-------------------- ---·----·------- - - ---'- ( tbe 1. Chap.o/ the'i.\evel. 1 H1 i -L-a-lt-ly-,-hc- adcicth, E:un Ius fi~ther,by way of · A tions ofour (ouks.We ,;;Lift norlookC forit.li' 1·---, expolition,to0 1 ow more paniru!arly ro which oucr earthly kingdomes; ~ut herein Har:ds otir I ofthe pcrfqns they ar~ firH of all m:ul~.ki1lgs & · k11:1gddmc 111 dus world, 1 hat V\'~C canlubdUJ· / Prklls: tOr rhc ride God, mull not here bee t:tou: ~·o.rrupc "affc:dions, ::tnJ kc-cpe our bOdies ken abiO!utcly fur rhe diuinc n:twr(";rbur wtrh 1 &: loules in obcdiC:cc vmo God, !fa man were rcU:raint ro the firfl' pe-dOn, rhCf~uhcr; vnco Prince oucr dlc \'\•hole canh,and yet could tiot ; whome :~:I) true bc1ccucrs arc made Kings and rule him!Cifc:, he were but a poorc Prince, n:ly I pricfis in rhe firft place, and from the f:nhcr ro he were no P rince imlccdc. But rhough a man the !Onnc, :mJ from them both, to ~he holy hauc not tO m·uch as a footc of grOund in this 1 Ghofi. And rhc firfl per.fon in Tri:nitlt~is here \\'orld,and yet can rule and maHcr'himfcJfe,his 1 named abouc th~ re!l, not as being a&o·ue them rhoughts :md affcCHons , this m:m is a valbnt ' in dearcc or honour,.for fo they be equall: but prince, and one wbomc Chrifi hath confecra-tc beca~(e h.c is the fir(ho order,& the fount:tine to be king in he:lllen. · ofthe Godbc:1d, which is conuayed fi-uri1 bun lnflruU. I I I. Seeing \Ye be kings ,~\·Cmufi· ro the Sonne, :mdfrom them both to the holy doe the dutic: of iudges: for tO' hun that is a GhoH. , 1ll king bclongeth tOucraigne iudgcmem. In tht Thus much for the mcanin.g of the words: day of iudgcmcm the l Saint~ jlMil iudgt rhtl 1.COiG. Now follow fun dry vfes,fro:n che copfidcrari- 1 1 JPorld, and .Angt/1alfo: but \\'cc mull be iudgcs 2' 3: on ofrhc.fC t wo dig~o~iri~sofbal.ceucrs.And firH in this world. And yet here wee Can ncichf:f their kingly dignit1e affotd.elh ·matt.Cr both of iudg<> men nor angcls,but vyemufi be our own inHruC1ion and confobtion. · • r: Judges, \1\Tlrercfot'e , as Iudges furD.mon, at! JnffruEt. I. VVhcrc:ls :1ll true bclc:cuers :1rc raignc,coitdemnc,&c. fo mull We exatninc oUr made tl'UCkings in thi!rlifc(; hereby cucryone (clues, call our felucs to accOunt, arid as guilry that profdfcrh ChriftiJn religion is taugln, to pcrfons :lc·cuf~ atrd condemn our fcluesf6r our carry himCclfc as an encm)' to all thofc that arc !inncs :acknowledging wee be \-\•onhy t6' be of the kingdomc of·darkendle; as n::tmely, to c::tft into eternall damn:ltion with the dcuill & finne, :1nd Satan, to the flc01, and the world,chis Angels: And withall plead (or pafiion;an·J. uen tliro·ugh the \\'hole cour!C ofhis lifc:for by approach to the throne of gr:tcc·~ ahd forgiu'C..; c:J.Iling cucry Chri{lian harh ticlc to the kingncffc inChrill :- and in tbis we flirwour ft-!Ucs • dome of heaucn. \Vb:~t 3ffinit.ie thcn Gan \\CC vprighr fpirituall Judges, and by this mtmic's· hauc with thofC that bee·both enemies of this \\'Cc fl1all bee free from thC !udg'ement ,tcf kingdomc,,and of ChrHl~himfelfe, that made com~. ' vs kinss'N"ow that wemay.fo eany ourfclues, C Injlmil. I I I I. If,vebe kirlgs by Chri!l,we I as enemies, wee mu(l doe