Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ 1.26 !!.An Bxpojition17pon -- ~,-r6 -. _ ~. L.-~0 -,.- 3.~-_,- , w/g rJJcrnlu P-2u!, or Ap;;ji~u, or Ccph4s, or the _A. 1 dome ofGod bcgt:n in ilic.m in this life. -B~t - -- ! j::. world, or l!f~, ordcalh, whether rhmg1 prefont, t~c full frui~ion _and pcdC.a poffe!lion of thi, ono cow..e , e~on allureyourJ, and yu Ch:"ifl-1, longdomc,1s rclcrucd to be oiucn ;u the end cf I 1 ~- But ifChriHbe km$•. and all his mcmthtslifc,and at the day of i~dgcmcm. And :'I.S b::rs kings, ho\'1.' dot they ~ltfcr?.Arfw, In two true bclccuers bt KintrJ in thiS \\'odd tO Jikct points: FaH, Chriil is tile IQnnCofGod bynawifc be they Prirjls,i 1 ;..,cffcring JPiritu;li facrit ! tur<:,·:tnd fo a king by natllrC1 hauing: the right fice to God, and dedicating and confccrnting I I of rhc kingdc:ma: ofhco.utn . by inhcritann::but thcmfclucs to his fcruicc 2 11 the.· d::tYcs ofthcu· the members ofCluiH arc 'unnes of(}od by~- life. - [doption in his. iOnn(.·:, fo that Om\rigllt to that The dlitd point is,the m:lnncr how true be... !klngdomc JS not by nouurc, but by grace, Selecucrs becon1c kings and pridl:s :thcy are not I con.dly, Chrilt i~ an vniucrf011l King oucr the fuch bynaturc,ncithcr dotb thi.!> di1.rniticcome I Angels 111 hcaucn, the <::hmch on canh,~nd all by dc!Ccnt in theblood or birth-rig ht, or by I otln:r creatures whcrciocucr; his regiment is any ot~ICr priuiledgc theyhauc from m::m·, but abiO!utc in the hcans and confciences ofmen, ondy fromChrifi lc!i1s?\·\ ho by diuine ca"lling 1and he can by his y;on! bind all things: but makes them fpirituall kings. aHd prieits, like :ls I true bclecucrs be not vniu~r!Jl Kings,tor they B vnder the law,by folcmne elcCl:ion andordin3h~uc no fupcrioritic 2bouc good Angels, and tion.fomc were m:uic r:arthiykingsand pricAs. . rhc Church. Neirhet~Jrc thc.·y :1bfolutc kings as Now in thiscallingofChriH, two things'Con- ; hccis, nor ofrhcntiClLlcs; but by Chrifl Icfus, ntrre: Firtl,ClmH giuctll his members righrto · and as they p:lnicipatc with Chf iil in his kinghis O\\·nc kingdomeand pricflhood: yet not fo ·1 dome. ~ , that they can cxe<mcthc re_s:iment fHflaincd. I , i'he fccoud part of the dignitie of true beby ChriH,or performe the oflice of his prcillj lecucrs Hands in this,Th:u they b&pridls (OJ1... hood; htft bec~ufc they haue ri-ght inpan to (ccratt :md fet ap:lrt by Chriil, to the wodl1ip thefe office&, and the benefit of them both rc- '1 and fcruice ofGod here in this lifC in fphit :~.nd dom1ded1 tO them '''holly.And this right th~y truth, and in the life to come J to fCruc aud h:tuc,isbrought to paffe·in the colli'namofthe ~prlifc him ctemally. Chritl he is a pridl,iO are GofJ,d: whei·ein they m-e bonnd to bclecHc in i ••'011l h1s mc~bcrs; but yet there is difference. God through Chrifl: and Cod!