Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

2:1. , .-...:.-.,.----- - - A»Expojitionvpon _ _,__ \ < nf ;.~l . --- : in our fclucs, th~ ktino~1fnc~i.: of this finne, A ~o!' :1 time. But ChriH Icfus rofe from dc<:th:to ' ---\ that fo we may Hnuc ngau1tl 1t, and labour to !ttc etcrn=tll,ncacr to dit ae.aine:And hisrt'lin- \ I I I l I i giuc fi·~c p::tffa~t.' to the wor~ in~o ~ur bcarts, t<:,C'tiQn W:lS the fir!l Hcpp;imo his gloric. Se.. u-cn~bl111g a~ _tl~c h\\' ,:md rc10y(m~ tn the Go- ~odly;~har by his own }wwcr he raitcd vp him-.. fpcl, that fo each part thcre:ot may hauc 1clfc:, and by d1c venue of his (lodhcad ouic~- ! his perfeCt: \.\'orkc in v~: for '-"hich cndc aHO ned his rnanhood:Thc rnofl g~lly m;m tl 1 a 1 is .. ] we nuy ~·onfidcr, -~hat amongft thole which or cucr WlS.cannot doe fo: but :~.ll the Saints of i1Jall h::tuc rhc)r porrion in the buminglake, God arcraifcd fromdc:1rh by vcnucofCb 1 ifl:s .,- vnbclccucn :ne fCr in tbc firfi rankc, Rcurlat. rcfi1rrcClion, through that. myUicall vnion i z 1. S. vYhich is bct\Nccuc Chrifl the hcad,and all his 1 Thir.dJy, fccjn:; Chrifl Icfi.1s is that faithfull members; by rncJ)lC'S "'hereof: the power of wimcflc,·\'"hit.h $nlcth rdlm1.oni~ to n~~ns con ~hrifi ~is godhead, which raifcd vphis-man1 fl:!Cnccs m parncular of then taluat10h; V\'C hood, 1s conucicd to all his in theiroe:. lcarnc, Th::lt cucry one "vhich profCIT":.:rh himrcft1rrcCHon from <lcath to life. And therefore 1 , fclfc ro rep.~::, i:, ~)ound in conl~icnce tobeis ChriH called aTht ftrfl fruitJ ofthem rh:1t a 1 .cor.•5kcuc,...that the jl~·on:1fes ?f the ~o{pel_, and tl~c Jlupe.. bec3tlfe as the firfi f~uits ofcorn~ which I bcnems thcrof,as E!ce1Jon,Rcdem})tlon_,Iufh- B W3S offered to God did tanCt:ifie the whole 1 fic:n.ion, ~~nCl:ification, and Salua~ion,bcl<:~ng crop: fo Chri!l h~s rcfi1rretlion, ~id make :l~- to hun p:~rucular)y.And thotJgh tlns be agamU: ccptablc vmo (,;od the scfurrcC'bou ofall h1s al humane fcnic and rcafoa,.yct fcciug we hauc members. j ; a fanhfu!l ~vitndfc, :1t~ouching ~he ta:ne, ~vc . In this title i~ comprifcd a notable comfort I I mull fubnut our fclucs \'llt<? b1s tcltlmOnt~: for all Gods ch1ldrcn, againfi the immoderate vnbelccfc we greatly dr010nour our Wit fcarc of death,Ifluhnhad (aid, Cht.;{lr' th,ftrft ! nct'fc~bcarc:r,by denying truth vmo hisrecord. /Jornt of th: filling, it had been agreat comfort: Here thcnvvc tee, it is no.prefup,ption (as the for then h:1d he fhcwcd. that the liuingSaims P:tpifls fay) to bclccuc am clcEtion..and faluaon c:trth were €'hildrcu in Gods f.1mily,hauing tion in is a horrible fin ne in cChriilfor cJdeH brother: but calling him ucr'y.onc that rcpcntech, not eo ~eleeue it; fee., the firil begotten ofthe dead, here is 3 further ing Chri(l,a moH tJirhfull witncffc,teHifics the comfort:thc-Lord ihewcth hcrcby,v·:hat fpcci~ llme to our confcicnces· by his holy fpirit. 