Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

----------------· --·---··-· ·--- -~--- verf-6,;~~- -- -- -- -- thn Chap.oj the'R.,evel. . __ · ---·- ·, f portion : The Leuites l11d no portion in the . A fee him •yea eUen they Which l:~.'J· Land of Canaan, but the tenths onely, :~.The . • . ,r ' · • · jeC•'-"''" ' Lordw.<nhcirporr:on. S.o wee bcoing Pricltsto I petrced htm throurrb .' and all I G od , mu(t be content with any e!late in this · /,; d ol •· 1 6 . h /l fl world,foi God is our portion. Wee mn!l not "f!.nre f OJ t!Je eart ;!J.41f fcckc too mnch afccr any inhcdtanceon emh, wa 11 fe helore him Euen 10 J for then we cary not our felues l1ke pnclls vmo ~ .J 1 • :J J 1 1 I God. ThefauourofGodinChriltmu!lbcthe dmen. , ' •· thing we long tor,~ therctn,rn_ull: wc.rc1oyce. · .··. -~.... i To him b~cglorie anddominion, for euqrmore, . Thcfc words·.are a declaration of the fou,nh 1 .AmeJt, Thc:Cc words arc a thankfgiuing to god , :~Cl-ion of our Saniour ChriH rov~·.ard.s his I for the .former benefits of Chril~ 9cflowcd on ~ Church; and ~h:n is, his[ccond· commin{; to , his Cl.wrch;Which S.lo/mpmtcrh iii before he judgement., tO. iuOgc both qu·icl<c at~d'·de:td. ' hauc cndcQ1his recor~ of the gr;1cio·4s W9J~Cs Wherein we arc ro confidcrJUudry.poincs:i11 fi ofChri!} fot: his church,as it -.vert intcr:-upti11g this note of at:tcnrion, Behold: fe-condly ,·the him(cifc,for the grcat.dcfiro.jle hag !l! !QCg!q. aclionQ[ Chri£15 COQlming it fclfc;};(rciii:Jmh .. ric of God. _Whereby we arc taught, th~tthi: B third!y,the manner bow,witbc/vpdr;amplificd coo[t<jcrati.S ofGods benefits tPWl:!rds vs, fpct by the manifc:{latjon.thcrcof, Euery·qejha!ifu cially iuch as conccrnc th<> ~ing<}C;Jil!C Qf hcahim, e:ten rh.c_y t.h;tt,peircedhtm: fourthly;theeft,~ en, tho_uiQ lliqc vp pu~ to ~!Uf: CQl}tiI fcC~ of h~s commiog: .AlltrJbes of '.be earthfhaU nuall pra1fc and glory to GQd. Tb1s \'V'I~ I)a._ JPmle: Fifdy,?the.c.onclufion of·rh1s narration, 'fi4.r•affe4}ion,v)'hcnh~ tCh in hi~ fot.~Jc the par- \o'Yith two notes ofa{fcucrati:on,Euen fo,Am ei;, don of_his.finncs, a.nd thcnfor~ h~ brel}.ks out to,,onfirmc the fecond·(omming of .01n!l to into ~hi$ th~nkfgiuing; M'! foul~prqlji- (kourh• all people, . . , . , ' Lord>andforget nqf althjj ben•Jitl, f.' fa!m. 103, · I. Point. B<hQ/d. Firlt, S. John beginncth 1. Alldfo d.i4 Ptt11l, ~ftcr ~he Qldfed. m~rnorie this.narration· \vith a note of attention. The QfGq<Js tncrcic in his voc~tion, t.Ttm.I.I7• fpirit ofGodis accuft:omed, whCi1 any thing i~ Sccopdly, ip this e-~:Jmple of Ioh!l wee may .of cfpccjaJl •weight, and \North· our carcfuii lcarnc,w.lur is the true forme ofgiuing thanks marking,to prefixe before it this note ofattcno. tQ Goct, narncJy, to afcribc vnrohjm~V poyvcr tion; Behold·, odi1ch like. He,ncc then ~vc.. are glory, and ;tbfolute dpminiop for cuermore. taught this fpeciall dmie; namely ;.often and But alas,it is too tpQ rHanjfc(l,tl}ac our cqrrupt euery day cO\rndHy and,kr!oufly to bethihke nature )'I ill not doe this, hyttakiQg from God C , ,o.ur !clues of t:be fccond comming,of Chri!l to his due, bdtowet.b it on c.reflt~rcs, yea, Qn our 1 : iudgcmenr. This confi'dcrat1bn is a matter Of ownc [elues. It is 1- m;~.t:t~r of gr~ce toknowe .great vfc, for it is an.otableme.a.nes tO beginne what is dtJc to G0d, anEl to a[cr_ibe the fam.e and continue the conucrGon of' a finnCr vnto vnto him, and therefore we are ch.arged togiue God. When the Scribes &·Pharilies; obfiin3te vnto the f.;ordglorip an4po)ver,which in ~benext enc•nics, camc..w the baptifme of S. Ioh11. ,· bee words he calls!hegloritofhis name, Pfai_.96.7, vfcd this as ameanes to make.them to turnc, 8. So Chrill he teacheth vs to afcribe31l pow. and bcleeue i,n Chrill, faying·,, Ohgcnerat1•v~~ er, glery, might, and tio1.nini9.n to God, when viper!, who httth forewArnedyou thatyrm /ho111d weefayio the Lorps prayer, F~r thine i& the jliefromthevengcancetocome? Matth. 3.7. So k.;_ngtUmr, thepower~ (ln.d glo~·ie: thatis, The Perer :vferh this-fame Argument, to bring thC kingdome .of heauc9 is ~bin.c:all power in he.a- , Iewes to repentance : exhoning them to turne uen and earth is thin~, ~nd therefore all gloJic that thcitjinncsmigbt b, put away ,,when the d/ay is thi11e; and from our hearts we do afc.ibe the ofrefcfhi•g(rhat u) the day ofiudgcmentfboy!d fame•hto thee, come,ACi. 3•19, Pardpcrfwades.rhe Ath.eni" Lafily, S./ohnaddcth, .Amen,,that is, folue D ans to i-cpctitance, Becaufo there Ma day appoinit. Lot all gloric and dominio.n bee ginen ro tcdiwwhzch the ~rdwi/1irtdgerhcwo;·ldby,!tfi't Chrilt; which is the fame bee l:1ycd before, Chr.j/ , ACls.r7·3l>.p. · . •· Whereby he doth re!ltfic his·fcrtll:nr affeeli01>, Secondly, this llOtc of arremion (ernes to and !lrength ofdcfirc,after the glory ofChrilt, flrikc our heacrs with a feare and FCUerence of clfe he would not haue doubled his thankfgiChrilt IetiiS:forit oiuesvs warning that hcJhal uing.And fo it il10uld beewich vs, wee fhou!d come to bee our ~~~CTC, Wee ar~ couched with not frecfe in our rhankfgiu~ng fOrGods bene3\oVC and rcucrence t~ward earthly Magi!hats, fits, bur labour to hauc our hearts and tongues when we confider that they haue authoritie to to double the fame, that thcrby we may tdlifie attach, apprehend, and to briog vs to their our f~?rucnt and carnc!l: dcfirc after his tpr~ife courts and afTifes: How much tnorc fl1ould this and gloric. workc in vs a reucrend 3)-ve towar.ds ChriH,– v.7. 'Behold, he commeth l!._ith cloudr, andeuery eye (hall when we confid,cr,That one daywe mufi all be brought before his Tribunall feat,and there be iudgcd of him. , I I. Point. The eomming ofChrilt himfelfe_; · lfe comes.. that is, Chrilt locally defcendeth fro thC - ----·-··-----------------:.::.:..'..--'