1 I the 1, Chap. of the'Rif1e!. --~~· ·-"·- -;·:-';;;;3: ·1 jwf5. ------------~--"·--- -_----~- .··---! f, is not_of ehis wodd, (hu1ding in the might and /A·l /y i;1rbr: d::; o/iffo~;b/i;1g;_'Pf11!r, 1 6~.3~ M_c,;·,\(lj.ll ! / po!icic ofdrrtari, as cJn:hly kingdomes do; but I Jly, chey bdc't:uc mChrdl:, as he 1s thc1r~S~1n;;: 1 it is fpirituali , diredly concerning the hc:arrs /i. our, but'ili~t Js nor cndugh, th~y mufl<-O~f 1 and confcicnccs ofmen; where hcc ruleeh by l himalfo,as he iS the King ot'PrincC's.Mariy'pcr- 1 his !awes. And thisis his priuilcdgc~ v\•hid,l /1 fwadc thpnfelucs) they h·auc'agoodf.'li'?JJ.-:n cannot be giucn to any creature ;m:m, or An... . ClmH thclr Sai1iour, ·which little rcg:u:d OIJc:. · gel, eo rule and ra~?~e fp_iritU:J.lly i_n the heart I dienee to·him,.:'ls chcir King and lord,But :ch1 ey' and confcicncc. I Ins (pintu.all k ..m;;domc of I': 1 d,.. :ciuc themklues : f(H·no.t1'c·can h~uc ChriH:I Chrillls ci:cn:ifcJ l,lot by d1mof {word, or forthc1r Sauiour,which h::me'him not for t}lcir . force of~rmcs, but byhis holy word,through Lord and tnl fkr: ricithcr cloth that man be-= the worke ofthe fpirit: tor hc:c is tt King which lecue in Chrifl, which will noc flriue td dOl1i~ 1 carrl~thhisfcepteYii1 his momh, eucnh·u ll"ord 1 j will. And eh is our obcdicn~~ muft be f11C\>\':d . Jf:l. 11, 4 • Tbttt is the)·odof his power , 6; which I in performing thofc dutiCS'\1\Jhi{h wee Hea'rc; I hcrHiesthebe.1rtandconfcimce, enerJinzhemid~ and1carn'Goutofhisholy\'vord• •, '::-: .~. • tkjfofhisenemics, Pial,ll o, z, Thirdly, {ering Chriil rs·KingofKi,g!, :ill Now·ChriH: is here imitul<:d, Princeof the Princes muH do bim fcruic~!for thsyb-e :'111 in~~ Ki"{'"f tbuarth, in rwo rcfj>ccts: Fir!l, be- B feriour and fubiecho him, Pfa~7::r r. T~ls'fsj c:mfe he (and he :1looc)as Mcdiatour, can giue thecounfcll of theholy ~li16A:~(-!i 13cn--ifouo~~c, ;1 flr. 1 f.:.to'. 1Jwes to binde the confci~nccs ofmen: yea, of o.7ee KingJ., heiMtned:(.t'eJudgeJof the _taj·rh:~": 11,11:, the greatell Mon:uch in t~lc world. Secondly, kjj]erheSomu,e:§·c. that rs, im\rafdly rcltcl'enc'c,· bcc:mfc hce bath foucraigne power oucr all :tnd <hltwardly obey him; ~This their hornrlgc· 1 Kings and Pocentatcs, :~.swell as ouer othcts, mull: be fhcwcd,in all the atfaires-oftheir king-- to faue, and to dcfl:roy: for not onclyhath hce domes; They muH frame their~hv,·cs afic'r the . power. to make a 1:~-wc tO bind their confdenhwes ofChrilllCfus; they rhufl fhcwc mcrtfe_,· ccs; but a!fO if theykccpc' it, to faue them: if cxercife iudgcmem, keepGoUrts, Aflifd,~bc-; I theybrcakehis lawe: he bath power to dcllroy ginnC 1 tnde, and continue warH~--at"cordinff io them, be they wh01r theymay be. Heehath the his commaundcments. And fo' in cuery thing; ) kt.Jer of heaucn, ar.dof hell, to open, andtoJhut at the direction ofChrifi fl10ttfdbce-rheir gui4e ::J • ' his plelt]Ure,Rcu.3·7· He Cln, If he wm, lcadc:' 2S it wastoDauid, Thy!tiwei, 9Lo'rd,hatJe/Jem I them to-ltfc, and f:1ue them: or cls lcaue them m_y counfol!trs,Pfal.t 19.24. ' , to their own mind. and