Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

.dn €xpojition 'lipo~--·---- lwf?. the higheH h~aucn) in his m;mhood , to rhat A j-on m F.he clouds. And rhe rcafO,;;,-b~nn~hc ! · p:1nof thi3 world, where the douds be, there \ c~mc fi.rct. to bee :1 rcdc:mcr, :1nd J S:tuiour by [tdgiu::: iudgc:mcm vpon :11! Ullnkuu.l qulckc & h1s fuffCnng;:md rhcrctor-c came in the Hate of dead. Here markc in what nunncr l ohn pro.~ a fcrulnt~ Buc hfs fe<.:ond cornmino is td bcc'a poup.ds his comming: .he taith not, hcc tl1;tll lu~gc. of aH men, yea, of his cn~mics ; :md 1cpm'c , bur in the }1tc!Cnt time, he~ commctJ,., t~ercfore hcc C()mmcth Vvith <~llm!gh?~· maic- ~ Whereby hrc would re:~,.-h vs: fir!l:, that thiS {he, and gloric,to {hew himiclfcki~a and lord , !(cond comming of Chrill i~HlS certain, as if ·it ofaiL• ,,. 1' •• ~. ~ 1 \\•ere n?w p:ciCnt. Secondly,that it i~ not long Tlk vfc:~ of this his fCcOnd commfng, arc t ro,.or tar off, but will be quitkly.Thtrdly, that fer downc 111 the 97· Pfalm, to make the vcrie ~ ourduty _is,to conridnofthe cOming ofChri!lmoumaincs to tremble, tO confound the"vic- \l 2S ~fa thing r~rcl~m. this Saint lolm learned, Ked and vngodly, and t0 COmfOrt the oodl)lin 'I&: fo fh.old.wc byhis example, for itis am:mcr that Uay. ""· · .? ~ of nrcat v{e._For he-nce w.c arc tllught, to de fir~ S«ondly·, for his open 3ppcaranc~{Ettefh•l and doe th;'lc·cucry d~y ,which ~:c would defire eyeJh.ttllfoeiHm, hcC lltall co~11e in m~ic(t'ic adl.! !and doe in the dayof iudgemcnt ; and blcff'cd B glonc: hot fccretly, but :n,vifiblc !hewe toall ! i.:.i he that attaincth hcreuntei. · ·· · the World. All tilen fha'll fee him wi-th their !· Now th:1t wee may con1c to the praChfc: of owp Cj•es:~ll I fay,:Vhich ~'rcrc 1 this dutic, \\'Ce muH daily confider of the: com.o began to h1~ commu1rr ~,,, -· ~ i .aning of Chrift,not u a thing t.o be delayedor In thefc .words he~~ touched1three pbints~' · fanc off, but as~ thing pre!fcm. Wcmufi cuery Firfi-, he takcth it· here for graunccd ~ tli~at cuet.: ' day call our [clues to reckoning >ndaccount; ry man lhal! rife f~&d~th to l>fc, thoughthc!~ and pnfwadc.our fclucs ehis may bee the lafl death wcrc·nt:ucff01hangC, or naoC:r fd·-IOn~ : d;~y; and fo fl1al we carry our feJues cuery d3y, before. Sccondiyi dHit all illen b~ei·ng raff~d ai :s.s \"''c would in .the laH day. Now wee would gaine,fhal11auc hfc,3hd-i+loll"on, aaij their·fenl ! w.ilh 3t the 9ay ofiudgcmcnt, that wee did relcs rdlor•d to the, as bttorcth<y died."''lfinll :~ pcm and bclceuc i9 Chrifl: and the·rcfore cuery ly, that ;yJl tncn,noneexcep'rcd,('hall,con"ic iafi ! dayofour life, bdorc the laH iudgmenr come, Haild before the tribiin3:11 fC"atcof. CfiriW, and j we ought to repen.t and belccue in Chrill. If therebe iudgcd of'him i'Otl1e clouds~ ·· ·" _,; 1this duc~c wcrc[raClifcd, w:Jhould finde lcffe · The GGnfi.dcratfon \\'hereof is, Firil,anCx- ; corrupuQn, 3n mere grac_etn o~r hear~s, and cecdingcomfort to 0ods £hildrcn,in'that they l·Jdfc linnc, <lnd more.obcdtence 111 our hues cbceing