r: ---~-~--- 1 n+ Jln Expofoion vpon \ wf:. ! i---·-: - --·- - ----·----=----- ----------- j to fi1Jfcr any affiialt>n fo·r his trmh : let the ty- ' A good bcc~ulc he loues it. ~ ----, j r~nj~s !JfJhc !'=:tnh ngc and bend th<:ir fQr(c to ,., Scconaly , whcrc3s ~::&im lofm :md all tf 1 e i 1 1hu.u V!>, yet we hauc a k.ing a.bouc them all, for L.burchcs of Alia, as Oti.1cr true Churches doe 1 I !w~.on~c \"C l~ffc:r: ho isthcJr ktng)1~ c2n fiay & bclccuc, and arc alfurcd that Chn!t loues thcn 1 1 b. id\~ thet!l, and if bee plcafc, confound and (for thatS.Iohn takcth for granrcd)tllis fhould I ~mufc: them u1 pciccs. They cannot doe any moooc all men to hauc thiscnc,. to labour athing, but th:lli: }"hich he permits; for he rul~t bout all things to bee rooted :u.1d grounded in. 1 in~~~ mid/fofallJui enemies, Pfal.t J 0 ..1. h·e ca.r1 the louc: 0f God, lccing he placnh that ill the \ break ~hcru in peices lik~ a potteas \'dfcl.Thusfidl pla..:c. This is'a principa!I thing, wherein 1 much of Lhc: ot\iccs of Chrdl. the ApoH!c w<:>uld h;ltlc rhc: Ephefians rom.cd I Tht;.fccond i,3n of C'luifts d£fcril'tion is by ~n~g_rounded;~md therefore praicth,.T~atwi1h i ths ~.::H·cut.ttrll of h~s ?Cftccs., vrhich confiUs iu ~ll.:umzrsth:; ma; bte abl(to co-mprehend , what I foure .worhs, ThefirH c6~;aincd in thcfc v.'ords, u th( 6rMdth, t?nd lengtb , depth, and height, I Vntobim wl1i~h lolfnf.v.l: the fccontl in thdC,. tlnre-of. Eph.2.h7, 18, 19. This vve doe wl 1 cn I M?hich wll/htdvs i11·h:.l bload: t}1c other two,. !:n wear~ affured in he~~~ ~nd con(cicnce, by the the two vcrfcs '"''.hichfollow~t, vi~.-6.'and7. workmg of Gods fpmt, th:.lt hec loues vs in F<?r(l~c fidl, lPhilihlontdvs,thatis,Jolm and Chrifi. So thath<i'c which deni:s vmovsthe I rht Churchc:~of...t\{ia, and byproponK>n, all B aifurance of Gods louc in Chrill, t:akesawa.y_l Qthcr cht,uchcs 1 bcing p:~ns ~fthe true ch-ar,b.. the veryground ofour faluation, l \ ·The lQUt of Chtinhath thrcr Jcgsecs: the firft Now that wee may haue this aJfuran.ce of I is. a. g"(llCra.l louc, \\ \1crcby hcloues all his crcaCods louc, we muft in all good duties to God 1 • turcs, at)prooaing the fa.mc tobegood as they "1nd ~n drawe necrc to Godw;th our h~arts, \ Uc 9is b;J crcadon, The fecond is-the loue of k~;cptng agood (On[cicncc in all things, anlit I ma·nkind, in Lhat he.was content to become :I thco will Gocbdraw neere tG:I vs. IfIV1<J manlo11r l\cdcctl\cYior m~~kipd,aftcr their fall, and no~ m« (fitsth Chrifi) /mwill k.;epe my trord, and (qr ~ny ~thcr qq.tu,r c; no not for the •ngcls, then my Ftrthcr)J?i/1/ouehim ,audwe:- willcome in. w\1ich fell as well :J:s.man : who therefore ;cv~tohim,anddwell nzirhhim, lch.t4.2.j-. mca- -.n~in~without ail 1\upe ofljJuation, Thcth;rd mng by the holyGlmll; which ihall/!:cddnhis . 1 andprincipallJ is,tl!_Jt whereby bee loueshis cloue into o11r he_arts, Rom.5.5, cat1fingNs to inlea :~.nd"thofen children; which,is, thatJJucial! creafe in the feeling thereof, as wu orowc in fa:~._o~n, 1;.