt houfe, whcrcco· othcrwtfc ddmered;:~:s 111 the cn'trl1ng \\'ord~· he giucs witncffc,namcly, the Chutch; Fmt tht: of mlins wlfcdorilc,of for oft~nt3tion of"'"ittc,• ApaCHes and Prophets are but feruanrs there·, or much rC:ading, tHough nothing be f.·dd but Hebr. l•> .6. Tlmdly,Chri"lt his wimclfc is i"· the truth ;"yet he thor fo difpcrifcth it,•~ an vn" ward:it fpcakcs dircel-ly to the confcience,and C f3idrful! 'v\'itnCffe, btraufc hec cOrri1ptech the there giucs vndoubtcd affurancc: but the witword by his v'ai'uc dcHuCrie. find this fs the nd{Cof tnen, as ofthe Pfophcts lnd ApOHies, finne of thfs ..rge ij.l many Minillcrs~ whdu'adt is out\V3rd onrly; it comes t~ the cares, 1t nethe truth indcedc, but yet in fitch for't/ as it. uer binds and affurcs the' coofciencc ofi~ fdfc. 1 may::pp~a,e, they fCC:kc thernfduC"~, and not And thus we {Cc why hce is called here, (tb4t <Sods glOti"e,rcfpcd:ing little the edification of faithfnl!witnefl'. the fimple, fo themfelucs may be famous fot For, whereas Chrifi the D oCtor and.Pro.. wit, eloquence, anli learning. Bm~thtfe n1crr phet ofthe Church,is ciJlcd that fairHfUI! wit..: maft.! rharchfmdifo 'oftht word, llk~ tohuX(efs'; neffc,we lcarne, Tha:t :Ill Mini!lers ofthe Go~ ehm bY (htching, bl9wing, and,fpi_cing, f~t ;i fpel ol!ght to be faithfull witndl'Cs} fot encry glo!fc vpon thdr ware, to .nlJk'e' it fe~mc th3t. . Mitli!lcr of the Gofj,cll, wheti hce prcaChcch ""hich his not: ·which is a grieuous,fiime.,and' Gods word, is in the toomc of Chrifl:, 311d fuch as will banilh tile Gofpel o'Ut of oiJ~ lind, fpcakcth that vmo the Church which Chrifl: vnlcffcit_bc rcforlllcd." . . ' ~ would fpcake. That they maybe faithfull wlt~ Secondly, tbisdd.,.,f Chrifl:, ThatJallhfutl ncffcs, fitndri~ things a,re ,required ~t thtit Wtinej]'t ~ doth dlfc'o,uer:vntO' vs 'tfte damnable' I hands. Firfl:, they lnul!\ lciiuet the tctf1monic D pbclifc of n1cn in the fin ne of vnbeleefe: fbi' 1 of Chri!l aboue all other things,and before :tll ChiiHthis falthfoll witnclfc hath ghieil tcl!i• ' tc!Hmonics ol· nun in the office oftheir·mini- ~lonic to his'\\'ord~·hich ispr~chcd', that thd . j !lcric. w3s rncatc ~nd drinke to ChriH,to ~31l'le 1s tn1c. And thercfore ...a t'~!j tb~r luluut . .:. Ioh.,.so. bloh.+Jof· bteaciJ. IJJ.J Farhnt J~J/1, E{(a:..e~, AhrahamJ 1tnot, d{)~ mak.! Chrtfl t~faljtniitnc_/P, 111!4 ai.J·- 1 I clde{\ lcruant, !hewed his fidclde; in tharhc er, th~n which, what can be niorc horriolc?&: 1 would not(ateoYdrmk$ td/•huhttddon(bu mtr:.. yet this is the' tol'ntn~n finne of cll1s age.. For fl(rs mcf{.1g(, Gen. 24.; 3. M.uch tnorc O'i1ghr Whc1 the law is applied, whb is afraid? r.nd j 1 the MiniflersOf Chrifi tohauc fpcdaJI care of when ~he Gofpel ,is preached, yet who· be!tet~at weighric mHfagc sofnmirrcd 1'tlto them. uflllo'i':~" .Y.cport? Gods rhini!lers rha'Y (ay .. ~·ith j Secondly, they 1m1fl: tcflifidll the \vill'of(lod th·clit'tle children, ffi< hauc piped imt/J yon,6m 'j concerning !natters of foH1adon,as 1aith, obc... . y-ou Bauc r.ot d:umced, wee l'i~11e ihb11rned vnr/i dicncc, ~nd a godly lifc:"among: r.1ct1,wc count yo'f, hmyouh-aue .11Jt wtpr. This de·:~dnetfe of j' himaf.1i'thfi.tll wimcffc, v~·hiCh rc!lifies alhhe heaft . ._.,,herdhv men :rrc not rnooucdw1th' I .I )trmh,arid no mor~ but the rruth: fo fhould it th'C · ~iord · pr'c;d}1 c!d vmO them, is an cui.: I I be \~'ith all Miniflers., th~t be Codsv .. :itn.dfes dent argu"nrcnt of thi:s, f~a_rcfu\1 vnbclecfe, I to~11sChurch~ Hercm Pat~/ cle~redhnnfclfe, '"'hereby ~hey mlkc Chnlt :l fllfc wimc(fc_. A8..:.o.:.,,:7· ~· ~~~~'!!..asfi'e:fromt!/l~s_blocd,feeir;g he This therefor·e 0\ould·mo·ouc vs to confider 1 L. . X X .2: -·- ..... --~-- !......- \