311 rrgard he harh to.the f2ithfull that be dead : Hereto :~HO {cruc the Sacr;;IJncn~s 1 i,nllituJcd fOr cuen thC,whcn they bedcad,thcy continue by God, to iCalc vpvnto cyer,.y worthy recc-imembers ofhis family, and haue Chrifl Icfi1s uer, Chrifhndalthisbcnefits. The miniilcrs C dead and buried, reckoned among tht:"m fOr giuingof the brc2d and wine to them that theircldcilbrothcr.• lnr~gardwhcreofChriA: 1 rrucly repentJ is as much as if Chri~ 01ould hath a double right among the de ::'Id : firfiofa fay, Bclceuc tl\OU, apd !rfcctcrnall bclongsto King,fccondly ofaPrid'l. The right ofa king thee." _ · . •.: . >:. he hath, to command his members to rife aA,;J th, ftrjl b'Jnfl<tl of (he d,ad. In thcfc gain<, and to emer inro glotic after him. The \\'ords ~s contained the fccqp(,\pAicc ofChrifi; nght ofa Pricfi, whereby hcc offcrcd vp himnamely, hl~ P1;itj!ho.od :. rhc principall a£\:ions felfe in death, a facri.fice accept:tblc to God for "'' dying, in riling againc from the fantlifying of thc, de; ofa! his members: t'11c dead, an~ .. n~~k~~1.g intcrcdli01, for vs. for by his deathhce tooke. av-:ay the fling of AnJhcn; s~ lohn, "lludct~,to thc, cfbtc of the death, and bath madcvnto thrm "fwrctdlccp flmili~San~o1~g';.hc 1C\o\;-C9,C.P.h?'Pafin,g Chrill: to in the graue, as ip a bed of downc, OUt of the fidt bOU(C: for ·as :Jj;J9'/g them;.be whirh which they fl1alJ O!lC day rife tO CtcmaJJifc and was fidl)l,o;nc , ""4 cld_cl\ ~f the fa!)1ilic, had gloric. , . m:1hy pril!i!cdgcs and pn:hemintccs.abpue his And Prince of tbc lfingJof theearth. Here bret!Hcn;1 .i~ Lordl11ip 1 right of~hcPridlhood, D is the third tide giuC1} to Chri!l, \\herein his ai1d dopblc',Rortion, &c. i?f:hrifl he hath his office is cxprcffcd. He is called aPrince priuilccfges,, ):c~ cucn Cln~fl- crucificQ,h~ hath oftbe ~ngJ of the c~r,th, in tworefpells: Fi~fl, h!~ prcrogatiu~s among the dcad)abouc :1l th_a( as he tsGod. the ~qn~1c ,of God, eg.uall wuh arc dead. So~ Paul cxpou:1dcth this tidcz,caiJcth thc(athcr~and fo ts kmg,togethc: \\Hh th~ fahim, 7'hefrft bonu,dnd beginning of thc: &;R4{ , ther :~nd the holy Ghoft~ ~ouetmng a~! th,ng: tbat he ?night J;:ute m allth~ngs th:prehemif!c1te, with them by the filmc clwwepower? m hca.uc Col. t. r·S... ....,. ~-. _ J • ~ • ! I in eurh, and 1n hell. Secqndly; as h~1s Med13... The priuilcdges of Chrifl de:-~d, ::lnd.byrjcd ! tor and Rcd~t:mc: , Gqd an.d In?ll,. 111 twona3mong all the dc-:1dJ. arc n\·o: firfl,That hJ!M'.as ' tures. Jn tlus relpr6l he fatth of h_imfe.lfe,.AI/ the fitft tl1a~ cuer ro{C from death to lifc,an< power il gium to tl(ui~~t'llllcn axdi1e.arth,Mat. to glory.Some indeed hauc riicn before Chrill- -28. J 8. And p,wLf~an, .Godgaue h,m a1;ame ~Phi!.:. 9, 1.o. from llaturall death ro naturalllife as !Ja:::.t~rm abonc t fJtl) JJamc., t?t 't'J[·uh t'IU1)' k§u jl;oH!d l>ll_t it w:1s tQ <he againc. :And _Mo/c.r' an~l.:JiiJ;; bpr",cu~n as he is J\1edi3tor.And in this fccond I ~ifu .med their bod.ics in the Mo~mt v.'it~l Chrifl 1 rcfpc~thc i~ called, A P1·in~c o[rb~ kfr:gJ ~~ rhe! 111 hts tr:lnsfig\lr:tnon: but yet they hud ~I;! em , I eanb m thts place. ., NO\\ .Chnft b~em~ 3 : .do·.Yn againlo\he forrnepmifcricof.t:oqupti6 j king, mnH n_ccdes h~uc a kmgdomc.,~ch, · -~.-~. j -~-.--~.~~-==-~-=-=--=---~~~ is \