-hrre.by. he.c. ffccrpts of rb9" to life euerlafaith and obedience towards him. :J .fimg. This.rhird qcgrec: ha1.h two pans: Full, .Ar.dhathwafhedv sf omoftrfi"nesinhii Blood. it.istakt'o for hisp~rpofe to Icue: as when he Here is the fccond benefit and aCtion ofChrift fa;irh, l h.<tu lou<d lacob,4»d hatedEfau, Rom. to his church.Where firll ofall the vcryfhrafc 9,.13. Secondly, for toe act oflouing; which is C harh wa(hedvs, doth impon, that the ftnnes of the declaration of his pttrpofe by fpirituall bemen are as filthy fpots in thtir foulcs: and that ne flu, t .Ioh, ;.t.ll.eiJoldwharjingulArluue G•J. himfelfc and ibis church ofGod werC.touched hathjlJ11wcdvnto V.f, that wejb.ould. 6e calledthe with a fcrious conilderation oftheir vilencffc:, fonnet of God: nQting tb~ dcdlra.tion of his byrcafon of their finnes: fonvafuingp~efuplope in the gift ofad·option. S<> in thi>~erfe,by poferh former filthindfc and pollution, Thu< I thcloueof Chri!t vmo his "Church, io meant• did D auid mo!Hcn(Jbly fedc his owndihhit-he.a8:u,all Jectaratioo ofhisfrcci:.:ll [3uour, in ncffc, and fee-his mifcrable dlatc, when hce accepting~hem for'hi~ children ,and beLlow.., defircd the Lord to 3 wafh himthorou!hi.J: can... IPfaLsu. ingnm>y hngular blcffings vpon.thcm. fcffing thereby, that his foule and bodic were Whcreu ~. /ohn1'laccth thts \n the lirlt fo fouly llaincd, •nd polluted with limtc,that plac~of all the bcnc6rs of Chri!t; That hee luonce wa01ing was not enongh :but faith bee, ue.tb.JJih~ would ~e1,ch vs,That thisfpc.cial-~uc Walh me againc and againe, rincc, bathe, and isthevcry ground ofmans.rcdemption;wh)ch fwill mcc in the blood of Chrill, till I be purcxcludetl> all forefccuc faith and workcs from ged and cleanfed fi·om all my linncs. And this beemgmotiucs o.fn1ans clctlion inGods cter- ,D {ameaffe1~lion fhould bee in cucry one of vs : nall counfcls, k fo proportionaUy,all forcfcen wee lhould labour, that our hearts may bee li,nncsJrombeing mociucs in God ofmans retouchedwith aliuely fCnfe ofour ,·ilc c.Hatc by probation'. reafon ofour finnes, whic.h make both bodic Ir m•y be obiet\cd,Tht!oue ofGod os al(o , and foule mofi vgly and filthy in Gods fight:& of man~n:fpcels a rhlng·as it is. g.ood: Firtl,the that the ibi.ne hereof is fo decpcly fet io our thing mull be good, and then Jt ts, louc:d : an_d fouic:s~ that we can neuer bee clcan{cd, but by [o in m:-~ as rcdcmpti.on God fir!t fordeesth~Ir thewa(hing of Chri!l his ownc hand, arid that good!'Jdfc,anQ therefore choofcth them, .All[. rn his ownehc:uu.blood : y.c:a' that one wafll· There is grc:u diffcrc:-ncc bctweenc the: loue of ing will not iCrue, but wee mull bee rinced / I : ' il crC3ture followes the goodneffe ofathin-g·:h~- this conlideration doe in fame mcafi1re t3ke cau(i.' he fceth it is good, therefore he loues If. place in our llc3rts , it is. not poffiblc that I !_ [ht crca.t·. 1 _re,and of the cre:nor.The louc ofchc and b.a~hrd therein. For till fuch time as I But God the crc:1~or firfl loues the creature bewee fhould loath finne as wee ought; or fore it bpC good, and hence it comes, thaJ;_it is come to. this comfortable affurancc of Gods ~,_..... ..-' -~ -~ -----j~l:_, _\---