fo dc:Hroythcm,Hencc Fourthly, ifE:hrifi be fouei-aignc I(ihg:thcfl arifcfundric infhuelions. all earthly Princes arc bound toplam; :~.nd c.:.' Fir!l, fccing our Sauiour Chri!l is a Prince C !lab!ilh in rhcir kingdomcs rh~ religion of ofthe grcare!l Monarchs ofthe world,& is far Chritt,clfc how can they lhewe rhemfclues his oboue then\; we mu!lthen with all feore and loyal! fubicC\s 1· Many imagine, that earrflly trembling reuerence his maidlic. Great is that Princes maY. admit vnto their fubicC.tsariy rcli..: reuercnce which meny~cldc to earthly Pringion,for the peace·ofthe citiil Stacc: but this i~ ces: oh then what rcuerenee lhould weeperagain!l the equiry of Gods Wotd in'this place: foyme tohim, which is Prince and Lord of all for \'l•hcrcin can earthly Princes· doe homage the Kings of theearth ? Wcc:mnot conceiue, vntd Chrifl,"ifihey maim3incnot his rcHoi'on? ; what bonourwe:owevnro him, which is adAnJ their d1tty in this bc~·alfe is fig-~ificd' · uanccd in the throne of all maiell:ie. And this pbincly in the parable o( the matriagc. For our rcuerence wee mult (hcwc, by hearinghis when they that were bidd·e!j;djd not £omcihC word, wit'rttremhlingand be!eeuing hearts, :ts King fcnt forthhU b feruants ("':hich m~§bee 6-tuk.t .. pJ. lfoJ faith , chap. 66, : . Wee 1)1U!l not dare to ~nderilood o_f Cljri!lian Magi!trares) to c;mthinke,or fptake ofChrifi,without great reuepel/ mm to come to the m4riage:for·tha.t is ChC rence : AthU nam~ euery k.!tu muft6owe : that Magifhates dude, in r'efpett of d1c oui:\;•artt is, at the confider:Ition of the great maidlie ID profdTion ofuue relig~on": ~ ~"._ ~ .J .. : \\lhertohe isnow C:<:Iltcd, euery he:Irt, eucn of Fiftly, feeing Chrilt"~ond"S'Prince of thC the greatcH: monarchs,fhould be touched with Kings of the earth : hencC ~t\•ee: learne , t11at ~ 1 fubmilli.on, a\•I!C, and rcuercncc. If this•rookc Kings on earth in their doinlnions, ate fottc....; place in 1nens hearrs,thc name ofChrifl "''ould r:~ignc goucrnours ouer all pcff0ns, ond i.n\111 not be fo prophaned and blalphemed as iris; in caufeS)lextvnder Chri_!l: he is King of Ki\l~s icAing fports, in curling and fwcaring, abfolutdy,andthcyarevnder_hirn:~.Ionc, and t whereby men toffe it likcoball,wirhoutall rehaue no other head but him, Whereby we fee u~rencc to fo great a Prince as is the King of rhcprefumption and arrogan-c!CofthcPOpe,& ~ Kmgs. Sea ofRomc in claiming Supremacie abouc itt' Secondly, fccing he is King of Kings, w~e Kir1gs and Princes in the wh6~e Church vpQJ.l mufl: giue him abfolute obedience. Princes On earth. Tliis is a dcuifeofthcDcuill, and high t earth mull: bee obeyed, fo farrc as they ce..mtrcafon againfl.Chri!l: for hereby hcc is rob- ' mand in ChrHl,bm he nmft be obcicd without ~c? o~ this r~oy~ll prer?gatiue ~to· be: the OJH:.ly exception, not onely abfoJutely,and pcrpctu.. Pr 1 ncc of the kmgs ot the e·anh. · ally in :l!l his c6mandcments,but moO: willing1aflly, fccing ..Chrifl is King of :1ll kin·.,s ly_a~d freely ( as it is 13.idc )'"his f_!!plecome fi'ce- \YC mull norbe difcouraged, whCwe De cailcJ to