thcfc three things.; mufl carry our felucs as Kings-couragipuO'y, & 'FirH, hau'ecarc to kcer.c gnard;and"dcfcnd our conll:amly in the affHttions & mifcrics' whicH· fcJucs, :lS kings againH all our enamits, finne, wee fl1all fuffe1· for Chrifls faki:!:. For h~rcin :fSatan, our ownc fle(h, and the emiccments of mOng the reel !lands the royalftc ofaking,~h~C th.cwotld, As kings protclft thc·ir kit~domcs, hcc bearcs with a valour and co(tragc all the fo muft \-\'c labourto keepour foules & bodies, troubles which befall him. Hence it is,- th'a($~ and j:Uery faculticantl part ofthcm,our wills, Peterexhorts vs to rcioycc in ajflt8Nn.s~ ~~tk"!ft affcCtibns;·thoughts, and im:linat.ions ,.frO the wear.epart~f<.!rJ of Chrifhf~lfi,ri{I[J, z'o~Pe~:~4f. . povh~r offinnc: H(which is borneofGodkfepetiJ I 3· and fo are ma-de conformable vA~hhl himfolf!(as with watch an~ ward) thai themill that was confccratc the Princ;eofour f~lu'a\ii.bn one.lh.tt USatan,touciD.himnot 6y th't'affimluof through affiitliOns, Heb.2.10:·:r,n• :~ ) ~·t::.rl fin.e, t. I.'?h. 5. I 8. Secondly; wee nou!l make lnjlruil. V. S~eing WC bee frilrirual!-king~ wane col~tinually a'gatnll Sathan, finne, our we~mufi aboucall tl~ings labour and fcckc td"l qwrie ll<llh,again!lall oudpiriruall~tlC\nics,& hau<:ourpart in th~ kingdolrt:llf1Qhri1t,<~r~driu all the cn~icemems~of.theM·orld:~,.\'C mutl i11akc his righteoufi1effe. A Chrifiian' nluH rlo~H:rl.J't 1 no truce·with them, bc<aul'c-thcy v.iJI11cuer be r5 his·hcart glewed &fall tied vh'to'thethi"gs•>:lf J reeoriciled vnto vs,'(i! long as Wc•hauo~lntcrc!l this world,it~is ag:iin!l his_callir)i;:'Qut•hc. m-Q·fi J vmo1hc lrngdon)<>ofl><>aucn; an11-if~ve y~dd fo vCe rhis world, as though he ¥fed i>notl r# to rh'en'i ' \\"c l6ofc""ou-t'k.t'tlgl~ dtgnitic,·and be. a king t11ould Jaydo\\'lle his·e-!oWne, ~l1d'go~ j <ome'rh'i:i~-vaflals)a'n'!l'b.,,j·dO~u• .:rl'i.ir<ily,,vc and bec'oril'e a llwphratd 6t of'f6me m~t\)1211 1 mufllabourto kill and d<"!h-o)" !h<'(e-~o\Jr- enc' erade, all mei>Woulil meruell a.-i·t. So it far&ih u1ies ~h>irth ·,~ j>o'ltBly1 wc ean,~y1lli~1'p~wcr \virh thO!n rh,t·p):rlfeifc th_ct~•\;1~csro·l>e Oh\'"il f wd\tllt'cf\-om Ch"'r1Ai'dt~he"ad,·~nirn14c v'ali-a'th h1ans, anO.~~.t ~end their "'.'t~ an~ codcauOlJ~-5 i r kingsr?~lrlo !i:il_j~·u,Jl_~t>d M rh11i: choinios, whollyfor •hefe.vorldlyctlnngs : they. dotJO~ : [ 1and from thy eo da)'"Jtrlire ro•van<]u-ilh6arhan, it were ta(t;\ft~e\:~~ir•ki'\'p\Y,~IdNI'icJ'&·ab:~~ ~ 1 hiitio\1..~?a'niti~i~1~e).!&o'lfurCemt th'eV<·brfd, thcmleiU~si<>lhltillflfifn~agc~.r'l1llt. ""'~c iN1!; 1 !} a·O'd·rorweaKcn~buf~oWii@cQfr\tpd3f¥.1 "J cucr after h-:\uc OlliihCansfixcdtllil'itauen ! flti~ ~. h Ml)un. I-1: 'If 'ui rnei!ife"wcbi1Jiilgs tho >1\ng{o~o"lnc'to<l?t~·~r>lict\'dlftc.th!;'ci; ··'>"'L '• j nnift~,·"'c· D'e-Co.,hc Lhrtls•oltc'f· Our-~'hld ;'::ind I: lnjl~,-~~fl'.l\T)~:VSttelng,_~l~t.~)~l~Q,'e ttJth:~"l:!~? ~ kccpc in fupicCtion vnto Gocl ·ot1r ~~ills and • of Chntl: be hmgs tlnd pnnccs ~ ~11S'04ou1a be~ 1 aiTrCllOns,~nd tht~fe-erc.r d\oughts an~d h11.:li1:1:1· i 1! an indu(emcnttO-.::lll back·ward·pr.~fot\s f.Q;J(}l~e 1 ·- \__._ _ _ '-----""- _ - ·- -=""---·-=--=~-·,ocl J___ .,,\1