~ bound ag:lin . I Fir_(l, Chrifi he is :ln ctcr:ull o~1d rcall pridt of to giuc vnro them Chrifl V\'ithol his bc:ncfirs:athc.ncw Tellamcnt, whid~ offcrsvp 3 true, remm1g which,thefc two muft be :lccounted:for ~llJand cxtc;:rna!l pr_opitiat<?rie facrifi~c toGod C 1 tndtede 1 eucry thing which belongs to Chrift, I the F:lthcr forth( Jim1es of mankin.d.As for beas he ismc:diator 1 is conucyed in fOme fort to lceucrs, they 3rc not reall andcxtCrnall pridls., euc:ry true bclectier. Secondly, in this diuinc but fpiritual,otfcringvp fpiritua!l Sacrlfi£evncalling,Chrilt endues ail hismtbcrs wirh gifts f to.God. As when opy member ofChriH giues and graces, whereby they are enabled fot the arr ahncs, hcc offers a fan:ifice to God, not a dutic:s.ofipirhual kings'"and pridls vnto Cod. cot·porall (a.Crifi,c,tbougb the thing g!~:~cnbe a For asChrlfl is annointcd, fo are all his mcm.. bodily(~!\anco:but it is eucry way lpirituall: bcrs.So the PfalmiH fp<.king ofChri!l faith, for to Off'cr arcall outward fl/J;rifi,c in th •n~w Hee t~ amtointed with the o;te ofgladnef[eaboue TC{l~mcn.r, is proper eo Chd!t.Againc,our SahU feOowes, Pfal. 4)· 7· Therefore hisfellows uiour Chrifl he is a pedeCl: pridl , and offers vp {that is,bclccucrs)areannoint~d with tl~e fame a. pc1tCCl, but we bceing imperfeCt, do oyle, though in lefie mc~tfurc. An~ Saim:lolm otfq.vp inlpcrfcCl: ~~crjfi(c$,tOi11tCd,and blcmifaith; Tee hAHC YCCtiued the ~11110Jnfing,:::, John o,·cdwith fiunc;yct accepted., pcrfctl,for the z. 17.Yea God himfc!fe charsctl1 wicked men w~TthindfcofChriHs facrifice. not to tortthht1annointed. Pfalm. 10 5. 5I, meaThe fccond point to be contidcred, is the o' ning not oncly P~triarks,kings,and ProJ_>hCtS, tiinc whc.n bclccucrs be made kings & prkfis; but all true bcleeucrs,who are thenannomtcd, na:mely., in this life. F0-r ::>.sin the entrauce ~mo '"''hen they are endued with the gifts of the -:!n earthly kingdome there be degrees: FaH, f:tmc fpirit, in feme meafit re, wherewidr 1 : tohaue ""Ood Jight and title to it;. fccondly, ro Chrill in hlsmanhoodc was filled abouc: meaget p~Ciion of it, wbtch is more then rid~ fure.!y; :mdyet ifamans title be good, ~h"u~h The fourth point: To 'v\•hom h<lth he -made 1Jc want poi'feffion he may he called akmg_.So7 them kingsand priefls?Anjil'•. ToGod, eH en rhe • 1 whh GoJs chil~rcn, they haue the. nq~' Ftuber.This is added for fpectall caufe,to pregiucn them ofthe kmgdo~c ofheauen 1? thJ.s ucnt rhat carn::tHlibert!c which rn:ms nature l lik,and in that rcfpcCt arc ku1gs.FunherJm the might claime from this fpiriruall ro~altic : for poffdlion of 3 kingdom there be two dtgrces~ men mig~t fay, If:111 bclceun sbekmgs, then \ firlt, the cn;rancc vpon fomc part: fccondly, mav they liue as they lift: bm th~fc words (vni the full andperfdl enioying ofall.NO\v c~c:ry toGod)doc fbc-..v,rhat the right ofthcir kingtree bclccu~r.btgins eo enter poffdfio!l of the dom, with theoffices oftheir prieHhood~mufl kii-:Pdem thislifc:forie-Rands 3 in all bee rcf:erred to the honour :m<t pr::ttfeof rigl:reoitfHef{e ' toy >4~1dpeaa: 3nd they w~ich God, \'ntO whorne they arc made kings and h.auc thcfc ~~~gs in their he:trts,h:we the ktngpriells.