dead , and rotten in their graues ,-fl1all 1. u.ery day th·enether: but .grace Uwanting, and C ' rife, and r~cciue theirhtC,andmotion ·;and fee 1 1. finne ah<:>unds. , bccaufc this meditation cakes Chrifl.thcir Sauiour, and iltdgeof all men.If~ no place in our.he.arts. Againe,in that he faith, man when hcc laytth him downc-to !leepc, He commcth, meaning in rcfpcCt ofhis manfhould bee tolde, that when he rofc he fuould )lood; hence we•gather, be is abfcnt fromvs, fee hisdeud father and mOther; or his decrcft I j in tegard of bodily prcfencc; and the beauens friends, \vhomhe faw Qbt'oflong before; this 1mull: containc him vnrill the day of iudgmcnt; would be a notable comfort to him, that now j ~ut if Chrill tli:cre alwaics bodilyprc[Ct in.the hce l11ould cnioy thcmagaine: but how fhrrc: 1Sacratn:!nt, hce col.ild not be faid w come) but greater comfort fhalhhis yecld toall the god- (onely to manifdl himfelfc, bccing before prc-. ly who hauc bin dea_d~androttcn in the gtaue, fcnt. And therefore the opinion of thofe, That th<yfl»ll bee raifccl vp, and not oncly which hold the bread to be really Chrifh eomeet< With godly friends, butcnioy Chrifl Ied-y,tObe in or about the bread ofthe facramCc, fi1s thC (onn-e-of Godrj which i"s the· friend of i's"tnoftfalfc :ind friuolous, flat .againfl th2.t arfriend's; ,:\•ho lh01ll giue.rhemnoroncly-Iif(and r.iclc·ofour flith, whereby wehold, Th;~.t bee morioR, but eternall life wit~ his owne m3ie- ·Comes frotn hc<1ucn oncly at.the laft d01y, in reflie. This .wits lolu comfort, thafthough hedigard ~f his manhood. D ed, 1" hcc be/ceucd hccfhould fee hi; rcdmnrr I I I. Point. The manner of Chrifrs corn~ with hiJ·trtJ, .And this fhould bCour comfort 1 210 ) I \ I i ·I ·i I I I l ! ming, in twO thing!,: Firfi, that hee comeJwith 01gainft the 'fcarc of death, anJ la!l: iudgc. ! c/!J:Uds: Sclondly, :4at his comming is-open,,md ment. I vi"/i61~to e~UrJ ey~. · Secondly, this ~sa terror to the \-t'ickcd,and ...:Fir!l,with cloJ<dJ. Here S.lohn fpeoketh •fto all impenitent finncrs, thatthey fl>all ( will , rct the mannerof the Propht'rs, who to fer out they, nill they) bee brought ;w the barrc_of PfallS. 91 , I God in his n 1 aidlic and g!?ric, fay, h~e eomu ChriHs iudgmcm fcatc, and there look on hnn with clowdu, rtdnonthewm.{Jof thewmde: as who is their iudge, ''"h6rhcy haue in their life J though he had [aide, hec comes inexceeding contemned and dcfpifed. And this confidcra1 m. iliC!!Hc and glorie. Thcfc words are adrlcd ~o tion may feeme to mooue them to repentance make a difiinClion bctwccnc rhc fir!l and fcwhich h:wc not bcgunne to repent, ~nd to laC(')nd commingof Ch:iH. His firft comming hour tobecome the members ofChrifi; as alfo in humiliric. borm· of a poore virgin, ento incrcafc and further repcnrii1ce in 'them, terraincd in a (bblc ofan Jnnc : but his fecond who hauc by Gods gr~cc ~cgun the fame. lt ~n~g~ch glori,c, •C:n~!a~ie~fl~i:cc,C:a~n::d::d:::o•::n:::i•.::i::_ - !_.:_::m:;:a:Ly.:b_:c.::fo:.:m:.:c:..d:..o:.:c:.:t_hinke_when they die, all is --' · - done,